Treasure Hunters Guild/U Gif Pruf
U Gif Pruf
Whisking Potion | 1 |
Help Wanted! My Flagmate is extremely angry with me and I don't know why.
Could someone please offer an explanation.
Here's how it all happened:
I was invited to a wedding ceremony for a flagmate of mine. I was very honored to witness the cutting of the cake. As folks were passing around slices, I had to politely decline (as I'm on a diet). However, seeing everyone enjoy the cake so much, I felt inclined to at least give it a taste. So I pulled the groom aside and quietly asked him if I could have a bit. He couldn't hear me over the musicians, so I asked a little louder, "While I can't eat a slice, could I please have a bit?" He looked mildly irritated and I couldn't really imagine why. I assumed he heard me wrong, so I asked again, "Sorry, could I just have a bit." Without another word he complained me to an Ocean Master...he hasn't spoken to me since.
Could someone please tell me what I did wrong or why my flagmate is so upset?
Submissions are closed. This treasure was found by Threetwoone of the Sage Ocean.
The groom did indeed here the man correctly. However, he misunderstood the meaning of "bit". As a pirate, he naturally assumed the man meant a "bit", as in "one eighth of a piece of the Spanish dubloon...or PoE." It didn't take long for the groom to complain about a man at his wedding begging for money.