 Sea Battle
Flag Title

Crew TitleNavigator
Illegitimate is captain of the crew Dark Revenge and prince of the flag Sea Wrath on the Viridian Ocean, and fleet officer in Iron Fist, member of Effective Immediately on the Malachite Ocean.
"My fish tank is full"
"Hey illegitimate a greeting to u when u see me!!"
"A BIG ARRRRRR, fer being a great SO and matey. All ye help be much appreciated.
"I wouldn't be me without you ille. Thank you! Marka.
"thanks for being a gr8 m8 illegitimate ur amazing !! :) :) from planky"
"Everytime dont forgot go on mailbox"
"Merry Christmas and da happy New Year and da thank you for beeing a Good Captain.// Lovely Ooki hehe"
Ransomed by Gretchen Goldfang to Illegitimate on May 26, 2007
Ransomed by Azarbad the Great to Illegitimate on July 7, 2007
Ransomed by The Widow Queen to Illegitimate on July 28, 2007
Ransomed by Admiral Finius to Illegitimate on November 17, 2007
between 10 and 100 x
between 10 and 100 x
Awarded to Illegitimate for Sublime experience in Battle Navigation
"To Illegitimate you have been a great captian to the whole crew so heres so cookies"
"for a good friend happy easter alivi"
"For a well truly best mate merry christams Marka"
"To Illegitimate - Thanks mate! I was glad you was my Best Mate. Barb & Alivi"
"have a very happy christmas and new year kisss kiss"
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