Community Revolution

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(Redirected from Chuck Norris)
Community Revolution at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Last Monarch Chucknnoriss of SUP LOC
Member crew(s) D'oh-West, Elements Of Destruction, SHOOP DA WHOOP, SUP LOC
Founded 25 April, 2008
Mostly dormant as of 18 February, 2012
Favicon.png Flag Info
Flags-Community Revolution.jpg

Community Revolution is currently a mostly dormant flag on the Emerald Ocean formerly of Sage. This flag was previously named Chuck Norris.


Chuck Norris made a spectacular arrival onto the Sage blockade scene on the fourteenth of June, 2008, when they blockaded all nine of the ocean's blockadeable outpost islands, and took part in a tenth blockade simultaneously, winning no less than four of them. The islands won were Ashkelon Arch, Scrimshaw Island, Kiwara Island and Kakraphoon Island.

Public statement

~Not in the mosque Luigi, seriously, not even in the women's section.

Blockades at a glance

To view Blockades at a glance, click Show.