[hide]Cheezburger is an Officer and Damsel of the crew Bean Machine and a member of the flag Armada. She sails the Viridian Ocean.
Cheezburger's foray into the pirate world began when her cousin's pirate died after months of puzzling hiatus. Frustrated about the stats he worked so hard on, he gave up and instead handed over his account to his younger cousin, Cheezburger. She happily took over the account and made a pirate.
Her first ever crew was Hellas and was immediately promoted to pirate after joining. She was invited by a hearty to job for Squid Squad and after the pillage became full member. Unable to rise above the rank of cabin person, Cheezburger decided to go with Bean Machine a new crew formed by Soyabean, former SO of Squid Squad to start afresh. Then eventually she became an officer.
She enjoys carpentry and gunning and detests bilging. Whenever she gets bored, she lurks at the forums and reads yppedia entries. She admits that she is a big nerd.
To blow steam off and to relax, she likes playing poker on free poker days. She vows never to buy a parlor badge as poker is a very unhealthy game. Her first ultimate trophy incidentally is for poker. She received it on April 4, 2008 a Friday, free poker day.
On April 12, 2008 however, she bought a parlor badge, from donations by her friend Aquaben. She is back to able.
Cheezburger got her first ship from her sister. Rare Mummichog is the name of the sloop and it was won by her sister during a flag contest when her crew was back with Brotherhood Without Banners. Her second sloop Valued Clownfish's origin is unknown.
On April 14, 2008 she and her fellow officer in Bean Machine, Touchmyface bought painted aqua and white cutter named Friendly Hake.