User:Kinocha/Starting out(Norwegian)

From YPPedia

Dette er en guide for å begynne i spillet.

Å lage din pirat

Etter at du har installert Yohoho! og valgt ditt hav for å spille på (det er en guide for å velge hav her), må du lage en pirat før du begynner å spille. Klikk på en av de tre knappene merket "Create new Pirate" og begynn å lage din karakter. Du kan velge din pirats kjønn, hår farge, hud farge, og for menn, kan du velge ansikts hår. Etter du har begynt å spille, kan disse tingene bare bli endret gjenom bruk av en spesial (og ekstremt dyr)mikstur.

Du må også velge et enkelt-ords navn—velg smart, ettersom andre spillere kan være mindre villig til å hyre en pirat med et absurd navn (og det er litt vanskelig å avskrekke dine fiender med et navn som Nxcnzxccv). Hvis du ikke kan komme på et navn, finnes det mange tilfeldig navn generatorer på nett som kan lage sekvenser av tilfeldige stavelser til å hjelpe deg med å komme på idéer til navn. Pirat navn generatorer finnes også, men de pleier å lage navn med flere ord i seg, noe som Yahoho! Puzzle Pirates ikke støtter. Pirat navn kan ikke inneholde noen filtrede ord.

Å lage din pirat.

Dine første skritt

Etter at din pirat er laget, vil du se en stor meny som viser mange forskjellige ting du kan gjøre— disse er kalt oppdrag Det første oppdraget, du burde ta heter "Learn about your items"(Lær om dine eiendeler), som transporterer deg til Pollywogen. Etter en kort opplæring fra en datamaskin karakter/pirat kalt en NPP (Non-player pirate), bør du ha lært litt grunnleggende spill etikkette og hvordan du bruker klær.


Notisbordet er vannligvis nær bryggen på en øy.

Etter at du mønstrer av Pollywogen, vil du befinne deg på bryggen på en øy, med en gul pil back deg. Et sted nær bryggen burde du få øye på notisbordet, som er den samme som du så før du bordet Pollywogen.

Flere oppdrag er tilgjengelige på notisbordet.

Ved å klikke på notisbordet får du opp vikting informasjon om å jobbe for et mannskap, oppdrag, ta en jobb, for abonenter og spillere på doubloon hav som har arbeidstillatelser. Du får også se øynyheter og opplevelser/begivenheter som guvernøren har planlagt.

Ved å klikke på "Go!" for et marine oppdrag vil du bli øyeblikkelig transportert til et marine skip,der du kan øve på pusslene og tjene penger i marninen. Ettersom du får mer erfaring, vil flere oppdrag bli tilgjengelig for valg. For mer om oppdrag, se nedenfor.

Å starte å tjene penger

Når du er på land er det flere måter du kan tjene PoE på som en ny pirat. For det første kan du gå i Vertshuset og utforde en NPP (de har hvite navn) til en kamp med et veddemål. NPPene vil vedde opptil 26 PoE omgangen.

Du kan velge å ta en arbeids oppdrag fra oppdragsdelen av notis bordet. Dette oppdraget vil transportere deg til en butikk eller en bod som trenger arbeid. Ved å spille spillet der, sørger du for arbeid til butikken/boden så den kan produsere varer. Dess bedre du spiller, dess bedre arbeid tilfører du. Høyere grader av arbeid, betaler vanligvis bedre en lavere.

Du can også ta et oppdrag i marinen fra noticbordet. Marine ship seiler fra sin hjemmeøy til naboøyene og gir deg muligheten ti å øve på ship puslene uten presset som kommer på en plyndringsferd. Du vil bli betalt en beskjeden sum per league trenger oversettlse som marineshipet reiser. Bedre pusling gir bedre betalt.

Og selvfølgelig, du kan plyndre med et ekte pirat mannskapfor å tjene penger. Detter er imidletidig veldig forskjelling fra å jobbe i marinen. Du tjener bare penger hvis det skipet du er på angriper skip til seabattle. Der er også forventet at du pusler før, etter og under slaget, ellers kan offisereren i komando(CO) la deg gå planken og redusere betalingen din. Hvis du skal på et påyndringstokt, vær forberedt til å jobbe hardt, og vær villig til å bli en stund. Det er best hvis du jobber litt i marinen for å lære puslene før du går på et tokt.

Grunnleggende ettikette

På land

Når du ferdes rundt på en øy, er det vanligvis sett på som frekt å:

  • Gå opp til komplette fremmede og spørre dem etter penger eller klær.
  • Gå opp til komplette fremmede og utfordre dem til en pussle konkurranse eller å prøve å få i gang en byttehandel uten å snakke med dem først.
  • Gå inn på vertshuset og spamme vertshuset.

Spamming er fortsettende skriving av den samme linjen om og om igjen for en liten periode, sånn at uskyldige spilleres snakke vindu blir så usammenhengende at en normal samtale blir nærmest umulig å holde. Å rope gjentatte ganger er like irriterende, siden den store tekst boblen foråsaker at snakke vinduet til å gå fortere opp en normalt.

Gjentatte ropinger eller spamming kan skaffe deg et svartprikk, eller en advarsel fra en Ocean Master. Verken av de er noe du vil oppleve. Gjentatt regel bryting kan få deg bortvist fra spillet for alltid.

Til sjøs

Når du er på en spillers skip som en jobber for mannskapet, er det forventer at du jobber med et puslespill for å tjene PoE. Hvis det er noen NPPere ombord, er der frekt å utfordre dem til en drikke eller sverdkamp. Alvorlige brudd på mannskapets regler som å late seg, slåss eller drikke mens de seiler, nekte å ta en stasjon eller forlate skipet i et sjøslag, kan få COen til a bli sint og han kan tvinge deg til å gå planken og redusere betalingen din når byttet skal splittes.

Det er også sett på som ekstremt frekt (for ikke å snakke om nedlatende mot dine medseilere) å skryte høylytt at den eneste grunnen til at et slag var vunnet var på grunn av deg. Generelt sagt, ingen individuelle personer vinner et slag. Hvis du gjorde det ekstremt bra vill dine medseilere se dette og gratulere deg—gi de en sjanse istedenfor å proklamere din egen overlegenhet. This is not to say that it is inappropriate to say "Wow! I think I did really well that time!" or to let everyone know when you've advanced in status. If you're happy about something like this, that's natural. What you shouldn't do is come out of a boarding battle saying things like "Oh, I saved all your butts! You would have lost if I wasn't here! You all suck!" This may seem very obvious to you—and if it does, congratulations, you already know this bit of etiquette and your crewmates probably appreciate your modesty. If it doesn't, think about how you would feel to have a friend you were playing a game with rub it in your face when you lose—that may give you some insight into why this is a faux pas.

Både på land og til sjøs

Dette er ting some generelt sett er frekt, uansett hvor du er, eller som ikke passer in i "På land" eller "Til sjøs" kategoriene over.

  • De følgene ettikette reglene har med å forlange (canligvis av en kaptein eller offiser) spesiel behandling.
    • Å spørre (gjentatte ganger)om å bli forfremmet (se rank) (hvis du allerede er en del av et mannskap)

Either on land or at sea

These are things that are in general rude, no matter where you are at the time, or which don't fit into either the "On land" or "At sea" categories above.

  • The following etiquette rules deal with requesting (usually of a captain or officer) some sort of special consideration.
    • Asking (repeatedly) to be promoted (see ranks) (if you are already a part of a crew). If you feel you deserve a promotion, one request to someone high up is usually sufficient. If it bothers you that they still don't promote you, you are free to find a crew that has a faster promotion rate.
    • Asking (repeatedly) to join a crew with the intention of gaining a high position (see ranks) immediately. Higher positions are given to people who have proven themselves to that crew—not to unknowns. If you feel you are good enough to deserve such a placement, join their crew and prove yourself.
    • Stating that you deserve some sort of special consideration because of your status with another alt or on another ocean. Just because another captain has seen fit to promote you doesn't mean that another will, or should. You must prove yourself in each instance to each captain before they will feel you are ready for promotion. This is why many pirates focus on one alt (or, at least, one alt per ocean).

Finding a crew to join

Job invites appear on the Ahoy! panel.

Once you have jobbed with the navy on missions and gained a bit of experience, you may want to try jobbing with a crew. Jobs available can be found under the pillaging tab of the Notice Board. Scan through the list of jobs, looking for one that attracts you. Once you find one, click on "show crew info" to learn a bit more about the crew and its policies. If you are satisfied, click back on the notice board and click "apply." A notice of your application will be sent to the commanding officer of the ship. The officer will then choose to send or not send you a job offer. Usually this process takes about ten seconds.

Once you accept the offer, you will be whisked off to the ship. Greet the others with a friendly "Ahoy! Which station?"—unlike the navy, you are now playing on a ship fully commanded by other real players. Jobbing for players is more lucrative than jobbing for the navy, and more fun, too. Beware though—it is also more dangerous, as your crew will now face sea battles against dastardly NPPs and players in sea battle.

"What do I do with all this money I've earned?"

So you have earned some money sailing the seas, how should you spend it?

  • Note on crafting: Individual pirates do not possess the ability to craft their own items by obtaining the raw materials. All finished goods must be created at and purchased from a shoppe or stall. Let them worry about obtaining the raw commodities. When you have more experience in the game, and access to the hold of a ship, you may be able to work out better deals with certain merchants by providing the raw goods yourself. However, this is usually only of any use with the most expensive of items.
  • Note for non-subscribers: If you are not a subscriber, you will be limited on the items that you can buy when you are playing on Cobalt, Midnight, or Ice. (The doubloon oceans operate differently). Please take the time required to make sure that nothing you are buying says "Subscriber only" in its description at the shop. At present (and likely indefinitely), the only way to sell back items that you have acquired and either can't use or don't want is to find a player that wishes to purchase them from you—and you will likely not get as much as you paid for it. A word to the wise—read the fine print before you buy!

Buy a New Sword

The first sword you are given (a foil) does its job, but perhaps you've got an inkling to become a famous swordsman. A good first step is to buy a new sword. You can buy swords from iron monger shoppes or stalls. Full details about individual swords are covered in the swords article. Note that trial players have only a few swords to choose from: foil, short sword, long sword, and rapier. The subscribers can choose from any of the finer blades.

Buy some New Clothing

Feeling a bit chilly in those rags you have had since leaving the Pollywog? Perhaps it's time to visit your local tailor and buy some new clothing. There are many to choose from; you can either order clothes from the tailor or purchase them premade 'off the rack.'

Item Aging

This scimitar could dust very soon.

When you deliver a sword or some clothes to your inventory, you will notice the item in your 'booty' tab. Hovering over the item for a few seconds will give you some more detailed information about it: its name, colour(s), condition, and who can use it.

As you play, items in your inventory will decay.

  • New items are fresh from the shoppe and have full lives ahead of them.
  • Good items are older but still in fine condition.
  • Old items are near their end; now is the time to buy another outfit or sword.

When the last of your clothes crumble, you will be given new rags. If your last sword crumbles, you are given a stick—not a very good sword at all! If your last mug crumbles, you are given a wooden cup— not a very good mug either!

Buy your own Pollywog

Now you have been pillaging for many weeks and have saved up quite a bit. Perhaps you've had your eye on your own ship or starting your own crew. Purchase one from a shipyard. Though there are many to choose from, your first ship should probably be a sloop, as they are generally easier to sail. Bear in mind when buying that you will also need charts, rum, and cannon balls before you can set sail. You will also need to have achieved the rank of officer or higher in your crew to sail your own vessel. On a Doubloon ocean, you'll need an Officer Badge as well.

"I'm bored, what else is there to do?"

Start your own crew

If the urge to lead and command is your style, perhaps you would like to start your own crew. On established oceans you first need to own a ship and to have obtained narrow experience or greater in all the piracy puzzles except gunning and rumble. On a doubloon ocean you must also possess a Captain's badge and pay a one-time fee of ten doubloons.

Captainship is not for everybody. By starting your own crew you become a representative of the game. Other players, generally new players, will depend on you to provide them with a fun experience. It is recommended that you should have spent some time as an officer of another crew before attempting to create your own.

Become a Trader

After you have bought your own ship and become at least an officer you may decide that you want to earn money by moving goods around. If you are good at sailing and have a keen sense for a good deal, this may be the life for you. You'll want to memorize the various routes, swoop in a good deal when you find it, and be able to avoid the brigands and PvPers who haunt the seas or else they may steal your goods.

It is harder to get people to join you since you won't be pillaging to make them money, so you'll want to recruit those who you know well and advise them that this won't be a pillage run. You'll probably need to promise to pay them some of the profits. Or else, you can learn to solo sail a sloop or cutter with only swabbies for help.

Become a Merchant

Some pirates enjoy the calm life of a merchant. It is advisable to talk with your crew captain and see what types of stalls might be advantageous. You can buy a stall for an initial fee and weekly rent while you learn all about shopkeeping! If you are really adventurous, speak with the island governor about purchasing a shoppe. Be aware, though, that shoppes often run in the hundreds of thousands to purchase.

Get on the ultimate list for one or more puzzles

Each duty puzzle, crafting puzzle, and parlour game tracks your experience separately from your puzzle standing, and ranks your score against all the other pirates on your ocean. As your ranking increases or you gain experience in a puzzle, it is possible that you might be listed amongst the ultimate-ranked pirates for that puzzle. Each ocean keeps separate lists for the ocean as a whole and for the individual archipelagoes. These lists are viewable by clicking on the name of any puzzle on any pirate's info page. Many players work hard in order to appear on several ultimate lists concurrently.

If you do not log onto Puzzle Pirates for ten consecutive days, your puzzle ranks and experience are considered dormant and you will no longer appear on the ultimate list. All you need to do to re-activate your score is to log into the game and play that particular puzzle again.

Get involved in politics

As you gain notoriety amongst your crew, flag, hearties, and the ocean, it is possible to find yourself involved in the world of ocean politics. Most commonly referred to as "the social puzzle", this involves working out deals between fellow pirates in order to accomplish goals no individual could accomplish alone. The largest examples of these machinations include wars, blockades, and alliances. You may collude with an allied flag to take over an island for yourself or to work with an ally to deny an island to an enemy. You may go to war with a rival flag for many reasons, and the politics involved will determine how much support you receive from friends or neutral parties.

The political game is for pirates with a deep social bent and the ability to follow through on promises given.

Become a blockade navigator

Many players regard PvP as the ultimate puzzle because of its inherent risks, rewards, and the associated need for understanding human psychology. Given that most fighting in a blockade is done between brig-class vessels or larger and involve multiple ships, and blockades become the ultimate adrenaline rush. Many blockade navvers are asked time and again to navigate for a variety of flags during blockades. Being a great blockade navver can bring you a level of notoriety greater than the top ten lists, greater than being the king of a flag, greater even than owning a familiar.

Parrots, Monkeys, and Octopi

From left: octopus, parrot, and monkey familiars.

Sometimes you will be wandering around a popular island and notice a pirate with an octopus, parrot, or monkey on his or her shoulder. These are called familiars.

They are special prizes given away during game events or creative contests. You can read all about upcoming game contests with a familiar as a prize on the official events forum, and you can read about upcoming art or writing contests with familiar prizes on the "Mariner's Muse" forum.

Related Links

  • Pirate language will teach you how to talk like a pirate.
  • Category:Gameplay — links to all articles about things you will see and interact with during a typical gameplay session.
  • Category:Terminology — links to articles explaining the myriad terms and vocabulary used in Puzzle Pirates.

External/Other Links