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An inn is a building placed on a colonized island. It is used to encourage drinking, brawls, rumble, spades, hearts, poker, and treasure drop games as well as hosting tournaments.
An island needs only a completed fort to begin construction of an inn.
Inns have historically been a gathering place for carousing and multiplayer puzzles. Each inn has an old salt, who, when well sauced, speaks of goodly shipments. Inns are often highly crowded and serve as marketplaces for tradeable items like clothing and ships, although spamming should be avoided. The deedholder of an inn does not change with the governorship, and the inn has no taxes due and collects no profit.
Owner transfer
On the Obsidian Ocean, inn ownership transfers normally to every flag that wins a blockade. On every other ocean, the inn deed is never transferred except through player trades.
An inn has no hold.
Rooms and furnishings
Left-facing inn
Inn | |||
Left Front Room
Floor plan
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Left Back Room
Floor plan
Right-facing inn
Inn | |||
Right Front Room
Floor plan
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Right Back Room
Floor plan
Left-facing upgraded inn
Inn | |||
Left Upgraded Front Room
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Left Upgraded Back Room
Right-facing upgraded inn
Inn | |||
Right Upgraded Front Room
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Right Upgraded Back Room
Historical notes
Prior to the release of 28 March 2005, islands could have more than one inn -- although Midnight's Zeta, Cnossos, and Cranberry islands were the only ones to ever have more than one.
External/other links