Treasure Hunters Guild/Treasury Log

From YPPedia

Mission Board

Hunter Roster

Treasury Log

Guild Chamber

Event-thg-emblem.jpg Chronicles of the Guild

Herein lies the archives of the Treasure Hunters Guild. You'll find all logged information about treasures that have been found, a history of activity, and all other logged info pertaining to the guild.

Return to the Treasure Hunters Guild

Event-thg-emblem.jpg Treasure Tome

Welcome in...wait! Ye got permission to be here? This is the guilds super-secret vault to the chronicles of the THG. All boards, puzzles, prizes, and winners are posted here.

Board of Brigand Kings
Event-thg-treasures.jpg Event-thg-pirate.jpg Event-thg-ocean.jpg Event-thg-gp.jpg
Puzzle-icon-21.jpg Vargas the Map Jji Viridian
Puzzle-icon-22.jpg Pillars of Might Cowpirate Sage
Puzzle-icon-20.jpg Fruit Loots! Ariston Midnight
Puzzle-icon-19.jpg BK Combo Box Barneycle Sage
Puzzle-icon-18.jpg Gretchen in Atlantis Alvan Midnight
Puzzle-icon-24.jpg Barnabas the Wise! Swyft Sage

Event-thg-emblem.jpg Archived History

The guild promotes cross-ocean competition. Bragging rights belong to the ocean with the greatest number of the greatest hunters...period!

Guild Records January-June 2007
Event-thg-records.jpg Event-thg-date.jpg
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The Treasure Hunters Guild is given faux-approval. Feb/21/07
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The initial site is placed into YPPedia. March/24/07
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The Treasury Log Page is posted, with serious needs for edits and additions. I also plan to add a graphic to the left of the text in order to show what kind of announcement is being made. April/1/07
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The Board of Christening has been opened with five new puzzles. April/6/07
Prize-thg-tanrags.jpg Valandir of Sage has solved Pirate Birthday Suit April/6/07
Prize-thg-brwheel.jpg Prize-thg-anchor.jpg Prize-thg-brchest.jpg Shortyjack of Midnight has solved Ship, Wrecked!

Prize-thg-elephant.jpg Pillagerbil of Viridian has solved Lost Pet!
Prize-thg-comb.jpg Budclare of Midnight has solved Runaway Mother

Kovy and Baldo have recieved 1 GP for solving Ship, Wrecked! before submissions ended. Yellowshanks recieved 1 GP for solving Pirate Birthday Suit before submissions ended.
Prize-thg-coal.jpg Carrol of Sage has solved Unsound Methods,*Brawk!*
Faeree, Crazee, Spacehog, and Valandir have recieved 1 GP for solving Unsound Methods,*Brawk!* before submissions ended.
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The final puzzle of the Board of Christening has been posted: Ring of the Ancient Order April/10/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg SOS Announcement has been sent: Ring of the Ancient Order Midnight, Drinking, April 22nd 9am pst. April/19/07
Prize-thg-signet.jpg Pletoo of Sage and Kargach of Midnight have solved Ring of the Ancient Order. Kargach received the prize and Pletoo received the guild points.

Event-thg-lognut.jpg The FISH rule has been posted and added for future puzzles.

Event-thg-lognut.jpg Sage has won the Ocean Privilege with 10 of 21 GPs. April/26/07
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The Board of Proofs has been opened with five puzzles. May/4/07
Treasure-Universal hair dye.png Treasure-Beard control wax.png Treasure-Hair control tonic.png Treasure-Skintone elixir.png Orsino of Viridian has Solved Proof of Identity

Treasure-Sheep.png Drewboo of Hunter has solved Proof the Booch

Sangari, Bullettime, Carrol, and Aurige have received 2 GP for solving Proof of Identity before submissions ended.

Event-thg-lognut.jpg Submissions for Waterproof will no longer be taken.

Treasure-Whisking potion.png Threetwoone of Sage has solved U Gif Pruf.

Event-thg-lognut.jpg A treasure post: Childproof has been placed on the Board of Proofs.

Event-thg-greensos.jpg SOS Announcement has been sent: Darwin's Proof Sage, Swordfighting, May 11th 9pm pst. May/11/07
Treasure.jpg Valandir of Sage has solved Childproof. May/16/07
Treasure-Diving helmet.png Budclare of Midnight has solved Waterproof.

Darwin's Proof has been lost!

Event-thg-lognut.jpg The final puzzle of the Board of Proofs has been posted: Proof of Crossing. May/28/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg SOS Announcement has been sent: Proof of Crossing Sage, June 17th 6pm pst. June/12/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg The second SOS Announcement for Proof of Crossing has been posted. June/22/07
Prize-thg-silvercross.jpg Bullettime of Hunter and Feylind of Midnight have solved Proof of Crossing. Bullettime received the prize and Feylind received the guild points. June/27/07
Event-thg-lognut.jpg Midnight has won the Ocean Privilege with 10 of 25 GPs. June/28/07

Guild Records July-December 2007
Event-thg-records.jpg Event-thg-date.jpg
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The first Micro-Muse THG Event: Smithing Summer SLAM has been posted! July/20/07
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The Board of Mystics has been opened with five puzzles. August/1/07
Prize-thg-flagtapestry.jpg Bullettime of Hunter has solved Aye! Saw the Sign.

Event-thg-gp.jpgOrsino, Pletoo, and Alvan have all received 1 GP for solving Aye! Saw the Sign before submissions closed.
Prize-thg-blackskulldagger.jpg Fiercepirate of Viridian has solved Pixil Dust.
Event-thg-gp.jpgFeylind and Faeree have all received 1 GP for solving Pixil Dust before submissions closed.
Skull item.png Treasure-bone.jpg Alvan of Midnight has solved Bring Out Your Dead.
Alethia of Midnight has been awarded an honorable mention for solving Bring Out Your Dead before submissions ended.

Prize-thg-shipinbottle.jpg Diemydarling of Midnight has solved Old Salt's Tale. August/2/07
Treasure-conch.jpg Treasure-hanky.jpg Treasure-pie.jpg Treasure-coffee.jpg Alvan of Midnight has solved Magic Spells.

Event-thg-gp.jpg Bullettime has received 2 GP for solving Magic Spells before submissions ended.

Event-thg-lognut.jpg The final puzzle of the Board of Mystics has been posted: Atlantis Calls!. August/4/07
Treasure.jpg Budclare of Midnight has solved Atlantis Calls!. August/5/07
Event-thg-gp.jpg Dexla of Midnight and Kolibri of Viridian have received 4 GPs for winning Smithing Summer SLAM.

Pareia and Merethif have received 2 GPs for being awarded honorable mentions.
Llamagirl, Sleek, Kittyocool, and Shirato have received 1 GP for being supporters of the first Micro-Muse Event.

Event-thg-gp.jpg Keweney, Zaza, Daisa, and Keeta have received 2 GP for solving Atlantis Calls! before submissions ended. August/21/07
Event-thg-lognut.jpg Midnight has won the Ocean Privilege with 16 of 21 GPs. August/22/07
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The Board of Brigand Kings has been opened with four puzzles. August/30/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg SOS Announcement has been sent: Vargas the Map Midnight, Rumble, September 8th 3pm pst. September/8/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg SOS Announcement has been sent: BK Combo Box Midnight, Treasure Drop, September 9th 2pm pst. September/9/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg SOS Announcement has been sent: Fruit Loots! Midnight, Drinking, September 10th 4pm pst.
Event-thg-greensos.jpg Second SOS Announcement has been sent due to errors: Fruit Loots! Midnight, Drinking, September 10th 7pm pst.
Event-thg-greensos.jpg SOS Announcement has been sent: Pillars of Might Midnight, Rumble, September 12th 3pm pst. September/12/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg Second SOS Announcement has been sent: Vargas the Map Midnight, Drinking, September 22th 6pm pst.

Second SOS Announcement has been sent: BK Combo Box Midnight, Swordfighting, September 22nd 8pm pst.

Treasure-deed.jpg Jji of Viridian has solved Vargas the Map.
Event-thg-greensos.jpg Second SOS Announcement has been sent: Pillars of Might Midnight, Rumble, September 23rd 6pm pst.
Event-thg-greensos.jpg Third SOS Announcement has been sent: Fruit Loots Midnight, Swordfighting, September 24th 7pm pst. September/24/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg Third SOS Announcement has been sent: Pillars of Might Midnight, Rumble, October 5th 8pm pst. October/5/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg Third SOS Announcement has been sent: BK Combo Box Midnight, Swordfighting, October 6th 5pm pst. October/6/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg Final SOS Announcement has been sent: Fruit Loots Midnight, Treasure Drop, October 7th 5pm pst. October/7/07
Treasure.jpg Cowpirate of Sage has solved Pillars of Might. October/8/07
Treasure-hanky-white.jpg Ariston of Midnight has solved Fruit Loots. October/8/07
Prize-thg-coal.jpg Barneycle of Sage has solved BK Combo Box. October/9/07
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The fifth puzzle of the Board of Brigand Kings has been posted: Gretchen in Atlantis!. October/16/07
Treasure.jpg Alvan of Midnight has solved Gretchen in Atlantis.

Event-thg-gp.jpg Malraema and Cowpirate received 2 GP for solving Gretchen in Atlantis before submissions closed.

Event-thg-lognut.jpg The final puzzle of the Board of Brigand Kings has been posted: Barnabas the Wise. November/5/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg SOS Announcement has been sent: Barnabas the Wise Midnight, Treasure Drop, November 18th 3pm pst. November/18/07
Event-thg-greensos.jpg Final SOS Announcement has been sent: Barnabas the Wise Midnight, Swordfighting, December 14th 1pm pst. December/14/07
Treasure-turtle.jpg Swyft of Sage has solved Barnabas the Wise. December/18/07
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The Guild will take a brief hiatus and reconvene in March 2008. December/22/07
Event-thg-records.jpg Event-thg-date.jpg
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The Guild is returning from hiatus. Get prepared for more puzzles! March/5/08