- For Gaea Island, see Gaea Island (disambiguation).
Gaea is one of the Ocean Masters hired by Three Rings. She was hired in March 2008 with the eighth wave of Ocean Masters alongside Cronus, Galene, and Hera.
Gaea has a brown octopus named Karpoi.
In mythology
Gaea is a primordial and chthonic deity in the Ancient Greek pantheon and considered as the mother of the earth, as well as the first Titan. Gaea was best known as "mother earth" in Greek and Roman mythology. She was also considered the mother of the seas, mountains, valleys, and all other earthly features. She was known to preside over marriages, nurse the sick, and was the first among the oracles. Gaea later mated with her first born child Uranus, and produced her other horrific offspring (Cyclopes and Hecatoncheires). Uranus was so upset by these children that he banished them all to the underworld. Gaea was so upset that she gave a sickle to her child Cronus in order to have him attack his own father. Cronus succeeded and scattered the parts all over the ocean.
Dolls awarded
- Maert (Hunter) for the VoodoOM Dolls 2008 event.
- Sharktail (Sage) for recognition of running the Reduce, Reuse, Remodel event.
- Travidar (Viridian) for building a life-sized Treasure Drop Table out of recyclable materials in the Reduce, Reuse, Remodel event.
- Hawkings of Viridian, for being a Dedicated Doodler, December Daily Doodles, December 2008.
By Lowko
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By Happyharlot
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Ocean Masters |
English Oceans: Cronus Demeter Hera Nemesis |
Spanish Oceans: Atropos Clotho |
Retired: Amphitrite Aphrodite Apollo Artemis Bia |
~No doll~ Calliope Castor Clio Dionysus Endymion ~No doll~ Eris |
Eurydice Gaea Galene Glaucus Hephaestus Hermes |
Hypnos Lelantos Mnemosyne Oceanus Poseidon Prometheus Thalia |
See also: Ringer | Dread Ringers | Narya | Nenya | Vilya |