
From YPPedia
Icon officer.png
Trophy link.png
Portrait link.png
Icon cabin person.png
Trophy link.png
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Trophy link.png
Portrait link.png
Pets button.png
Item box unequip.png
Pets-Dog colors.png
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Current Rank

Icon fleet officer.png Fleet Officer
Navy Rank

A bit of history

The Viridian part

Desu was created on April 15th in 2006, he settled on the Viridian Ocean where he joined the crew Squid Squad because of Kagan,who is Captain of this crew and a very close friend. With joy and pride he got up the ranks in the crew at the same time as he was witnessing it grow bigger and stronger. When they left the flag La Dolce Vita and created their own, Sea Wrath, he was already a senior officer and became a lord of Sea Wrath. He met great people there and made friends with them, persons such as Alivi, Frances, Justinmickey, Msrambonette, Rissarissa and many more.

On the 9th of August 08, he participated in the first Puzzle Competition of the Festival of Piracy where he won the excellent place in his favorite and best puzzle: Sailing. As of September 7th 08, he left the crew Squid Squad to join -Rising Mist-, led by his close friend Rissarissa. He became a Lord of the flag Shadow Company on the 10th of the same month. On the night of September 30th 08, he joined the group Hunters of Brigand Kings on Viridian in order to get a few more Brigand king trinkets.

The Viridian part, new era

On the 11th night of October 08, after coming back from a dangerous journey, he switched crew in order to follow the one that rules his heart. Thus, he became a pirate of the crew Die By The Sword. On the night of the 15th of October 08, he finally got one of the silver trophies in the atlantis series...even if it is nothing big or particular, he was glad for having one. For about one month, his collection of trinkets grew rather fast and well...he is still trying to get a few colors in particular to add to that it.

He and his lovely Rissa decided to create a new crew, and they did so on the night of November 21st 08. Rissa made him a surprise by naming the crew "Crystalis Magus", which he had been dreaming of for a while but never found the will and courage for. He was made senior officer and first mate while Rissa became the captain, giving him a place that he feels a lot more comfortable with than with captaincy. They joined the flag Post Mortem and she was made princess and himself lord of the flag on the 26th of November 08.

The Viridian part, new era part 2

Having Quited for a small while, Desu came back onthe 31st of March 09.After a hard breaking with his ex-wife, he left the crew they had made together. He went back to his roots, to Squid Squad where he became once again a Senior Officer. On the night of the 6th April 09, he decided to leave Squid Squad due to problemes with fellow members. He took the decision of not going back to this crew and to get into another crew leaded by his close friend :Auntsally. The 7th April 09, he joined the crew V-I-M-T-O leaded by his friend, he was promoted to officer right away. He quickly made friend with a few fellow crew member.

The Viridian part, new era part 3

Comming back from the day on the day of the Halloween of the year 09, Desu started sailing again after a long vacation away on unknown seas. Starting this new era by getting a new portrait, turned into a vampire and grinning at the red sky high above the dark trees. Marveled at the new possibilities of trinkets, trophies and colorful furnitures, he set sail once again on the Viridian sea.

The Sage part

He made a trip to the Sage Ocean to see the homeland of his friends, Alivi, Cattiviscida and Lullaby. He was part of the crew in which those friends were, but he is curently in Musketeers of Sage. On the first of November, he started to be a bit more present on the Sage ocean in order to work towards the ultimate standing in sailing, as well as to receive more trinkets. On the night of the 26th November 08, he finally got his ultimate in sails, but sadly, lost it a few days later.

The Malachite trip

When the Malachite Ocean was discovered, he decided to go take a look there. He joined the crew The White Whale created by his friends Barbagialla and Alivi. But, because of the lack of pillaging and online crewmates at that time, he left and joined Rock You Like A Huricane, made by his friend Macham and her husband Hurricanes. Due to a few sad events surrounding Macham and Hurricanes, he left and got back to The White Whale.

The Ice life

He decided to check out the strange life style of the Ice Ocean in June 08, being interested in everything new going on there and in the low prices. He joined Penguin's Snow Day with his friend Owlwhisperer. She left this crew but he stayed. He is now hoping to go back there to witness the new things that the world has to offer. On the 19th of October, he became the senior officer and first mate of the crew Love Never Dies, created the same day by his wife Rissarissa. He became the king of the flag The Lover's Dream also created then. On the night of the 4th of November 08, he tried and loved the Cursed Isles. He was surprised by how it works and loved the idea of going on the islands to rumble and swordfight, then forage to get chests and treasures.

On the 15th of April, he went back on that ocean and found in surprise a new duty puzzle, it was an alternative to his beloved sailing. After trying it for a little bit he came to the conclusion that it was a nice addition to the game and that he was eager to play it again. On that same night, he joined a crew named Destruction under the flag Team Demolition. He was made as an officer righ after being made a member of this great crew. He decided to ask to become a member of it while waiting for a SMH to start with a senior officer named Turquoise.

Hunting on Hunter

On the night of the 25th of November of the year 2008, he decided to join the crew of his loved Rissa and thus began his hunt for ultimates on the Hunter Ocean. He was made senior officer in his new crew, -Angel Ray-. At the end of February 09, he left his crew and is now looking for the perfect one.

The other stories

For some unknown reasons, he sailed to the Cobalt Ocean on the night of August 16th 08. He wanted to visit the islands of the Jade Archipelago but he had set foot on an island of the Garnet Archipelago. Not being able to get to the Jade islands and being bored, he decided to jump on a random pillage where he made money and friends in a matter of minutes. He joined the crew Arcane Abyss after finishing a rather well-paying sloop pillage.

Even with all of his trips, he mostly sails the Viridian ocean where he has responsibilities and friends.



  • Former senior officer of the crew Squid Squad (12/02/09 to 06/04/09)
  • Former senior officer of the crew Crystalis Magus (26/11/08 to 03/02/09)
  • Former senior officer of the crew -Rising Mist-
  • Former lord of the flag Post Mortem (26/11/08 to 03/02/09)
  • Former lord of the flag Shadow Company (from 10/09/08 to 11/10/08)
  • Former lord of the flag Sea Wrath (from 10/09/07 to 07/09/08)
  • Won the excellent place in the Sailing competition in The Festival of Piracy on the 9th of August 2008
  • Has sublime experience in Sailing
  • Highest ranking on the ultimate list in Sails : 25th (06/11/08)
  • Highest ranking on the ultimate list in Forage : 32th (before the trophies were activated)
  • Member of the HuBoV group (since 30/09/08)
  • Owns one of every shack and cabin on Viridian
  • Manager of one stalls

Prizes won in Sailing competitions:

Excellent Place Excellent Place Incredible Place
Trinket-Ship medal.png Furniture-Bundle of cloth.png Trinket-Nutcracker.png
Red and silver White Black
Won on the 9/8/08, Olympic Competitions Regular Competition Regular Competition 21/12/08


  • Highest ranking on the ultimate list in Sails : 45th (29/11/08)


  • Former senior officer of the crew -Angel Ray-


  • Former senior officer of The White Whale
  • Former senior officer of Rock You Like A Huricane


  • Former senior officer and first mate of the crew Love Never Dies
  • Former king of the flag The Lover's Dream
  • Highest ranking on the ultimate list in Sails : 1st

Shops and stalls



He loves spades and likes poker. He can be found Sailing or performing Carpentry most of the time, also, he prefers Rumble over Swordfight. He is nearly living at Auntsally's tailoring stall on Kirin, spending most of his non-pillaging time there. He got the habit of collecting everything, he is curently collecting Starfish, shells, both kinds of corals and houses.


Desu can often be found dressed in his favorite sets of clothing. He prefers these color mixes: green/white, white/blue, white/mint, black/blue, black/aqua, black/lime, black/orange and orange/brown.

Clothing Clothing 2
Clothing-male-torso-Swashbuckler's jacket.png Clothing-male-torso-Jerkin.png
Clothing-male-legs-Loose pants with sash.png Clothing-male-legs-Pants.png
Clothing-male-feet-Fancy boots.png Clothing-male-feet-Fancy boots.png

He prefers bludgeons in the following order: fish, blackjack and rope coils. For swords, his order of preference is for falchions, short swords and cleavers.

The ships he prefers are sloops, war and merchant brigs.

He usually tries to make his bludgeon match the clothing he is wearing currently.


His current goals would be :

  • To get a cursed effigy trinket, no particular color
  • Getting a light blue Archeleon egg trinket
  • Getting the first ultimate in sailing on Viridian ~25th~ (06/11/08)
  • Getting the second generation of token related trophies in sails
  • Getting Master in battle navigating ~Distinguished~
  • Getting ultimate in Rumble ~Legendary~
  • Getting ultimate in Carpentry ~Grand-Master~
  • Getting ultimate trophy in Blacksmithing ~Legendary~
  • Getting ultimate trophy in Foraging ~Legendary~ (32th Ultimate before the trophy was activated)
  • Memorizing more routes mostly in the Jade archipelago and a bit of the Onyx ones.
  • Getting a Karkinos pet either atlantean/silver or blue/silver (or at best black/silver)
  • Getting limited edition pets: black cat, black dog, mala-cat and a black jaguar
  • Getting a parrot
  • Getting a serpent
  • Getting an Apothecary or furnisher shoppe on Viridian
  • Own every type of house on the Viridian ocean ~16/55~

~Those he completed~

  • Getting all colors of the Archeleon egg trinket (Before the comming of the light blue color)
  • Commissioning 10 solo portraits ~Was done on the 11th of April 09~

Brigand King trinkets


He should have three more BK trinkets, which, not having any badge at the time of the fights, he didn't get >_>.

Ransomed by The Widow Queen to Desu on May 21 2007
Item box unequip.png
Colors-trinket-Jeweled brooch.png
Ransomed by Barnabas the Pale to Desu on August 30 2007
Item box unequip.png
Ransomed by Azarbad the Great to Desu on December 6 2007
Item box unequip.png
Colors-trinket-Heart of fire.png

Other trinkets






