From YPPedia
Wildlilly is a retired pirate, formerly from the Midnight Ocean. She is currently having a revival on the Emerald Ocean, playing as Wildlilly and Providencia. She can occasionally be found on the Cerulean Ocean, playing as Betrys.
Career At A Glance
- Former senior officer of Pirates of the Damned
- Former captain of Booty Lubbers
- Former officer of Puzzle Pirates Academy
- Former pirate of Orange Revolution
- Beta tester, Azure Ocean
Achievements & Contributions
- First to achieve Sublime experience in sailing on the Midnight Ocean
- Memmed all of the existing routes on the Midnight Ocean, including the extinct Alpha Island - Winter Solstice route
- Provided the image that inspired the creation of the Buccaneer jacket (first post is here, but image is broken)
- Instrumental in getting changes made to the design of the right-facing upgraded palace (private messages with Nemo occurred after Crimson Tide upgraded their palace, leading directly to a change in design)
- Founder of Booty Lubbers (listed on the Gaea Island monument and the Azure memorial)
- Justice of the Peace for Misery and Thanos' wedding
- Member of the court during the Trial of Artemis
- Former princess of Crimson Tide
- Former chamberlain of Crimson Tide
- Former owner and manager of Miyu's Ribbons tailor on Xi Island
- Former manager of several Crimson Tide shoppes on Xi Island, Turtle Island, and Winter Solstice
Holiday Events
- On Team Pustulent Horde during Zombie Apocalypse 2005.
- On Team Sinterklaas during Santa Rampage 2006.