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Familiars Won

Elvina is a pirate on Midnight Ocean. She is a senior officer of the crew The Phoenix Warriors and a Lady of the flag Tyr's Own.


Floated around the ocean in several crews from around July 2007 before deciding to join the crew Blue Angels in December 2007. She started out as a Fleet Officer but quickly moved up to Senior Officer after showing great loyalty to her crew and flag. March 2008 she moved over to Villains of the Amazon where she was a Senior Officer with hopes she can improve on some of her pirate skills such as bnav.

June of 2008 Elvina decided to start her own crew and Dream Chasers was born.

In April 2009 Dream Chasers merged into The Phoenix Warriors as they wanted a bit more crew fun and they always had fun with the mates of PW.

November 2009 Elvina won a wine octopus in the november promotion therefore fulfilling her dream of a familiar. :)