Treasure Hunters Guild/Fruit Loots
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Fruit Loots
Napkin | 2 |
Time to hunt some Brigand Kings, Guild members! But before we set out after their treasure, we should complete our list of BKs and their favored fruit. Looks like we've got all but one...and you can't trust those drunken old salts at the based on the current list, figure out the final fruit.
Submissions are closed. This treasure was found by Ariston of the Midnight Ocean.
As written by Ariston on the Midnight ocean:
Clementine (or any other 10-letter fruit):
The number of unique letters in each BK's name corresponds to the number of letters in the name of the fruit. Vargas the Mad has 10 unique letters: V, A, R, G, S, T, H, E, M, D. Clementines were the first fruit to come to mind with 10 letters in the name.