Adrielle is a pirate on the Emerald, Cerulean, Ice, Meridian, Obsidian, Jade and Opal Oceans. She is also a player-artist. In the past, Adrielle was a member of the island design team. She also enjoyed participating in and running events on the Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates Forums, and was a player-administrator of Yppedia (as Addyrielle).
- On Emerald
- Currently a senior officer and Bait of the crew PALACTION, a princess of the flag Horizon Rebels, and a Commander in the Armstrong Island Navy in the Canis Archipelago.
- Won a ghostling from the haunted seas on the 21st of March 2025!
- Won a tan monkey from a spring green box in March 2025!
- Adrielle's Waterfall egg was a winning design in the 2025 Design Easter Eggs contest!
- Won the I'm Dreaming of a White Elephant... short story competition! Her prize was a white elephant, and a portrait with the wonderful and heroic Nemesis!
- Won an honorable mention in Ghosts of Doodles Past! Her prize was bluegrey handkerchief soaked in Nemesis' bitter tears, and a bluegrey bandana.
- Won a striped bluegrey shirt for the Worst Abuse of Nail Polish in Stocking Stuffers Ahoy: Naughty or Nice Edition!
- Won an honorable mention in Ho-Ho-Hoist the Cookies: A Jolly Roger Holiday Bake-Off! Her prize was a gold bandana and a flower trinket.
- Received an honorable mention in the Pumpkin Carving Contest 2024!
- Won a gator pet for Outstanding Sailing in the Cursed Isles on the 15th of September 2024!
- Won a tan monkey from a gold box on the 12th of June 2024!
- Won a karkinos pet on her second Atlantis run on the 10th June 2024!
- Won a periwinkle/periwinkle octopus with hat from a gold box on the 8th of June 2024!
- Formerly a princess of the flag Crimson.
- Formerly a member of the Crimson flag events team.
- In early 2024, Adrielle went on a mission to rainbow the ocean, decorating building foyers in a bright cheery rainbow theme. Buildings decorated in this theme included: Nothing Else Manors on Caravanserai Island, Swamp Castle on Bowditch Island, Go Oil Your Beards on Bowditch Island, Bring Out Your Thread on Bowditch Island and Bedside Manors on Admiral Island.
- Received a a Clotho egg, a Greenbones egg, and an event egg as a token of appreciation for her assistance with egg rendering during the 2024 Egg Design Eggstravaganza contest!
- Adrielle's 3rd egg won 7th place in the People's Choice Eggs contest in 2024! Her prize was Cattrin's pineapple paradise egg!
- Adrielle's 6th egg won 11th place in the People's Choice Eggs contest in 2024! Her prize was Ylisse's there once was a pearl egg!
- Submitted two winning Spring-themed portrait background designs (Dragons Nest and Kronia) to the Dec 2023 Portrait Background Contest. The designs were released on the Ice ocean in April 2024, and on all oceans in March 2025.
- Won second place in the Yule-Tides of the High Seas: A Pirate's Crafty Holidays event. Her prize was an emerald and crimson hat of her choice, a fancy easel, a portrait with at least one Ocean Master, and a Nemesis doll with a pleasant message!
- Received an honorable mention in the Sail-Icon 20: A Sea of Celebrations event. Her prize was an emerald bandana, a flower trinket and a Nemesis egg!
- Received a dishonorable mention in the Sonnets of the Seven Seas: A Pirate's Resolute Quest event. Her prize was a swift kick in the shin, a decayed rose trinket symbolizing Nemesis' "affection" and a rotten Nemesis egg!
- Received an honorable mention in the Leftovers Ahoy: A Feast of Battle Dioramas event. Her prize was A gold bandana, a flower trinket and a Nemesis egg!
- Got a starfish injury in Atlantis on 25 December 2023!
- Got an eyepatch on an Atlantis sinkrun with Djchief in December 2023!
- Former senior officer of the crew Suicide Rainbows.
- Former member of the flag Pirate Mafia.
- On Cerulean
- Currently a senior officer of the crew V Strong Crew, and a lady of the flag Huge Flag.
- Currently ranked as a lieutenant in the Tigerleaf Mountain Navy in the Onyx Archipelago.
- Former fleet officer of the crew Saints and Devils.
- Former member of the flag Heaven-West.
- On Ice
- Senior officer of the crew Librarian Libations.
- Lieutenant in the Eieio Island Navy in the Nenya Archipelago.
- Got a hook hand injury during a Cursed Isles trip navigated by Nemesis in September 2011.
- Achieved ultimate puzzle standing in Poker in September 2011.
- Came second in the Poker Parties are AWESOME tournament (Treasure Drop). Her prize was a Nemesis egg and 1006 PoE.
- Achieved ultimate puzzle standing in Hearts on March 28, 2011.
- Was given a Nemesis doll for this delightful entry in a Poker Party forum contest on May 16, 2011.
- Won a second Nemesis egg for drawing an anti-hugging placard (while hiding as her stealthily-named alt, Stealthyname, on the 25th of April, 2011.
- Won a Nemesis egg for writing a limerick at a poker party in April, 2011.
- Won a lovely red and aqua outfit from Nemesis in a haiku contest at a Poker Party on March 28, 2011.
- Reached ultimate puzzle standing in Treasure Haul.
- Came first in the shipwrightery puzzle contest on the 27th of January, 2011. Her prize was three drinking mugs.
- Former captain, and founder of the crew Amazin Arty Awesomeness.
- Founder and former queen of the flag Amazinly Awesome Antics.
- Former officer of the crew Fools Cold.
- Former lady of the flag Zamboni.
- Came second in the "Bludgeons of DOOM 3" tournament (Rumble). Her prize was a pair of tan skull rings.
- Former owner and manager of Adrielle's Ironworking Stall on Shatterstone Island.
- Won the "Shiny" tournament on May 16th, 2009. Her prize was a new magenta and white outfit.
Adrielle's achievements on other oceans can be viewed here.
Adrielle has been playing Puzzle Pirates since February 12, 2006. After becoming addicted the game after a few days of playing, Adrielle soon convinced three members of her real-life family (Kecapmanis, Ellenya and Jollyrob) to join the game, as well. Adrielle was originally from the Viridian Ocean, but soon began to travel to other oceans in the Puzzle Pirates world. At one time, she played everywhere, but these days Adrielle can mostly be found on the Emerald Ocean (although most of her items sadly reside on the Meridian Ocean).
- History
Adrielle started on the Viridian Ocean in February 2006, where she joined the crew Hell Avengers on her second night of playing the game. She was recruited for this crew from the Sakejima Island dock. During her first few months of playing, Adrielle quickly worked her way up through the ranks of the Hell Avengers crew. She was appointed as the crew's captain when the previous captain, Lenna, left the game in September, 2006. Adrielle was also made queen of the flag, Jewelled Seas, at this time.
During the first few years of Adrielle's captaincy, the Hell Avengers crew was strong, and its members were all good friends who enjoyed pillaging together. Adrielle's favorite quotes included the Hell Avengers battle cries of "mash much rich ships", and "team and mash". She could usually be found pillaging the seas of Viridian Ocean with her crew, proudly shouting these phrases before each melee. During these early years of her pirate career, if Adrielle was not pillaging, she was usually in Atlantis, at the Cursed Isles, or stalking the job offers on the notice board - eagerly watching for Atlantis and Cursed Isles trips to appear.
As queen of the flag Jewelled Seas, Adrielle expanded the number of royals and titled members, believing that the extra hard work of some members needed to be rewarded. Jewelled Seas went on to be successful in several event blockades, claiming a victory on (Adrielle's birthday) November 8, 2006. However, gradually, real-life commitments forced many of the old members of the crew and flag away from the game, and the number of members slowly dwindled. This newfound lack of crew-mates led Adrielle to finally leave the crew that she had been in for more than four years, and to go in search of greener pastures. In late 2011, Adrielle handed the captaincy of Hell Avengers, and the rule of Jewelled Seas, over to her long-time senior officer and first mate, Ellenya.
Adrielle then joined the crew Eye of Harmony as a senior officer. However, she soon became extremely unhappy with her new crew and flag, and left to create a new crew with her friend from the Malachite Ocean, Snowimp. This crew is called Hug the Hippy, and was named for Nemesis (who believes that people who hug are hippies) and Apollo (who loves to hug). Following the ocean merge in early 2012, Adrielle was moved to the newly-formed Meridian Ocean. There, she sailed with the Hippy Huggers, and discovered a new obsession with shoppe labor puzzles.
During May 2012, Adrielle decided that it was time to hang up her pirate hat and leave the oceans. However, she could not stay away for long. She returned to the game in mid-2016, discovering that she loved Kraken Hunting. In July 2017, Adrielle began exploring the Obsidian Ocean, and it quickly became her second home.
After a break of about 6 years, Adrielle once again heard the call of the seas and returned to Puzzle Pirates in October 2023. In her first few weeks back, she relearned how to puzzle and became a senior officer in PALACTION and a member of the Crimson flag events team. After a couple of months, she was royalty in Crimson, and started learning to nav. When Palaction crew left Crimson in April 2024, Adrielle chose to become a fleet officer in Palaction and a member of the flag Horizon Rebels. A short time later, she returned to the rank of senior officer in her crew and became a princess of Horizon Rebels.
Events run
- Ran a Cursed Shack Interior Design Contest on the YPP discord
- Ran the hidden objects game on the Crimson Valentine's Event Pillage in Feb 2024
- Was part of PALACTION crew's SO Skull Hunt event in Feb 2024
- Ran the Hide and Seek Game, and read the Trivia at the Crimson Xmas Party 2023
- Was a guest host, or "minion of stout heart" during the December Daily Doodles 2011
- Ran The Trinket Monster Mash
- Guest hosted Poker Parties with Nemesis (along with Kecapmanis and Ellenya) on August 29, 2011
- People's Choice Easter Eggs! 2011 (as Eggrielle)
- Love & Luck: An Ode!
- Hat the Un-hatted!
- Spring Fashion Event!
- Art for the Arty
- Fight Circle: Elder Series (Event coordinator)
- People's Choice Easter Eggs! 2010 (as Eggrielle)
- Make Adrielle a Clock! Win Prizes!
- Section Four (TWILIGHT): Werewolf (part of the Gothic Dawning series events)
- Amazinaddy's Mystery Present SF/Rumble Challenge!
- Amazin' Adrielle's Art Ask!
- Viridian's A4 Creativity Challenge (Event co-runner)
- Recreate My Holiday Snaps!!!
Adrielle has also been a volunteer judge for events including:
- The Lesser-Spotted Fishheadred
- Seuss it Up!
- Musical Pirates
- Is Rainbow a Colour?
- McImp's McQuickie mini event: Create Forculus an Avatar
Art and creative writing
Aside from puzzling, one of Adrielle's favorite pastimes is creating art. During her early pirate career, she frequently entered art and creative writing contests on the Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates Forums. She sometimes won, and always had fun trying to create the best entry that she could. Adrielle's unique art style, bright colors, and cute animations were popular among players on the forums, where she often created avatars for other forum users (her most recent free avatar thread can be found here). Some examples of Adrielle's avatars and art are shown here, and some of her creative writing can be read here and here.
Adrielle's in-game art and design
Adrielle was eggstatic to have two of her egg designs featured in-game in 2010 and 2012.
Adrielle designed five seasonal trinkets for the game during 2011 and 2012.
- Blooming anchor
(Released March 2012) - Daisy chain
(Released March 2012) - Mocktail
(Released June 2011) - Lucky charm
(Released April 2011)
Limited Edition Portrait Backgrounds
Adrielle has had 10 of her portrait background designs featured in-game. (In addition, her alt Ezzleart has also created a winning portrait background contest entry).
Obsidian Ocean Islands
Adrielle was part of the design team responsible for creating the islands on the Obsidian Ocean. She worked on Bogong Island (which she named after Mount Bogong in Victoria, Australia) with Kingofcards. The island is snowy - but not too frozen for trees and flowers to grow.
Kingfisher Island was named for the colorful birds of the same name, and features a gardener's corner. Point Petrify contains a coffin-maker's workshop, a lookout for spotting potential enemies (with a bell to ring if those on watch duty need to raise the alarm) and a graveyard. It also features a camp on the southeastern arm of the island - where interesting items tend to wash up on the islands' shore.
Loggerhead Island was a revamp of Alpha Island on the Midnight Ocean (which was originally created by the Puzzle Pirates Gods). Adrielle revamped the original island's design to make it fit the theme of Obsidian Ocean's contested archipelago. It now features a garden, and thematic fortifications. Three flamingos also currently call the island home.
Cursed Isles
Adrielle's Cursed Isles scenes were implemented in March, 2010. These scenes were later tweaked by the arrtists in June 2011 for release 2011-06-28.
In-game collections
Adrielle likes to collect things, including:
- Pets: Adrielle has a menagerie of friendly pets, spanning across several oceans.
- Familiars: Adrielle also owns many familiars, including a serpent (whom she named Sir Hiss), an ippolito (whom she renamed to Bubbles), a monkey named Skipper, an octopus named Sunshine, a monkey named Unimaginable Luck, a parrot named Amazin, a parrot named chocolate, and a parrot named Brilliance (a gift from the lovely Imp) - all on the Meridian Ocean. Adrielle also has a collection of familiars on the Emerald Ocean - all of which have been gifted to her from her amazing friends! One of these is a tan dragon (an early Christmas present from the amazing Jackkfrost). The dragon is unfortunately named Burden - in spite of the fact that it is clearly a treasure!
- Ships: Adrielle likes to collect and rename ships. Her collection of renamed vessels can be seen here.
- Eggs: Adrielle also collects egg furniture on the Meridian Ocean. A list of the eggs that she currently owns can be viewed here.
- Trinkets: Adrielle collects trinkets on several oceans. She amassed a large variety during her six years of playing Puzzle Pirates, and she was quite proud of them. Adrielle's favorite trinkets were her doll collection, which can be viewed here. In early 2012, Adrielle had amassed so many trinkets that she could no longer find places to store them. She decided to exchange some of them at the trading post for items.
As well as creating art for others, Adrielle also liked both creating avatars for herself, and being the subject of other artists' work. Adrielle accumulated so many lovely avatars that she decided to rotate them, showcasing a different avatar each week. Some of the most recent avatars used by Adrielle on the forums can be viewed below, while a more extensive collection can be viewed here.
- Pages with broken file links
- Familiar winners
- Island designers
- Pirate artists
- Viridian Ocean pirates
- Sage Ocean pirates
- Malachite Ocean pirates
- Opal Ocean pirates
- Midnight Ocean pirates
- Cobalt Ocean pirates
- Ice Ocean pirates
- Crimson Ocean pirates
- Jade Ocean pirates
- Emerald Ocean pirates
- Cerulean Ocean pirates
- Meridian Ocean pirates
- Avatar artists