Familiars Won
Flag Title

Frances is currently a senior officer in the crew Vendetta and lord of the flag Sailor's Delight.
- Highest ranking in the Ultimate list in Swordfight : 6th
- Highest ranking in the Ultimate list in Bilging : 4th
- Highest ranking in the Ultimate list in Battle navigation : 13th
- Highest ranking in the Ultimate list in Gunning : 1st
- Highest ranking in the Ultimate list in Carping : 104th
- Highest ranking in the Ultimate list in Rumble : 1st
- Highest ranking in the Ultimate list in Treasure hauling : 6th
Starfish (Red)
Starfish (Tan)
Starfish (White)
Starfish (Black)
Starfish (Blue)
Starfish (Orange)
Starfish (Maroon)
Starfish (Gold)
Lump of coal
Frances weeded out the competition in Botanical Bout! May 12, 2008
Sand dollar x2
Skull x4
Zombie hand x22
Ransomed by Azarbad the Great to Frances on December 6 2007
Ransomed by The Widow Queen to Frances on March 5 2008
Ransomed by The Widow Queen to Frances on March 5 2008
Ransomed by The Widow Queen to Frances on March 3 2008
Ransomed by Vargas the Mad to Frances on March 5 2008
Ransomed by Vargas the Mad to Frances on March 15 2008
Ransomed by Gretchen Goldfang to Frances on Januray 10 2008
Ransomed by Gretchen Goldfang to Frances on April 4 2008
Ransomed by Gretchen Goldfang to Frances on March 2 2008
Ransomed by Gretchen Goldfang to Frances on March 6 2008
Ransomed by Gretchen Goldfang to Frances on March 3 2008
Ransomed by Gretchen Goldfang to Frances on January 18 2008
Ransomed by Gretchen Goldfang to Frances on January 10 2008
Ransomed by Admiral Finius to Frances on January 29 2008
Ransomed by Admiral Finius to Frances on May 22 2008
Ransomed by Admiral Finius to Frances on February 18 2008
Ransomed by Admiral Finius to Frances on May 22 2008
Ransomed by Admiral Finius to Frances on March 18 2008
Ransomed by Admiral Finius to Frances on January 29 2008
Ransomed by Admiral Finius to Frances on January 29 2008
Ransomed by Admiral Finius to Frances on January 29 2008