Caravanserai Island (Emerald)

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"Caravanserai Island" redirects here. For other uses, see Caravanserai Island (disambiguation).
Caravanserai Island
Favicon.png Caravanserai Island on the Emerald Ocean
Large island in the Ibis Archipelago
Caravanserai Island (Emerald).png

Click on the map for a larger version.
Controlled by   Perfecto the Dubious  
Governed by   Leci
Navy color   White
Information about this island's pets is unknown.
Outpost Medium Large
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Uncolonized Map icon out.gif Map icon med.gif Map icon lg.gif
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edit chart

Caravanserai Island is a large island located in the Ibis Archipelago. There are three known routes from this island: Arakoua Island, Aten Island, and Kiwara Island.

Natural resources

This island spawns hemp and sugar cane.


The building name theme on Caravanserai is "Song Titles".

Painted Love (bazaar)
The Almighty Apothecary (upgraded)
Bad Medicine (upgraded)
Dye For You (upgraded)
Dye Young (upgraded)
Dyes of a Stranger (upgraded)
Elixir of Love (upgraded)
I Believe I Can Dye (upgraded)
Oops I Whisk'd it Again (upgraded)
Paint Shop (upgraded)
Spice Spice Baby (upgraded)
Sugar and Spice (upgraded)
Tinted (upgraded)
A Thousand LPs (explorers' hall)
Can Buy Me Dubs (upgraded)
Commodities market
Whoops, I Bid it Again (upgraded)
Whiskey in the Jar (bazaar)
A Rum Tale (upgraded)
Act of Scotch (upgraded)
Aesthetic Brew (upgraded)
All I Want Is Rum (upgraded)
Bohemian Rhumsody (upgraded)
Brandy on the House (upgraded)
Champagne High (upgraded)
Champagne Problems (upgraded)
Cup (upgraded)
Drunken Sailor (upgraded)
Escape (upgraded)
Green Mould Rum (upgraded)
Keg on My Coffin (upgraded)
The Malibu-tique (upgraded)
Mans Not Hot (upgraded)
The Mighty Distillery (upgraded)
My Face When (upgraded)
Nobody's Drinking (upgraded)
Red Red Rum (upgraded)
Rum Clears (upgraded)
Rum To The Hills (upgraded)
Sacred Hemp of Ibis (upgraded)
Shut Up and Drink (upgraded)
Smooth (upgraded)
Spiced Rum (upgraded)
Spiced Rum Shack (building)
Tequila Sunrise (upgraded)
Under The Influence (upgraded)
Wasted (upgraded)
Wasted Bastards (upgraded)
Estate agent
Build Me Shelter (upgraded)
Knocking on Heaven's Decor (bazaar)
Bed of Roses (upgraded)
Chest Of You (upgraded)
Crate Outline (upgraded)
Feel Like Making Loveseat (upgraded)
Furnished (upgraded)
A Cottage for Sale (right-facing cottage)
Dream On (right-facing gallery)
Funky Townhouse (right-facing townhouse)
Just a Bungalow (left-facing bungalow)
Love Shack (left-facing shack)
Love You Villa Much (left-facing villa)
Magical Mystery Mansion (left-facing mansion)
Mole's Town (right-facing estate)
Nothing Else Manors (left-facing manor)
Row House of the Rising Sun (right-facing row house)
Sweet Home Caravana (right-facing pirate hall)
Uncle Tom's Cabin (right-facing cabin)
Hotel Caravanserai (upgraded)
Iron monger
Misery Blacksmith (bazaar)
A Hazy Blade of Winter (upgraded)
Amazing Iron How Sweet the Sword
Arming Insurgence (upgraded)
Ball So Hard (upgraded)
Big Dirk Energy (upgraded)
Boom Boom Pow (upgraded)
Calm Seas Blacksmith (upgraded)
Cannonball Run (upgraded)
Cobalt Caravans (upgraded)
Crafted (upgraded)
Crimson Balls (upgraded)
Cry Me a Cleaver (upgraded)
Extra Large Balls (upgraded)
Forged (upgraded)
Greece My Balls (upgraded)
Howls Moving Castle (upgraded)
Iron Balls (upgraded)
Iron Heart
Iron Maiden (upgraded)
The Iron Throne (upgraded)
Ironic (upgraded)
Isn't It Ironic (upgraded)
Jade Sword (upgraded)
Old Sword, New Tricks (upgraded)
Pure Heat (upgraded)
Redneck Ammo Shoppe (upgraded)
Rolling in the Cannon (upgraded)
Scourge of Iron (upgraded)
Smash (upgraded)
Smelt My Heart (upgraded)
Sweet Victory Bladeworks (upgraded)
Tapioca Balls (upgraded)
Desert Rose (upgraded)
The First Cutter is the Deepest (bazaar)
The Almighty Yard (upgraded)
Don't You Worry Friggy (upgraded)
Fat Bottom Frigs (upgraded)
Fleet Pics (upgraded)
Frig on a Lease (upgraded)
Guppy Yard (upgraded)
Marooned (upgraded)
The Mighty Yard (upgraded)
No Ship Sherlock (upgraded)
Outlaws Ships (upgraded)
Piece of Ship (upgraded)
Shipped (upgraded)
Stardust (upgraded)
What Floats Around Comes Around (upgraded)
Sweet Cloth O' Mine (bazaar)
Apple Bottom Jeans (upgraded)
Big Bootie Stitches (upgraded)
Birmingham Tailor (upgraded)
Birthday Suit (upgraded)
Dark Horse (upgraded)
Dressed (upgraded)
Fashion & Style (upgraded)
Heaven's Night (upgraded)
In Bloomers (upgraded)
Insurgence HQ (upgraded)
Jade Attire (upgraded)
Labyrinth (upgraded)
Long Sleeves (upgraded)
Rags to Riches (upgraded)
Sharp Dressed Man (upgraded)
Suit & Tie (upgraded)
Threads With Benefits (upgraded)
Urban Cloud (upgraded)
Vampire World (upgraded)
You are Beautiful (upgraded)
Wonderwool (bazaar)
The Almighty Weave (upgraded)
Dark Side of the Loom (upgraded)
Don't Stop Beweaving (upgraded)
Don't Thread On Me (upgraded)
Hold the Line (upgraded)
Loom the Night Away (upgraded)
The Mighty Weave (upgraded)
Neon Loom (upgraded)
Sew What (upgraded)
Take My Cloth Away (upgraded)
Threads of Fate (upgraded)
Twilight Tapestries (upgraded)
Twisted (upgraded)
Weave Me Around (upgraded)
Weave No Trace (upgraded)
Weavin' on a Prayer (upgraded)
Weaving in the Moment (upgraded)
Dusted buildings
Click [show] to see the full list


Caravanserai is most likely named for the Arabic word meaning Merchant's Inn, or for the Santana album bearing the same name (in keeping with the song title theme of the island).

Caravanserai Island was originally located on the Sage Ocean. At this time, no island inscription can be found, but the distinctive sandy coastline proves that Artemis's hand was behind Caravanserai's design.


Caravanserai I, 2006-05-13: Hell's Wrath colonized Caravanserai, defeating Allied Saruyama Forces in a five-round sinking blockade. Allied Saruyama Forces put up a good fight, but Hell's Wrath and their power were able to edge out a victory.

Caravanserai II, 2006-05-20: Quixotic Tangent gained Caravanserai Island, defeating the defenders, Hell's Wrath, in a three-round sinking blockade. Hell's Wrath conceded the blockade to Quixotic Tangent at the end of round two.

Caravanserai III, 2006-09-02: Quixotic Tangent successfully defended Caravanserai against Candy Coated Chaos in a three-round sinking blockade, outjobbing CCC by around 200 pirates. CCC conceded defeat halfway through round 1, which Quixotic Tangent won by over 300 points. CCC did not contest round 2 or 3 seriously.

2007-01-08: Caravanserai Island was transferred to Allied Saruyama Forces by Quixotic Tangent.

Caravanserai IV, 2007-03-04: Mushroom Kingdom took control of the island in a three-round non-sinking blockade.

2007-03-27: Mushroom Kingdom disbanded and Caravanserai became uncolonized

Caravanserai V, 2007-03-31: Notorious re-colonized Caravanserai in a 4 round sinking blockade. The flag Uncolonizers Inc. won round 1 without dropping a warchest.

Caravanserai VI, 2007-04-07: Verus Fidelitas took control of the island in a three round non-sinking blockade. Notorious didn't seriously contest round 3.

Caravanserai VII, 2007-06-02: T-N-T took control of the island in a three-round non-sinking blockade.

Caravanserai VIII, 2007-07-07: Gretchen Goldfang and her flag Jinx took control of the island in a three round sinking blockade. Passive Aggression openly "helped" the Brigand King in taking the island. [1]

Caravanserai IX, 2007-07-14: Honor Above All took control of the island in a five round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai X, 2007-07-22: Eternal Glory took control of the island in a three round non-sinking blockade

Caravanserai XI, 2007-10-27: Notorious took control of the island in a five round sinking blockade. The blockade ran concurrently with Basset XI and Kent IX

Caravanserai XII, 2007-11-10: Notorious successfully defended the island against Vargas the Mad and his flag The Enlightened in a five-round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XIII, 2007-12-01: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Spontaneous Combustion in a three-round non-sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XIV, 2008-01-12: The Widow Queen and her flag Black Veil took control of the island in a four-round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XV, 2008-01-19: Eternal Glory took control of the island in a four-round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XVI, 2008-03-15: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Undeclared in a three-round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XVII, 2008-04-06: The island was successfully defended by Eternal Glory against the attack of Admiral Finius and his flag Fleet of his Imperial Scaled Highness in a four round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XVIII, 2008-06-01: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Good Grief in a three-round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XIX, 2008-07-12: Eternal Glory successfully defended the island against Gretchen Goldfang and her flag Jinx in a five-round sinking blockade

Caravanserai XX, 2008-07-27: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Honor Above All in a three-round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXI, 2008-08-31: The island was defended from the attack of Good Grief in a three round non-sinking blockade. Though the blockade took place, issues with Three Rings' ISP [2] prevented anyone from actually taking part, meaning Eternal Glory won by default.

Caravanserai XXII, 2008-09-27: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Good Grief in a four round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXIII, 2008-10-11: Good Grief took control of the island in a three round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXIV, 2008-12-21: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Admiral Finius and his flag Fleet of his Imperial Scaled Highness in a three round sinking blockade. The island was defended by third parties since the blockade was part of the Project: Caravanserai Closedown event/island give-away.

2009-01-13 Caravanserai was transferred to Absolute Perfection

Caravanserai XXV, 2009-01-17: Chuck Norris took control of the island in a three round non-sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXVI, 2009-02-07: Bring It On took control of the island in a three round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXVII, 2009-02-15: Admiral Finius and his flag Fleet of his Imperial Scaled Highness took control of the island in a three round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXVIII, 2009-02-21: Chuck Norris took control of the island in a three round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXIX, 2009-04-18: Absolute Perfection took control of the island in a three round non-sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXX, 2009-07-4: Eternal Glory took control of the island in a four round non-sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXXI, 2009-07-18: Good Grief took control of the island in a three round non-sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXXII, 2009-08-15: Skull n Crossbones took control of the island in a four round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXXIII, 2009-08-29: The Widow Queen and her flag Black Veil took control of the island in a three round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXXIV, 2009-09-05: Shadows Of Sage took control of the island in a three round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XXXV, 2009-11-28: League of Light took control of the island in a four round sinking blockade.

Caravanserai XCIV, 2014-12-20: Operation Mobilisation took control of the island in a five round non-sinking blockade.