Treasure Hunters Guild/BK Combo Box

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Puzzle-icon-19.jpg BK Combo BoxThg-1-star.jpg


Prize-thg-coal.jpg Coal Event-thg-gp.jpg 1


The gauntlet has been thrown down by the Brigand Kings of the Seas! The first of many challenges has been delivered to the Guild in the shape of this box. The only clue reads across the top of the box, above some sort of button-combination key: One more than the rest, one less than the rest, one more and less.

Examining the side of the box, we've found the following: Puzzle-bk-moreless.gif

Final Deliberation

The first puzzle...sent to us in a well-crafted box, wrapped delicately, and topped with a fine silk bow. The clues left to us have only driven us mad, however, no matter how many have been sent our way.

So far, the Guild knows this:
We know the pictures, words, and letters are all buttons that can be pushed, and that the correct combination will open the box. Here the clues we have to help us:

  • The biggest clue is scrolled across the box: One more than the rest, One less than the rest, One more and One less.

  • From left to right, it's as easy as one, two, three...or should we say two?

  • From left to right: think Memento, Article, Letter.

  • Only three buttons. Left to Right. The first button determines the rest.

These are the clues we have...we must find an answer SOON!


Submissions are closed. This treasure was found by Barneycle of the Sage Ocean.


Admiral Finius > THE > A.
Finius has "one more" trinket than the rest.
Finius has "one less" word in his name: THE.
There are two "A"s in his name, which is "one less" than the three "i"s and "one more" than the one of the other letters.