From YPPedia
Thalia is one of the Ocean Masters hired by Three Rings. She was hired as the seventh wave of Ocean Masters. No others were hired with her wave.
German article: Thalia_(Pirat)
Thalia is an Ocean Master on the international (German) Opal Ocean. Her welcoming event was called Whack a muse! and allowed pirates to challenge OM Thalia to a swordfight.
Dolls Awarded
- Azuth for her Avatars for Thalia entry March, 2010
- Gwiddon for her Avatars for Thalia entry March, 2010
- Hedvvig for her Avatars for Thalia entry March, 2010
- Podgekins for his Avatars for Thalia entry March, 2010
- Ecastasy for her Zomgrats! - Rats need love too! entry September, 2008
- Countess for her U Giv Doll - Part 2! U Giv Doll - Part 2! entry October, 2007
- Ecastasy for her U Giv Doll - Part 2! U Giv Doll - Part 2! entry October, 2007
- Faeree for her U Giv Doll - Part 2! U Giv Doll - Part 2! entry October, 2007
- Llamagirl for her U Giv Doll - Part 2! U Giv Doll - Part 2! entry October, 2007
- Trowserz for her U Giv Doll - Part 2! U Giv Doll - Part 2! entry October, 2007
In Mythology
In Greek Mythology, Thalia is the muse of comedy and idyllic poetry.
- By Littlewolfe
Below are winning avatars or received honorable mention avatars in Avatars for Thalia. All of entries made for birthday of Thalia can be viewed in its entry thread.
- By Tams5
Ocean Masters |
English Oceans: Cronus Demeter Hera Nemesis |
Spanish Oceans: Atropos Clotho |
Retired: Amphitrite Aphrodite Apollo Artemis Bia |
~No doll~ Calliope Castor Clio Dionysus Endymion ~No doll~ Eris |
Eurydice Gaea Galene Glaucus Hephaestus Hermes |
Hypnos Lelantos Mnemosyne Oceanus Poseidon Prometheus Thalia |
See also: Ringer | Dread Ringers | Narya | Nenya | Vilya |
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