From YPPedia
Dionysus is one of the second wave of Ocean Masters hired by Three Rings. Dionysus' familiar is a parrot once known as What Are You Doing Back Here? Why Won't You Leave Me Alone? but shortened to, simply, The Pest.
Dionysus, also known as Bacchus, was the god of wine and parties in Greek mythology.
Dolls awarded
- Osaka of Cobalt, for drawing a particularly excellent avatar.
- Peeteegee of Midnight, for his entry in the Oh Noes! Where's My Nose? contest.
Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by expanding it.
Ocean Masters |
English Oceans: Cronus Demeter Hera Nemesis |
Spanish Oceans: Atropos Clotho |
Retired: Amphitrite Aphrodite Apollo Artemis Bia |
~No doll~ Calliope Castor Clio Dionysus Endymion ~No doll~ Eris |
Eurydice Gaea Galene Glaucus Hephaestus Hermes |
Hypnos Lelantos Mnemosyne Oceanus Poseidon Prometheus Thalia |
See also: Ringer | Dread Ringers | Narya | Nenya | Vilya |