Impakta is a known alt of pirate Multo on the Viridian Ocean.
She is senior officer and mascot of the crew Pinoy Pillagers and princess of the flag Our Odyssey.
Wanting to meet more of her fellow countrymen in game, Multo decided to create the pirate Impakta to join Nordenx's crew Anak Bathala. She was able to achieve officer status with the title carpenter. But due to the crew's inactivity and the lack of pirates logging on, she moved to the crew Pinoy Pillagers and captained a hearty she met aboard a navy vessel, Cptainbarbel. There, she is able to freely speak in her native language and make jokes that people understand.
Spicy Dilis
The sloop Spicy Dili is named after a native delicacy of small dried fish (dilis) covered in sweet and spicy powder.
Big Plaice
During one of the searches for a vessel to pillage with with fellow Senior Officer Teirrah, they stumbled upon a white and violet painted unlocked sloop ported at Sakejima. Impakta immediately fell in love with it and offered to buy it from Cptainbarbel. He gladly said that he would give the vessel to her if she got her Battle Navigation up to master. It dawned to her that the vessel would never be hers.
Because of a freak sloop pillage wherein the sloop sank during a PvP encounter, Cptainbarbel gave the vessel deed to Impakta as a form of payment as he was navigating the sloop that sunk.
She bought an outfit to match the sloop to celebrate.
Sacrificial Lambi
A white and magenta war brig that was renamed with the help of Macham's extra shanghai.
It was only after rename that it was realized that the vessel was misspelled. Instead of Sacrificial Lambi, sacrificial was misspelled as Sacraficial. The Ocean Master responsible for the misspelling was Oceanus. Almost a month later, Aquaben (then holder of the deed) petitioned the help of an OM to rightly name the vessel. Glaucus gladly renamed the ship and told us that if we were not satisfied with renames to petition immediately.
It was a contest between the fish Lambe or Lambi. The latter was favored as it is a fish found in the Philippines.
Aquaben was given the deed as a thanks. He returned the ship painted white and magenta, Impakta's favorite color. Together with this, he gave her a magenta and white corset and gown set with matching magenta and white tiara (pictured above) as he noticed she enjoyed matching her clothes with her ship as she had previously done with Big Plaice.
Accomplishments and Contributions
- Princess of the flag Our Odyssey