List of governors

From YPPedia
Important.gif The subject of this article is obsolete and no longer present in the game.
Information presented here may no longer apply to the current game. It is retained primarily for historical interest.

This is a list of governors of the colonized islands of the retired oceans of Cobalt, Hunter, Malachite, Midnight, Sage, and Viridian.

Cobalt Ocean

Garnet Archipelago Chart star red.png
Carmine Island Ivdripper
Cochineal Island Phouka
Crimson Island Uninhabitable
Diastrophe Island Vexia
Echo Island Uninhabitable
Havoc Island Uninhabitable
Jubilee Island Uninhabitable
Mermaid's Purse Uninhabitable
Moab Island Uninhabitable
Napi Peak Jorgeanne
Nova Island Uninhabitable
Olin's Brow Uninhabitable
Pranayama Island Cohog
Radix Island Uninhabitable
Spectre Island Vain
Stormy Fell Uninhabitable
Surtsey Island Uninhabitable
Windward Vale Uninhabitable
Jade Archipelago Chart star green.png
Conglin Island Dukeofwales
Corona Reef Txrocket
Dendrite Island Amaesing
Dragon's Nest Euterpe
Erh Island Uninhabitable
Harmattan Island Darkmark
Hunter's Point Uninhabitable
Kirin Island Cybrpyro
Lima Island Minthe
Lonelywood Lagoon Uninhabitable
Olive Island Crazynancy
Prolix Purlieu Scarpetta
Sakejima Island Minthe
Swampfen Island Uninhabitable
Terra Island Dcyborg
Typhoon Island Ajax
Viridis Island Pharrothead
Xian Rock Uninhabitable
Onyx Archipelago Chart star black.png
Adder Ridge Uninhabitable
Ansel Island Pizzahutpete
Cabo de Hornos Uninhabitable
Charcoal Island Uninhabitable
Cormorant Island Guppygurl
Fintan Island Livngdedgirl
Garden Cradle Stevensam
Hadrian Island Uninhabitable
Kuhio Island Uninhabitable
Labyrinth Moors Santhiago
Last Stand Hill Uninhabitable
Oasis Island Uninhabitable
Polaris Point Uninhabitable
Raven's Roost Ladydrake
Sapling Island Uninhabitable
Tigerleaf Mountain Hohumdiddly
Whistler Island Uninhabitable
Yax Mutal Uninhabitable

Hunter Ocean

Canis Archipelago Chart star ice blue.png
Atchafalaya Island Uninhabitable
Armstrong Island Culture
Immokalee Island Uninhabitable
Moultrie Island Uninhabitable
Sho-ke Island Uninhabitable
Sirius Island Uninhabitable
Tumult Island Belle
Crab Archipelago Chart star blue.png
The Beaufort Islands Uninhabitable
Messier's Crown Uninhabitable
Nunataq Island Uninhabitable
Paollu Island Uninhabitable
Qaniit Island Uninhabitable
Eagle Archipelago Chart star purple.png
Cambium Island Uninhabitable
Hubble's Eye Klondor
Ilha da Aguia Naqash
Ix Chel Kenmeister
Manu Island Mistikpirate
Horse Head Archipelago Chart star coral.png
Anegada Island Queenbeez
Barnard Island Uninhabitable
Lyonesse Island Uninhabitable
The Lowland Hundred Sharkbate
Myvatn Island Uninhabitable
Orion Archipelago Chart star lime.png
Aimuari Island Belle
Chachapoya Island Cephalopod
Matariki Island Uninhabitable
Pukru Island Shortntarty
Quetzal Island Arcturus
Saiph Island Mauritius
Toba Island Uninhabitable
Pleiades Archipelago Chart star aqua.png
Accompong Island Ajax
Gallows Island Meehearties
Iocane Island Doubt
Maia Island Uninhabitable
Morgana Island Uninhabitable
Paihia Island Kickhead
Umbarten Island Uninhabitable
Ursa Archipelago Chart star red.png
Alkaid Island Atlantica
Doyle Island Muurphie
Edgar's Choice Uninhabitable
Isle of Keris Uninhabitable
Marlowe Island Aacprduction
McGuffin's Isle Uninhabitable
Sayers Rock Ochubb

Malachite Ocean

Basilisk Archipelago Chart star ice blue.png
Black Ogopogo Uninhabitable
Kithara Koro Uninhabitable
Marmara Odonata Uninhabitable
Mirovia Island Uninhabitable
Rheic Island Uninhabitable
Sargasso Island Uninhabitable
Tasman Reef Uninhabitable
Tethys Island Uninhabitable
Zechstein Island Uninhabitable
Chameleon Archipelago Chart star blue.png
Ebony Serpent Uninhabitable
Ivorite Island Uninhabitable
Lilac Island Losgar
Draco Archipelago Chart star purple.png
Alicorn Island Uninhabitable
Cetus Island Uninhabitable
Ichor Island Uninhabitable
Seirene Island Uninhabitable
Spizzwink Island Uninhabitable
Striga Cay Uninhabitable
Taniwha Island Uninhabitable
Threewood Island Uninhabitable
Wyvern Island Uninhabitable
Xana's Trummet Uninhabitable
Gila Archipelago Chart star coral.png
Acanthaster Spits Uninhabitable
Akhlys Island Cherd
Cinnabarite Island Uninhabitable
Eitr Glacier Uninhabitable
Fugu Island Uninhabitable
Mu Tambu Uninhabitable
Nightshade Island Uninhabitable
Scorpion Island Uninhabitable
Viper's Drop Uninhabitable
Iguana Archipelago Chart star lime.png
Emerald Ocarina Uninhabitable
Murex Island Uninhabitable
Woad Island Uninhabitable
Komodo Archipelago Chart star aqua.png
Arcadia Island Uninhabitable
Buyan's Vortice Uninhabitable
Celesta Isle Halee
Drogeo Island Uninhabitable
Duat Island Saltypaws
Flyaway Island Uninhabitable
Midgard Island Uninhabitable
Mu Abtu Uninhabitable
Zuyua Mist Voodoodoll
Lacerta Archipelago Chart star red.png
Barracuda Island Cleaver
Cenote Island Uninhabitable
Chelydra Cove Cleaver
Chrysalis Island Hephaestus
Cornet Island Uninhabitable
Morgan Island Uninhabitable
Saltstraum Rock Cleaver
Sconce Isle Uninhabitable
Stalwart Reef Uninhabitable
Whiptail Archipelago Chart star violet.png
Brunneria Borealis Uninhabitable
Granuaile Uninhabitable
Yemaya Uninhabitable

Midnight Ocean

Coral Archipelago Chart star coral.png
Angelfish Island Gummyworm
Delta Island Wheels
Durian Island Uninhabitable
Macaw Island Uninhabitable
Meke Island Dangerdann
Monsoon Island Uninhabitable
Park Island Jsweetie
Turongo Island Uninhabitable
Diamond Archipelago Chart star ice blue.png
Alpha Island Demeter
Byrne Island Hatchetback
Cnossos Island Chandani
Oyster Island Valient
Papaya Island Seahag
Turtle Island Lilredhen
Winter Solstice Silverdagger
Emerald Archipelago Chart star lime.png
Emperor Island Babydolls
Epsilon Island Prometheus
Gaea Island Redwoolphe
Guava Island Marajade
Spring Island Vova
Tinga Island Calamarie
Wrasse Island Seroled
Jet Archipelago Chart star black.png
Chaparral Island Grumbles
Dugong Island Uninhabitable
Eclipse Island Ajax
Hephaestus' Forge Marajade
Lagniappe Island Annaleese
Namath Island Koltie
Rhinoceros Ridge Uninhabitable
Xi Island Fannon
Opal Archipelago Chart star yellow.png
Boyle Island Uninhabitable
Endurance Island Lj
Flow Uninhabitable
Norse Island Uninhabitable
Nu Island Kymberlee
Orca Island Dolgan
Oseberg Island Uninhabitable
Waterberry Uninhabitable
Pearl Archipelago Chart star aqua.png
Cleopatra's Pearls Jthebear
Frond Island Dmitry
Nuptial Island Uninhabitable
O'Reilly Island Uninhabitable
Ostreum Island Homiedirt
Tadpole Isle Uninhabitable
Zeta Island Phin
Ruby Archipelago Chart star red.png
Cranberry Island Mousebeard
Eta Island Alohura
Islay of Luthien Basher
Jorvik Island Jainasolo
Lynx Island Uninhabitable
Midsummer Lazylubber
Olivia Isle Uninhabitable
Sapphire Archipelago Chart star blue.png
Beta Island Lordkalvan
The Horseshoe Crabs Uninhabitable
Iris Island Davsbrander
Remora Island Aurore
Uxmal Island Uninhabitable
Verdant Atoll Uninhabitable
Vernal Equinox Coepernicus

Sage Ocean

Dodo Archipelago Chart star ice blue.png
Ancoraggio Island Uninhabitable
Fluke Island Uninhabitable
Kakraphoon Island Shiri
Gull Archipelago Chart star blue.png
Admiral Island Reeves
Basset Island Capy
Bryher Island Uninhabitable
Cromwell Island Sun
Hook Shelf Uninhabitable
Isle of Kent Wister
Lincoln Island Apollo
Wensleydale Clio
Ibis Archipelago Chart star purple.png
Arakoua Island Gwen
Aten Island Uninhabitable
Barbary Island Nooblar
Caravanserai Island Merla
Kasidim Island Lissanna
Kiwara Island Ariastess
Terjit Island Uninhabitable
Tichka Plateau Uninhabitable
Osprey Archipelago Chart star coral.png
Albatross Island Cassiddee
Ambush Island Capy
Deadlight Dunes Uninhabitable
Gauntlet Island Miget
Jack's Last Gift Uninhabitable
Mirage Island Uninhabitable
Scurvy Reef Uninhabitable
Pelican Archipelago Chart star lime.png
Blackthorpe Island Hiba
Cook Island Uninhabitable
Descartes Isle Prometheus
Fowler Island Uninhabitable
Greenwich Island Lelantos
Halley Island Ajax
Spaniel Island Scditwe
Starfish Island Uninhabitable
Ventress Island Joshsivils
Puffin Archipelago Chart star aqua.png
Auk Island Uninhabitable
Cryo Island Crickket
Hoarfrost Island Uninhabitable
Stork Archipelago Chart star red.png
Amity Island Nedskelly
Bowditch Island Janepeg
Hinga Island Uninhabitable
Penobscot Island Arghhbreath
Rowes Island Uninhabitable
Scrimshaw Island Vnork
Squibnocket Island Uninhabitable
Wissahickon Island Flossebole
Tern Archipelago Chart star violet.png
Ashkelon Arch Akantha
Kashgar Island Thunderbird
Morannon Island Uninhabitable

Viridian Ocean

Garnet Archipelago Chart star red.png
Carmine Island Cleoh
Cochineal Island Ksb
Crimson Island Uninhabitable
Diastrophe Island Uninhabitable
Echo Island Uninhabitable
Havoc Island Afura
Jubilee Island Cairna
Mermaid's Purse Uninhabitable
Moab Island Yasmi
Napi Peak Nativepride
Nova Island Uninhabitable
Olin's Brow Uninhabitable
Pranayama Island Uninhabitable
Radix Island Uninhabitable
Spectre Island Orionxd
Stormy Fell Uninhabitable
Surtsey Island Whitehaze
Windward Vale Monlizzy
Jade Archipelago Chart star green.png
Conglin Island Uncharted
Corona Reef Captainben
Dendrite Island Avienda
Dragon's Nest Demeter
Erh Island Uninhabitable
Harmattan Island Madme
Hunter's Point Uninhabitable
Kirin Island Porphyris
Lima Island Demeter
Lonelywood Lagoon Uninhabitable
Olive Island Avienda
Prolix Purlieu Dagnanlian
Sakejima Island Minthe
Swampfen Island Andrax
Terra Island Cairna
Typhoon Island Nemesis
Viridis Island Monsterhunts
Xian Rock Uninhabitable
Onyx Archipelago Chart star black.png
Adder Ridge Uninhabitable
Ansel Island Luxory
Cabo de Hornos Uninhabitable
Charcoal Island Uninhabitable
Cormorant Island Uninhabitable
Fintan Island Ameranth
Garden Cradle Qvintus
Hadrian Island Curses
Kuhio Island Uninhabitable
Labyrinth Moors Monlizzy
Last Stand Hill Uninhabitable
Oasis Island Uninhabitable
Polaris Point Warchest
Raven's Roost Alivi
Sapling Island Uninhabitable
Tigerleaf Mountain Qvintus
Whistler Island Uninhabitable
Yax Mutal Uninhabitable

Note: Final update on 10/10/2011 before the oceans merged.