Arakoua Island (Emerald)

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"Arakoua Island" redirects here. For other uses, see Arakoua Island (disambiguation).
Arakoua Island
Favicon.png Arakoua Island on the Emerald Ocean
Large island in the Ibis Archipelago
Arakoua Island (Emerald).png

Click on the map for a larger version.
Controlled by   Pour Life Decisions  
Governed by   Empathetic
Navy color   Brown
Item box unequip.png
Pets-Panda colors.png
Outpost Medium Large
Colonized Map icon out col.gif Map icon med col.gif Map icon lg col.gif
Uncolonized Map icon out.gif Map icon med.gif Map icon lg.gif
Purchaseable chart
Map V.gif
Unpurchaseable chart
Map W.gif
edit chart

Arakoua Island is a large island located in the Ibis Archipelago. There are four known routes from this island: Caravanserai Island, Kasidim Island, Kiwara Island, and an inter-archipelago route to Ventress Island in the Pelican Archipelago.

Natural resources

This island spawns hemp, iris root, and stone.


The buildings on Arakoua Island follow an archeology and ancient history naming theme.

Shamans' Potions (bazaar)
The Alchemic Dart (upgraded)
Bad Baddy Ink (upgraded)
Black Magick (upgraded)
Blonde Elixir (upgraded)
Calamites Cauldrons (upgraded)
Did Dodo Dye (upgraded)
Dyenamite Spice (upgraded)
The Fossil Realm (upgraded)
Fossilized Philters (upgraded)
Jurrasic Potions (upgraded)
Raptor Remedies (upgraded)
T-rex Tinctures (upgraded)
Black Raptor (black market)
Tyranny Banks
Commodities market
Dinosaur Court (upgraded)
Stegosaurus Stills (bazaar)
Banana Rum (upgraded)
Boogie Man Brews (upgraded)
Brewed (upgraded)
The Brewing Dart (upgraded)
Brisk Brews (upgraded)
Champagne Problems (upgraded)
Dockside Distilling Co (upgraded)
Drunken Saurus (upgraded)
Fossil Fuel (upgraded)
Fossilized Flagons (upgraded)
Honeydew (upgraded)
Jasmine Sake (upgraded)
Jasmine Tea (upgraded)
Last Rum (upgraded)
Neanderthal Nightcaps (upgraded)
Outlaws Rum (upgraded)
Pour Judgement (upgraded)
Rum Refinery (upgraded)
Rum Runner (upgraded)
Rumology (upgraded)
Rumosaurus Rex (upgraded)
Scotch Highlander (upgraded)
Strawberry Daiquiri (upgraded)
Tyrumosaurus (upgraded)
Estate agent
Pacts on Papyrus and Parchment (upgraded)
Flint Furnishing (bazaar)
The Decorating Dart (upgraded)
Cat Scratch Furniture (upgraded)
Hides and Bones (upgraded)
Cambrian Cabins (left-facing cabin)
Cretaceous Cottages (left-facing cottage)
Eccentric Estates (left-facing estate)
Jurassic Shack (right-facing shack)
Lascaux (left-facing pirate hall)
Maleficent Manors (left-facing manor)
Timeworn Townhomes (left-facing townhouse)
Villas of Jericho (left-facing villa)
Whisking Whale Road (right-facing Gallery)
Maple Syrup Club (upgraded)
Iron monger
Iron Age (bazaar)
A Blade of Ice and Fire (upgraded)
Anchoriosaurus (upgraded)
Balls Out (upgraded)
Balls Out For Harambe (upgraded)
Blue Steel (upgraded)
The Incredible Furry (upgraded)
The Iron Throne (upgraded)
Jasmine Dragon (upgraded)
The Last Banquet (upgraded)
Maximus for Minimus (upgraded)
MC Hammer Time (upgraded)
Molten (upgraded)
The Molten Dart (upgraded)
My Bad Balls (upgraded)
Outlaws Iron (upgraded)
Salty Balls (upgraded)
Salty Iron (upgraded)
Shanks (upgraded)
Shere Steel (upgraded)
The Smelting Dart (upgraded)
Steel Ball Run (upgraded)
Stone Hinge (upgraded)
The Striking Dart (upgraded)
When Devils Strike (upgraded)
While The Iron's Hot (upgraded)
Volcanic Cave (upgraded)
Zombie Supplies (upgraded)
The Crystal Palace (upgraded)
Brig Bang Theory (bazaar)
Boats and Rows (upgraded)
Brigasaurus (upgraded)
Cave Dhowings (upgraded)
Cool Ocean Shipyard (upgraded)
Cretaceous Keels (upgraded)
Dino Gnar (upgraded)
Dugout Canoes (upgraded)
The Floating Dart (upgraded)
Fossilized Frigs (upgraded)
From Sage with Love (upgraded)
Gideon's Galleons (upgraded)
Junkassic Park (upgraded)
The Last Deed (upgraded)
Magnificent Watercraft (upgraded)
Mastodons (upgraded)
Mesozoic Masts (upgraded)
The Naval Dart (upgraded)
Primordial Sloop (upgraded)
Salty Ships (upgraded)
Tyrannosaurus Wrecks (upgraded)
The Wild Wild Wet (upgraded)
The Wright Dart (upgraded)
Tasty Tailoring (bazaar)
Britches and Hose (upgraded)
Chromagnon (upgraded)
Daisy Dukes (upgraded)
The Dressing Dart (upgraded)
Fosisilized Frocks (upgraded)
Plump (upgraded)
Seeking the Silk (upgraded)
Tight Fit (upgraded)
Triceratops (upgraded)
Unravel Me (upgraded)
Walrus Wares (upgraded)
Wooly Mammoth (bazaar)
Bedrock Stitches (upgraded)
Fossilized Threads (upgraded)
Fukuisaurus (upgraded)
Hempasaurus Rex (upgraded)
The Last Dinosaur Weft (upgraded)
Maleficent Spindles (upgraded)
Needle to Know (upgraded)
Neith's Womb (upgraded)
Nephila Jurassica (upgraded)
Outlaw Threads (upgraded)
Pure Cloth (upgraded)
Salty Sails (upgraded)
Spindlesaurus (upgraded)
Stringasaurus (upgraded)
Tight Weave (upgraded)
Triceracloth (upgraded)
Veclothiraptor (upgraded)
Weaveasaurus (upgraded)
The Weaving Dart (upgraded)
Woolstonian Stage (upgraded)
Dusted Buildings
Click [show] to see the full list


Arakoua Island was originally located on the Sage Ocean. On the rocks on the furthest southeast peninsula, an inscription reads, "This island were fashioned by Sseth." Arakoua was opened for blockades as part of the Summer Island Openings 2009.

Blockade history (Sage)

Arakoua I, 2009-10-17: Spontaneous Combustion took control of the island in a four round blockade. The island was defended by Barnabas the Pale and his flag Chthonic Horde.

Arakoua II, 2009-11-28: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Gretchen Goldfang and her flag Jinx in a five round blockade.

Arakoua III, 2010-04-08: Pirates Hate Palindromes took control of the island in a four round sinking blockade.

Arakoua IV, 2010-08-15: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Vargas the Mad and his flag The Enlightened in a three round blockade.

Arakoua V, 2010-10-23: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Azarbad the Great and his flag The All-Consuming Flame in a four round blockade.

Arakoua VI, 2010-10-30: Mutual Agreement took control of the island in a three round non-sinking blockade.

Arakoua VII, 2010-12-12: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Azarbad the Great and his flag The All-Consuming Flame in a five round blockade.

Arakoua VIII, 2011-01-08: Eternal Glory took control of the island in a five round sinking blockade.

Arakoua IX, 2011-01-16: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Blades of Sage in a four round sinking blockade.

Arakoua X, 2011-04-09: Notorious took control of the island in a three round sinking blockade.

Arakoua XI, 2011-07-09: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Madam Yu Jian and her flag The Jade Empire in a four round blockade.

Arakoua XII, 2011-07-17: No Apologies took control of the island in a three round non-sinking blockade.

Arakoua XIII, 2011-08-21: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Say No More in a three round non-sinking blockade.

Arakoua XIV, 2011-09-11: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Olympian Armada in a four round non-sinking blockade.

Arakoua XV, 2011-09-25: Illium Eternae took control of the island in a three round non-sinking blockade.

Arakoua XVI, 2011-10-15: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Azarbad the Great and his flag The All-Consuming Flame in a four round blockade.

Arakoua XVII, 2012-01-08: The island was successfully defended from the attack of We Will Rock You in a three round non-sinking blockade.

Blockade history (Emerald)

Arakoua XVIII, 2012-03-18: The island was successfully defended from the attack of We Will Rock You in a four round sinking blockade.

Arakoua XIX, 2012-03-31: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Say No More in a three round non-sinking blockade.

Arakoua XX, 2012-04-28: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Twisted Parallax in a three round non-sinking blockade.

Arakoua XXI, 2012-07-28: Summer Attack took control of the island in a three round non-sinking blockade.

Arakoua XXII, 2012-08-05: Brynhild Skullsplitter and her flag Ice Wyrm's Brood took control of the island in a three round blockade.

Arakoua XXIII, 2012-08-11: Bacon Strips took control of the island in a four round blockade.

Arakoua XXIV, 2012-08-19: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Welcome To My Nightmare in a three round sinking blockade.

Arakoua XXV, 2012-10-27: The island was successfully defended from the attack of Limitless in a four round sinking blockade.

Arakoua XXVI, 2012-12-09: Midknight Sun took control of the island in a four round sinking blockade.