List of known Puzzle Pirates abbreviations and acronyms
From YPPedia
This is a list of known Puzzle Pirates abbreviations and acronyms. Please maintain alphabetical order.
Contents: | Top - 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
- A = Admiral (blockade coordination role)
- AFK = Away from the keyboard
- Aim = Aimuari
- AKA = Also known as
- Alt = Alternate pirate
- AOF = All-in or Fold, a player-run variation of poker where the only permitted actions are all-in or fold
- Apoth = Apothecary
- Arch = Archipelago
- Bag, Bagh = Baghlah
- Barb = Barbarian
- BK = Brigand King
- Block = Blockade
- BM = Black market
- Bnav = Battle navigation (not to be confused with duty navigation)
- Bot = Non-player pirate or swabbie
- BRB = Be right back
- Brig = Brigand, merchant brig, war brig (usage can be ambiguous)
- BS = (1) Blacksmithing; (2) bullcannon
- Cade = Blockade
- Cap, Capt, Cap'n = Captain
- Cb = Cannon ball
- CB = Cuttle box from the Kraken lair
- CC = Crystal Clear
- CC = Cursed Chest
- CI = Cursed Isles
- Cit = Citadel
- CO = Commanding Officer
- CP = Cabin person
- CP = Cephalo pod from the Kraken lair
- D/C, D/C'd = Disconnect, disconnected.
- DE = Deviled Eggs trophy
- Dev = Developer
- Dist = Distinguished or Distilling
- DITW = Dead in the water
- Dnav = Duty navigation (not to be confused with battle navigation)
- Doub, Dub = Doubloon
- DR = Duty report
- Drop = Dropping a war chest
- EH = Explorers' hall
- EJR = Effective Jobber Ratio
- Expo = Expedition
- Fam = Familiar
- FF = Frenetic Forager trophy or Flailing Flan trophy
- Flot, Floaty, Flotty = Flotilla
- FMP = Flawless Masterpiece (in Patching puzzle)
- FO = Fleet officer
- FR = Fine rum
- Fren = Frenetic on a duty report in the Vampirate Sanctum or Cursed Island
- Frig = War frigate or grand frigate
- FTW = For the win
- GD = Game Design
- GF = Grand frigate
- GH = Grey Havens
- GM = Grand Master
- Gun = Gunnery
- GY = Graveyard
- HWFO = Hand Waving Freak-Outery
- HS = Haunted Seas
- IBTL = I beat the locker or In before the lock
- IM, IW = Iron monger, Ironworking
- IMHO = In my honest opinion or In my humble opinion
- IMO = In my opinion
- Imp = Imperial
- Ippo = Ippolito
- Inc, Incred = Incredible on a duty report or incredible trophy
- Insta = Instakill (instantaneous kill)
- IO = Imperial outpost
- JC = Jobbing contact
- Kade = Blockade
- KB = Kraken's blood or keyboard
- KD = Kraken down, i.e. the powder boat has sunk or will sink the Kraken's head.
- KH = Kraken hunt, a type of Sea Monster Hunt
- KL = Kraken lair, same as above
- Lair = Vampirate Sanctum
- LB = Lifeboat
- LE = Limited Edition
- LF = Looking for
- Leg = Legendary
- LL = Lavish Locker
- Lobby = Lobster
- LP = League point
- LPR = Little Pirates' Room (a.k.a. Bathroom)
- LS = Longship
- LSM = Last second move (in battle navigation)
- MAA = Master at Arms (or Man at Arms)
- MB = Merchant brig
- MG = Merchant galleon
- MP = Masterpiece (in carpentry or blacksmithing)
- Nav = Navigation
- NB = Notice Board
- NC, NCP = Nice Cover (Partner) (Spades)
- NH = Nice Hand (Cards), Night Harbour (Island on Obsidian Ocean)
- NN = Nice Nil (Spades)
- NPP = Non-player pirate
- NSFW = Not safe for work
- O = Officer
- OBB = Officer bulletin board
- OBO = Or best offer
- OCL = Olympic Champions League
- OEJ = One-eyed Jack trophy
- OiC = Officer in charge/command
- OM = Ocean Master
- OOB = Out of (sea) battle
- OOO = Three Rings Design
- OOZ = Out of zone (in the Kraken lair); referring to the 8x8 square zone around the Kraken's head
- OP = Opening/original post/poster
- Patch = Eyepatch (see injury)
- PF = Pre-Flop, a player-run variation of poker in which players must bet a predetermined amount pre-flop, but hands are played normally after the flop
- Pilly = Pillage
- PTB = Permission to board
- PST = Please send tell
- PVE = Player versus environment
- PVP = Player versus player
- QFT = Quoted For Truth
- RB = Royal blue
- Ringer = A developer of Three Rings Design
- RS = Rum spice
- Salt = Old salt
- SF = Swordfight
- SH = Sea horse (Ippolito)
- Shippy = Shipyard
- Skell = Skellie
- SL = (1) Shore Leave; (2) Straight Line, result of not doing anything during a Sword Fight (or Rumble)
- SMA = Super Mega Alliance
- SMH = Sea Monster Hunt
- SO = Senior officer
- SPG, SPAG = Spelling Punctuation and Grammar
- SW = Shipwrightery
- SY = Shipyard
- TD = Treasure Drop
- Tent = Tentacle (in the Kraken lair)
- TH = Treasure Haul
- TITS = Take it to Shore Leave
- TL = Tentacle locker from the Kraken lair
- TL;DR = Too long;didn't read
- TNT = Tentacles next turn (in the Kraken lair); meaning the following turn the Kraken's tentacles (but not its defendacles or head) will surface again after being downed
- Tourney = Tournament
- TP = Trading post
- TRAM = The Rest Are Mine (hearts)
- TTQ&A, TTQA = Tips & Tricks, Questions & Answers
- Ult = Ultimate or Ultimate trophy
- VA = Vice Admiral (blockade coordination role)
- WB = (1) War brig; (2) Welcome back
- WF = War frigate
- WG = War galleon
- WTB = Want to buy or Wish to buy
- WTS = Want to sell or Wish to sell
- XO = Executive Officer
- YW = You're Welcome
- Zomb = Zombie
Other links
- Category:Redirects from abbreviation
- Big List of YPP Acronyms from the Piratical Parley and Politics forum