Multo is the captain and mascot of the crew Savage Butchery and Princess the flag The Never Ending Storm on the Viridian Ocean.
Pirate Life
Multo was introduced to the pirate life by close friend Mmario when they grew weary of a game they were playing. She was spawned on Hunter though was never able to practice piracy there as she was immediately asked to move to Viridian, Mmario's spawn ocean.
Dark Revenge
Her first ever crew was Dark Revenge though she has no recollection of how she got there in the first place. She began as a pirate, slowly puzzling her way up to the rank of officer. From there she received training from then Senior Officer Browneyes and was recommended to be promoted to fleet officer by Sanias, another senior officer of Dark Revenge.
Puzzling interest began to wane as real life began interfering with pirate life. She took unwanted hiatus during December of 2007, unable to puzzle due to lack of internet connection because to a natural disaster that occurred during that time that cut off the Philippines from the world wide web.
Upon her return to Puzzle Pirates after a long duration, she was shocked that she was a pirate of Squid Squad. Unknown to the crew and without a friendly face in sight, she desperately looked for Dark Revenge and found that her former senior officer and friend Illegitimate was already captain. Days later she caught him online and asked to be taken under his wing and was immediately promoted to senior officer of Dark Revenge. She learned that previous captain Hayk merged the crew with Squid Squad and that Dark Revenge was revived by Illegitimate's efforts alone.
Multo ended up being frustrated most of the time. She left her sloop Rare Mummichog with full stock open to use for the crew only to discover that her stock was sold and money taken by a fleet officer. At that time, auto officership was given to those who came into the crew. She lent her sloop to her sister Cheezburger out of rage.
Multo introduced her younger sister to play puzzle pirates and created the pirate Cheezburger from the famous internet meme I can has Cheezburger. She failed to keep her sister interested in the game despite much prodding. As a result, she took over the pirate as she fell in love with the crew Bean Machine. For some time she pretended to be her own sister to be accepted fully within the crew but eventually revealed her main pirate to be Multo. Due to the various issues at Dark Revenge she decided to park Multo for the meantime and continue pirate life as Cheezburger with her new found friends and mentors.
In Bean Machine and from Cheezburger to Cheezy
Growth as a pirate was one of the advantages that Bean Machine was able to offer. Soyabean, the captain of Bean Machine was kind enough to spare time to teach her how to Battle Navigate properly and many of the senior officers were kind enough to share tips on puzzle duties.
On April 19, 2008 a greenie asked to be helped out, she pretended to be someone trustworthy and showed genuineness. Alas, due to overconfidence in fellow pirates, Cheezburger was taken over and was no more. The vessels Rare Mummichog (her first sloop) and Valued Clownfish were rendered useless as the pirate Cheezburger was banned together with the items she acquired from hard work. Not wanting to be disassociated with her Cheezburger persona, Multo created another pirate that she named Cheezy to be recognized by those whom she had met with the banned pirate.
Despite being a great crew, many issues lead it to crumble and dust. Former members argue that merges with smaller crews was the cause of the crack. Eventually, Captain Soyabean returned to his home ocean Sage and merged with the Flying Elephants, captained by Beautiejj former senior officer of Bean Machine. Wanting to return to Sage as well, Beautiejj merged the crew with Bermuda Triangle which was being run by Aquaben.
The pirate Cheezy is now a fleet officer of the crew illusion to help out friend and former captain, Hayk.
Return to Dark Revenge
With the depressing events that were occurring at Bean Machine, Multo decided to return to her original pirate and make amends with the crew members.
Death by Tampon
Although Multo attempted to leave Dark Revenge due to a fellow senior officer's misdemeanors, she returned two days later, unable to completely let go of her home crew.
Shuvel's entrance into the pirate world was earth shattering. Multo knew Shuvel from another ocean under another name. Due to being notorious at the unmentionable ocean, Shuvel was forced to start anew, choose a new name and moved to Viridian intending to wreak oceanic havoc--a few days each month. Thus, on July 8th 2008 of the crew Death by Tampon was spawned. Multo was partially coerced to leave Dark Revenge although she had previous intentions of creating her own crew, she had no experience whatsoever. Shuvel on the other hand had previous experience as captain, it was almost a dream come true, only she would be under a captain that was notorious for causing altercations between players and crews due to her seize-the-day and I-don't-care attitude.
Golden Angel's Wing was merged into Death by Tampon because it's captain, Relly, had to go on puzzling hiatus. Unable to keep with the large number, Multo eventually merged Death by Tampon with her friend Hayk's crew, illusion.
Savage Butchery
Shuvel and Multo created another crew for their alts called Savage Butchery whilst still in Death by Tampon.
After the crew merge with illusion, Multo and the founding members of Death by Tampon moved to Savage Butchery.
Squid Squad
Due to continuous prodding by friends in Squid Squad, she accepted full membership. After a week of fun, Multo decided to return to Savage Butchery.
Sea Wrath
On February 14, 2009 Multo pulled Savage Butchery away from Sea Wrath. After the departure of her close friends from the flag, she decided that there was really nothing left for her to hang on to and she felt no involvement as well. She moved to Rebel Raiders, the flag built by the same friends that left. The flag promised her a chance to learn the ropes of blockades and more political involvement in the flag. However, due to internal conflict, founding members of the flag left only a few short days after her joining. The remaining crews of the flag were prompted to create a new flag, South of Sanity.
Goals of achieving political enlightenment and blockade experience was taking longer than expected. Although South of Sanity provided her with a strong sense of family she had never experienced with her previous flag, she felt that her goals were short of being achieved. With the political overhaul of Sea Wrath in place with new royals and promises experience and tutelage from one of Viridian's great political minds, on March 18, 2009, Multo returned to Sea Wrath.
The Never Ending Storm
The return to Sea Wrath, however, was only short lived. A few weeks after, Multo was invited to join the flag The Never Ending Storm. A few days after that, she was able to learn about land admiraling at Garden III.
Multo went to Malachite at its opening and enjoyed exploring the new ocean. She joined her friends in their crew Rock You Like a Huricane.
Upon learning that Duat was open for colonization [1] , Hurricanes decided to do his first blockade. Duat I was Multo's first shot at being a JC.
Known Alts
Multwo was previously a senior officer in Dark Revenge. Unable to really completely let go of her attachment to Dark Revenge, Multo created Multwo so she could still be in the crew. Under this pirate she owns a renamed sloop called Yummy Cakes, suggested by Illegitimate. It is painted pink and aqua and is being made to resemble a cake. Due to circumstances, she left Dark Revenge completely.
- Main article: Impakta
Wanting to meet more of her fellow countrymen in game, Multo decided to create the pirate Impakta to join Nordenx's crew Anak Bathala. She was able to achieve officer status with the title carpenter. But due to the crew's inactivity and the lack of pirates logging on, she moved to the crew Pinoy Pillagers captained by a hearty she met aboard a navy vessel, Cptainbarbel. There, she is able to freely speak in her native language.
She is princess of the flag Our Odyssey an owns a white/black sheep named Tupa which means sheep in Filipino. Spicy Dilis is a sloop she owns that is named after a native delicacy of small dried fish (dilis) covered in sweet and spicy powder. Painted white and violet, Big Plaice is possibly the most used vessel in Pinoy Pillagers as it is unlocked and is preferred by Cptainbarbel. She also owns Sacrificial Lambi a war brig renamed with the help of Macham. At first, the Ocean Master Oceanus misspelled it as Sacraficial Lambi a month later, Aquaben (then holder of the deed) decided to petition for it to be spelled properly. Glaucus corrected the error and was told to tell Oceanus that it was his mistake.
See above
Multo shares a collection of pets with Lastspartan. They own all types of pets and have all limited edition pets that were available in the palace shoppe, except for a Malacat. Her favorite pets are cats and most of them have Filipino names. As of January 2009, she has 13 in her possession.
Sloops are her vessel of choice because she likes going solo, afraid to disappoint on board jobbers if she loses.
Sloop |
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War Brig |
For their fifth month together, Lastspartan gave Multo a tan/navy parrot which she has named Minokawa, after a mythical bird from the Philippines.
- Won her first vessel, a sloop named Rare Mummichog on March 3, 2007 by winning first place in Search the Smell with Brain event held by then Dark Revenge flag, Brotherhood w-o Banners
- Won a rose starfish trinket on a spontaneous limerick contest held by Ocean Master Galene during the Malachite Ocean opening at The Embankment bank at Saltstraum Rock.
- Won overall Good in distilling during the Festival of Piracy last August 9th 2008
- Won a black/orange handkerchief trinket from ocean master Oceanus for answering a trivia question on Halloween 2008
- First and last place for two of her three entries in Sunshine for Apollo - A Get-Well Event
- Fifth place in PUZZLE PIRATES WEEKLY Valentine's edition
- Egg design chosen for Easter Eggs 2009
- Ultimate in Foraging
- Won honourable mentions in Apollo's "Easter Easel 2009": Joe (8th April) [2]; Phillite II (10th April) [3]; Multo (9th April) [4] on the Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates Forums.
- To have own flag with Shuvel and get to wear a tiara.
- At least Master standing in Battle Navigation.
She is usually found in her townhouse in Harmattan talking to Lastspartan and playing unrated swordfighting with him. The rare times that she isn't, she is usually with hearties going to the Cursed Isles or pillaging.
Previously she would be seen dock lurking at the Lima docks usually standing beside the tree near the notice board, unable to find the strength to get herself to docktart. She used to frequent Lima inn, trying to find good deals on items to buy and resell for a better price.
Her favorite color is magenta and was obsessive over magenta and gray clothing, splurging on items whenever she sees them. Previously obsessed over sloops, she stopped buying when she was given Big Plaice on Impakta, then her venture for clothing began. Striped shirts, rag skirts, bandanas and free navy clothing was the clothing of choice before the influence of Cptainbarbel.
Her previous pirates seem to posses most of the luck with Cheezburger winning her first ultimate trophy ever at poker. She has no luck with poker, usually losing 200-400 PoE at the 20-200 tables.