Treasure Hunters Guild/Treasury Log

From YPPedia

Mission Board

Hunter Roster

Treasury Log

Guild Chamber

Event-thg-emblem.jpg Chronicles of the Guild

Herein lies the archives of the Treasure Hunters Guild. You'll find all logged information about treasures that have been found, a history of activity, and all other logged info pertaining to the guild.

Return to the Treasure Hunters Guild

Event-thg-emblem.jpg Treasure Tome

Welcome in...wait! Ye got permission to be here? This is the guilds super-secret vault to the chronicles of the THG. All boards, puzzles, prizes, and winners are posted here.

Board of Brigand Kings

Event-thg-emblem.jpg Archived History

The guild promotes cross-ocean competition. Bragging rights belong to the ocean with the greatest number of the greatest hunters...period!

Guild Records January-June 2007

Guild Records July-December 2007
Event-thg-records.jpg Event-thg-date.jpg
Event-thg-lognut.jpg The Guild is returning from hiatus. Get prepared for more puzzles! March/5/08