2010 Design Easter Eggs - Data

From YPPedia

Addihockey (Sage)


Adrielle (Viridian)


Aere (Viridian)


Agomicc (Viridian)

Design 1 is not seamless; Slight seams on designs 3, 6 and 7.


Amberdolphin (Cobalt)


Amorette (Hunter)


Brittni (Hunter)

Design 1 is not seamless.


Corneilia (Midnight)

Design 2 is not seamless.


Criman (Viridian)

Design 1 is not seamless.


Deathtoll (Unknown Ocean)

No pirate name or ocean given in the entry thread. There were 9 entries in the entry thread, only the first 8 have been uploaded here. Design 1 is not seamless.


Defleur (Viridian)


Dexla (Midnight)


Ellenya (Viridian)


Elvina (Midnight)


Evilmermaid (Cobalt)


Ganley (Midnight)


Gillz (Midnight)


Greylady (Malachite)


Guppyzra (Hunter)

Designs 3, 4, 6 and 7 have slight seams.


Herowena (Midnight)


Insaciable (Cobalt)


Isza (Sage)


Jainasolo (Midnight)

Designs 4, 5, and 7 have slight seams.


Jippy (Viridian)

Designs 2 and 3 have slight seams.


Joe (Hunter)


Johnytonsony (Viridian)


Karlinda (Sage)

Design 7 is not seamless.


Kirppu (Viridian)


Ladyzebra (Sage)


Lekarzynka (Viridian)

Design 1 has a slight seam.


Lowko (Viridian)


Madbaby (Sage)

All designs have seams. An additional entry is not included here as it is out of format.


Makawhawla (Viridian)

Note on entry 1 from the entry thread: "I know it may seem to have a seam, but the "seam" is supposed to be the edges of the patches, fyi".


Meadflagon (Cobalt)


Melany (Hunter)

Design 2 has a slight seam. Design 3 is out of format (it is not 256 x 256 pixels).


Nadinya (Midnight)

Design 5 is not seamless.


Nickipin (Opal)


Peggy (Midnight)

Designs 5 and 8 are the same.


Phillite (Sage)


Piriri (Sage)


Pletoo (Sage)


Rhodanite (Midnight)


Rhodin (Viridian)

Last design is attributed to Rhodin's alternate pirate, Ghyslaine.


Roeland (Sage)

Design 1 has a slight seam.


Royallegend (Unknown Ocean)

Entries did not follow the rules.

Ryanne (Midnight)


Sallymae (Viridian)


Sandiibottom (Cobalt)


Sarahsparrow (Midnight)


Shiftyeyess (Viridian)


Tilinka (Sage)


Trollsb (Midnight)

Designs 3 and 5 have slight seams.


Twinkle (Malachite)


Vixy (Cobalt)


Wahoot (Hunter)


Wannita (Viridian)


Wasbeer (Viridian)


Whitenose (Sage)

Design 5 has a slight seam.
