Cloth is made at a weavery and is used to make clothing, sails for ships, buildings, and furniture. Cloth comes in three grades: "basic" cloth (almost always referred to just as "cloth"); fine cloth; and sail cloth. Cloth is used for lower grade clothing (such as boots and pants), while fine cloth is used in higher grade clothing (such as captain's jackets and corsets) at tailors. Items made with fine cloth last longer before decaying. Sail cloth and tan cloth is used to make ships at shipyards.
Recipes & colors
Each recipe creates ten (10) units of cloth.
Cloth is needed for the production and/or construction of:
- Tan cloth only. All buildings (excluding bazaars, houses, attractions, forts, and palaces) can be upgraded for half the original amount. Upgrades are ordered at an estate agent.
- Apothecary shoppe (70)
- Distillery shoppe (100)
- Furnisher shoppe (100)
- Iron monger shoppe (80)
- Shipyard shoppe (200)
- Tailor shoppe (60)
- Weavery shoppe (100)
- Bamboo sleeping mat (2 any)
- Banner - Crab (5 any, 5 any)
- Banner - Cross (5 any, 5 any)
- Banner - Crossed swords (5 any, 2 any, 3 grey)
- Banner - Dolphin (5 any, 5 any)
- Banner - Fish bones (5 any, 5 any)
- Banner - Fleur-de-Lis (5 any, 5 any)
- Banner - Heart and swords (3 any, 5 any, 2 grey)
- Banner - Helm (5 any, 5 any)
- Banner - Lion (5 any, 5 any)
- Banner - Monkey (5 any, 5 any)
- Banner - Nautilus (5 any, 5 any)
- Banner - Sea dragon (3 any, 5 any, 2 blue)
- Banner - Skull n' Swords (4 any, 4 any, 2 grey)
- Banner - Squid (5 any, 5 any)
- Banner - Trident (5 any, 5 any)
- Banner - Trophy (5 any, 2 any, 3 yellow)
- Banner - Winged sword (5 any, 2 grey, 3 yellow)
- Banner - Winking jolly roger (4 any, 3 any, 1 black, 2 white)
- Bedroll (4 grey)
- Bench with jugs (1 red, 1 white)
- Books (1 blue, 1 yellow)
- Bundle of cloth (10 any)
- Bunk (7 any)
- Byobu folding screen (2 any)
- Cot (5 blue, 5 yellow)
- Dye barrel (10 any)
- Dyer (10 any)
- Flag tapestry (10 any, 5 any)
- Hammock (4 any, 4 any)
- Heart tapestry (10 any, 5 any)
- Imperial banner (10 any, 5 any)
- Large pile of pillows (4 yellow)
- Loom (10 any)
- Patterned pillow (1 yellow)
- Pirate flag (5 black, 3 white)
- Pirate flag (wide) (6 black, 4 white)
- Poker table (3 green)
- Pile of pillows (2 yellow)
- Rowboat bed (5 any, 4 any, 5 white)
- Scarecrow (2 any, 2 any, 1 grey)
- Spools (1 red)
- Striped pillow (1 yellow)
- Tree tapestry (1 gold, 4 green, 8 white)
- Shirt with belt (2 any, 1 any)
- Shirt with sash (3 any, 2 any)
- Short dress bottom (2 any)
- Sleeping hat (either gender) (2 any, 2 white)
- Striped shirt (female) (1 any, 1 white)
- Striped shirt (male) (1 any, 1 any, 1 white)
- Striped shirt with vest (female) (1 any, 1 white)
- Striped shirt with vest (male) (2 any, 1 any, 1 white)
- Stripy knickers (either gender) (2 any, 2 white)
- Valkyrie helmet (1 tan)
- Vest and scarf (6 any, 4 any)
- Vest with sash (3 any, 2 any, 2 white)
- Viking helmet (either gender) (1 tan)
- Wide-brimmed hat (3 any)
- Wrap (3 any, 1 any)
Historical notes
Tilinka is credited with the original idea to create magenta cloth, as suggested in her forum thread: Tilinka's Ultimatum. To date, her third and fourth demands are still unmet.