Cursed Shack Interior Design Contest

From YPPedia

The Cursed Shack Interior Design Contest is an event currently being run on the YPP discord.

Event details

Haven't you always wondered what the inside of those cultist shacks on Cursed Isles look like... are cultists shockingly tidy? Do they collect certain things? Who knows - we never get to see - but we can IMAGINE!

Cursed Shack.png

(This contest is open to anyone - but prizes can only be awarded on the Emerald Ocean).

To enter

Create an image of what you think the inside of a Cursed Isles shack might look like! You may use a screenshot of a decorated in-game shack, a Yohoho Tools creation, or some kind of drawing, collage, or other visual representation of your idea!

Post your amazing creation to the contest discord thread, along with your Emerald ocean pirate name and a brief written description explaining your design.

Rules and deadline
  • For your entry to be considered for judging, it must be posted in the relevant discord thread by 11:59pm on Aug 2nd 2024 (game time).
  • Multiple entries are allowed - but please include your Emerald ocean pirate name along with each entry, and remember that quality is more important than quantity!
  • Designs must be your own work.
  • Note that discord has a file size limit of 8mb for images.
  • It should go without saying, but entries must be appropriate for YPP and the YPP discord.
Judging and prizes

Entries will be judged (by our amazing team of judges) based on creativity, how well the shack design fits the theme, and how easily we can imagine cultists actually living there!

The grand prize winner will receive a thematically-named spider familiar, a congratulatory trinket, and other enthralling niceties! Additional prizes may also be awarded depending on the quality and quantity of entries. Please note that prizes can only be delivered on the Emerald ocean.

Helpful links