Difference between revisions of "Tigerleaf Mountain (Cerulean)"

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m (Buildings)
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: {{Cerulean|Munchkin Whiskers}}
: {{Cerulean|Munchkin Whiskers}}
: [[Mystic Jungle Potions]] (upgraded)
: [[Mystic Jungle Potions]] (upgraded)
: [[Pythonamels]]
; [[Bank]] : [[The Cursed Isles Museum]] (upgraded)
; [[Bank]] : [[The Cursed Isles Museum]] (upgraded)

Revision as of 02:58, 21 January 2013

Tigerleaf Mountain
Favicon.png Tigerleaf Mountain on the Cerulean Ocean
Large island in the Onyx Archipelago
Tigerleaf Mountain (Cerulean).png

Click on the map for a larger version.
Controlled by   Static Before the Storm  
Governed by   Cybrpyro
Navy color   Red
This island has no pets on it.
Outpost Medium Large
Colonized Map icon out col.gif Map icon med col.gif Map icon lg col.gif
Uncolonized Map icon out.gif Map icon med.gif Map icon lg.gif
Purchaseable chart
Map V.gif
Unpurchaseable chart
Map W.gif
edit chart

Tigerleaf Mountain is a large island located in the Onyx Archipelago. There are three known routes from the island: Fintan Island, Cabo de Hornos, and an inter-archipelago route to Dragon's Nest in the Jade Archipelago.

Natural Resources

This island spawns iron, madder, and stone. They can be bid at the commodities market.


Paints, Potions, and Pygmi-ents (bazaar)
Deadly Concoctions (upgraded)
Munchkin Whiskers
Mystic Jungle Potions (upgraded)
The Cursed Isles Museum (upgraded)
Commodities market 
Tigerleaf Trading Post (upgraded)
Monkey Shine (bazaar)
Cheetah in a Bottle (upgraded)
Coconut Concoctions (upgraded)
Drunken Monkey Distillery (upgraded)
Drunken Tiger, Hidden Shotglass (upgraded)
Jungle Juice (upgraded)
Leopard Lagers (upgraded)
Estate agent 
Animal House
Shrunken Beds (bazaar)
Couching Tiger (upgraded)
The Love Cubbard (upgraded)
Super Extravaganza Last Day Sale (upgraded)
Wood of Tiger (upgraded)
Chimperial Cottages (right-facing cottage)
Coconut Row (right-facing row house)
Hall-A-Baloo (left-facing pirate hall)
The Jungle Nook (left-facing cabin)
Mansions in the Mist (right-facing mansion)
The Natives are Resting (right-facing shack)
Palo Verde Villas (right-facing villa)
Pirate's Paradise (left-facing estate)
Tarzan's Treehouse (right-facing bungalow)
The Tiger's Lair (right-facing manor)
Where the Wild Things Live (right-facing townhouse)
Indian Melody (upgraded)
Iron monger 
Forge of the Jungle (bazaar)
The Bear Necessities
Croaking Cannons (upgraded)
Dragon Fired (upgraded)
Iron Claw (upgraded)
Jungle Jim Iron Works (upgraded)
Monkeying Around Mongers (upgraded)
The Poor Parrot's Shot Shoppe (upgraded)
Roaring Metal (upgraded)
Steel Heart (upgraded)
Eye of the Tiger (upgraded)
Gorillas in the Mast (bazaar)
Afrigcano (upgraded)
Brig Game Hunter (upgraded)
Fish 'n' Ships (upgraded)
Hidden Ghostship (upgraded)
Junk & Disorderly (upgraded)
Lily Pad Lagoon (upgraded)
The Love Boat (upgraded)
Mowgli's Masts (upgraded)
Rainforest Rafts (upgraded)
Rudderyard Shipling (upgraded)
Slippery Sloop (upgraded)
Trireme Sleeps Tonight (upgraded)
Ape Shirt (bazaar)
Feathers and Fur Inc (upgraded)
King and Queen Couture (upgraded)
The Leopard's New Spots (upgraded)
Pandamonium Exchange Construction Site
Wild Vines (upgraded)
Temple of Loom (bazaar)
Knotty But Nice (upgraded)
Lion Cloths (upgraded)
Tiger Knots (upgraded)
Me Tartan You Skein (upgraded)
Dusted buildings
beer goggles rawk (upgraded)
The Ghostly Roulette (trading post)
Jungle Conquerors (explorers' hall)
Brigge Tickey Toffee (upgraded)


Governors of Tigerleaf Mountain

  • Quintalis, September 2005 to May 2006.
  • Pattonditto, May 2006 to April 2007.
  • Ohfroggyone, April 2007 to December 2007.
  • Birna, December 2007.
  • Yorkyblue, December 2007.
  • The Widow Queen, December 2007 to February 2008.
  • Falchionator, February 2008 to September 2008.
  • Tennispro, September 2008 to October 2008.
  • Birna, October 2008 to November 2008.
  • Sassythang, November 2008 to December 2008.
  • Matinicus, December 2008.
  • Hohumdiddly, December 2008 to August 2009.
  • Darlie, August 2009 to September 2009.
  • Kapo --- September 2009 to January 2010
  • Hung --- January 2010 to February 2010
  • Darlie --- February 2010 to October 2010
  • Hung --- October 2010 to November 2010
  • Hirsty --- November 2010 to December 2010
  • Psychox --- December 2010 to August 2011
  • Darlie --- August 2011 to January 2012
  • Cybrpyro --- January 2012 to present


Tigerleaf Mountain was originally located on the Cobalt Ocean. A tree near the northeastern rock area reads, "This island were fashioned by Sadiekate."

The Tigerleaf Mountain market was created shortly after the ocean opened.

Tigerleaf I: 2005-09-17, The Art of War edged out Keepers of the Light in three close rounds.

Tigerleaf II: 2007-12-02, A Song For The Deaf defeated The Art of War in a 5 round blockade.

Tigerleaf III: 2007-12-15, Black Veil defeated A Song For The Deaf in a 3 round blockade.

Tigerleaf IV: 2008-02-02, What The Falchion defeated Black Veil in a 5 round blockade.

Tigerleaf V: 2008-08-15, What The Falchion defeated Eleventy in a 3 round blockade.

Tigerleaf VI: 2008-11-08, The Art of War defeated Eleventy in a 1 round blockade.

Tigerleaf VII: 2008-12-06, Flaming Rosebud defeated The Art of War in a 3 round blockade.

Tigerleaf VIII: 2008-12-13, Eleventy defeated Flaming Rosebud in a 3 round blockade.

Tigerleaf IX: 2009-07-11, Eleventy defends against The Art of War in a 3 round blockade.

Tigerleaf X: 2009-08-02, Crimson Horizons defeats other contender Elements of Fear and Eleventy by a score of 3-2-0 respectively.

Tigerleaf XI: 2009-08-08, Anbin Alayam defeats other contender What the Falchion and Crimson Horizons by a score of 3-0-0 respectively.

Tigerleaf XII: 2010-01-30, Forever Untamed defeats Anbin Alayam in a 3 round blockade.

Tigerleaf XIII: 2010-02-21, Anbin Alayam defeats Forever Untamed in a 3 round blockade.

Tigerleaf XIV: 2010-06-12, Anbin Alayam defeats 5-strenght BK Jinx in a scuttled 5 round blockade.

Tigerleaf XV: 2010-10-16, Forever Untamed defeats Anbin Alayam in a 3 round blockade.

2010-11-22, Forever Untamed transfers Tigerleaf Mountain to Jailbat, winners of the Tigerleaf Free for All event.

Tigerleaf XVI: 2010-11-27, Jailbait defeats Anomalous Purloiners in a 3 round blockade.

Tigerleaf XVII 2010-12-11, Acta non Verba defeats Jailbait in a 3 round blockade

Tigerleaf XVIII 2010-12-18, Acta non Verba defeats Crimson Horizons in a 3 round blockade

Tigerleaf XIX 2011-08-14, In Love and War defeats Acta non Verba to win Tigerleaf Mountain in a three round sinking blockade.

Tigerleaf XX, 2012-01-07, Static Before the Storm defeats In Love and War to win Tigerleaf Mountain in a three round sinking blockade.