Treasure Hunters Guild/Pirate Birthday Suit

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Puzzle-icon-1.jpg Pirate Birthday Suit (Found)Thg-1-star.jpg


Prize-thg-tanrags.jpg Tan Rags Event-thg-gp.jpg 1


Wanted: The color and type of outfit of some new pirate I saw the other day.

All I can remember is a hilarious snippet of our conversation the other day: Green Nooberman says,
"Naked? I ain't naked! I just be stranded on this here dinky island for a couple o' weeks. Finally gotten used to the sun, though."


Submissions are closed. This treasure was found by Valandir of the Sage Ocean.


Tan Rags. As the pirate is born (often times with rags) and is forced to sit under the sun, he/she becomes 'tan'. The rags matched the color of the pirates skin and thus looked like they were naked.

The guild recognizes a few entries that brought up good points and will address them:

  • Wouldn't the pirate be brown if they were under the sun so long? Yes, however, the guild had pun in mind rather than pure logic. Good point, though.

Inspired by Darkaardvark, of Viridian.

  • The pirate could have been born with a sash or other forms of clothes, right? Correct, but the most common form of pirate birthday gear are rags. And rags happen to be the most inconspicuous form of clothing to match the skin. And they are unisex.

Inspired by Feylind, of Midnight.