Ocean Master

From YPPedia

Ocean Masters are ye Masters of the Ocean who have blue names and are named after Greek gods and titans. They are responsible for keeping the oceans clean and "safe" and moderating the Puzzle Pirates Forums. They take care of petitions, complaints, and other things while on duty. They also have the ability to "Magick" up commodities from thin air.

Ringers and Ocean Masters are normally members of the Dread Ringers crew on the various oceans.

In (categorized) alphabetical order:

Lead OMs

Ye olde salts

Ye middlin' hands

Ye fresh hands

Ye fresher hand

Ye extremely fresh hands

Ye shiny new hand

Ye even shinier new hand

Blindingly shiny new hands

Astonishingly shiny new hands

Pre-owned, yet astonishingly shiny new hand

How does someone become an ocean master?

The job of Ocean Master is a hired, paid, real-life job that requires an application and an interview. All applicants must be 18 years of age or older.

Whenever Grey Havens is taking applications for new Ocean Masters, there will be an announcement posted in the Forum.

See also

External links