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(Blockades at a Glance)
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def=[[Tyr's Own]]|
def=[[Tyr's Own]]|
attack=[[Fleet of his Imperial Scaled Highness]]|
attack=[[Fleet of his Imperial Scaled Highness]]|
{| {{Infobox flagblockadef/tablestyle}}
{{infobox flagblockadef|
flagname=Tyr's Own|
island=Byrne Island|
month=October 2008|
stance=Defence colonized|
def=[[Tyr's Own]]|

Revision as of 15:38, 26 October 2008

Tyr's Own at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Monarch Sweetiepiepi of The Phoenix Warriors
Member crew(s) Arsenic Cocktail, Azure Knights, Club DrEAD, Defenders of Byrne, Fifth Fist of th'Misfits, Green's Wolves, Jah Rasta, Nevicata Drago, Out for Blood, The Phoenix Warriors, The Revenge, They Might Be Pirates, Serial Pillagers, Stolz, Strength for the Journey
Islands controlled

Byrne Island
Winter Solstice

Allies DeathDrakkar, Dies Irae, Don't Panic, Elysian Fields, Lunar Bin, Morgan's Marauders, Nova Scorpius, Pandor's Box, Seraph's Nightmare, Tara's Rappid Fire
Wars none
Last updated on 08 September, 2008
Favicon.png Flag Info

Tyr's Own, the crew, was formed at the launch of the Midnight Ocean. It consisted of beta players from the Azure Ocean, primarily members of Green's Wolves and The Revenge. Both crews had been part of the Braindead Buccaneers flag, who controlled Azure's version of Jorvik Island. In 2003, during the Midnight shoppe auctions, Green's Wolves and The Revenge became separate entities, splitting on good terms but different goals. The Wolves joined Looterati, while The Revenge joined Nyx's Scions.

The two crews later rejoined, this time as Tyr's Own, the flag, along with the Fifth Fist of th'Misfits, The Phoenix Warriors, and the Serial Pillagers in December 2003. They gathered with the intention of colonizing Jorvik Island when islands became open for blockades.

To test the new blockade feature, the Ringers first opened Byrne Island and Emperor Island for colonization. When, after a few hours, no one had attacked Byrne yet, the senior members of Tyr's Own dropped a war chest on the island. Tyr's Own's primary goal was to get experience with blockades, not a change of focus from their Jorvik goal. The flag took the island at Byrne I, easily winning seven out of eight rounds. During colonization, Tyr's Own put up a number of buildings with Talking Heads-themed names.

Jorvik Blockades

Unfortunately, what started as a sideshow to experiment with the new blockades wound up taking a good deal of Tyr's time, and they were not in a position to contend for Jorvik, their original goal. When it opened, Looterati took the island.

Tyr's Own later mounted two attacks on Jorvik Island (Jorvik II and Jorvik III), but were shut out both times. Looterati's defense was aided by several factors. Looterati had allied with other medium and large flags; these flags showed up in force to defend. Additionally, some players believed this to be an internal matter between Looterati and its former member, Greenwolf. Still others believed that it was too early for a single flag to govern more than one island. Finally, some felt uncomfortable about taking an island away from a flag when new islands were scheduled to open. The attempt at Jorvik III was further hampered by a counter-blockade of Byrne by DOOFIS (Byrne II).

In March 2006, with the re-opening of Jorvik to blockades, Tyr's Own made one more attempt at Jorvik. Faced with the opposition of Hades' flag Death's Banner, and also worthy opponents the Broadsiders, Tyr's Own was successful at long last, spurring the return of some of the old guard to the game.

Turtle Blockade

A month after Jorvik III, Tyr's Own created the alt flag Turtle's Own to take Turtle Island from Death's Banner. The flag defeated Hades' forces in a seven-round shutout at Turtle III. Tyr's Own installed their longtime friend Janthina as the island's governor.

Cranberry Blockades

Two weeks later, Tyr's Own blockaded Cranberry Island in the Ruby Archipelago when it opened for colonization. They and the other contender, Trans-Atlantic Empire, faced a strong defense from Looterati and its close ally Silver Dawn. Both contenders won a single round, and the defenders won the other five, leaving the island uncolonized.

A week after Cranberry I, Trans-Atlantic Empire tried again to take the island. Silver Dawn actively supported them, and Looterati offered informal assistance. Shortly before round 4, Tyr's Own dropped a war chest and became a contender, although they failed to win a single round.

Lilliputian Alliance

In December 2005, Tyr's Own formed the Lilliputian Alliance with Seraph's Nightmare, Black Sheep Brigade, and Black Rose to simultaneously blockade four islands held by the flag Avalon. Although no islands were taken by the Lilliputian Alliance, the Alliance achieved its goal of hosting a fun and exciting event for the ocean.

Public Statement

Our Mission: To have fun.

Management: Our royals are appointed as punishment for their misdeeds and are charged with gathering the viewpoints of our flagmates and bringing forward solutions. We have many monarchs and it is the task of the Official Monarch to carry out flag decisions. All of the royals may act as representatives of the flag. Each crew is entitled to appoint one titled member for each ten active, non-alt crewbies. Titled members are required to flounce around Byrne in gowns and swashies but have no other formal role.

Membership: Each one of us is responsible for recruiting fine new flaggies. New crews may apply to join the flag by posting a neat, informative application in the Application Bin. Crew applications will be considered by consensus; new crews should demonstrate strength in numbers or abilities and a good fit with the individuality of Tyr's Own. The Official Monarch will advise the applicants of the status.

Meditation: All issues for discussion will be bandied about on the forums for three days, with a poll where appropriate, and the royals determining what the rough consensus for action is. The time period may be extended or shortened where necessary.

Machinations: If any of our flaggies wants to do something with flag help, propose it on the forums, organize it, ask for the help needed, and do it. This flag is a trampoline to bounce our flaggies to heights they can't reach alone. Your choice, live in the pocketses of the flaggies or go hermiting with the Old Man on Oyster.

Money: Make it, gamble it, spend it, save it, polish it, roll around nekkid in it. It's all yours.

Moulin Rouge: This flag is about truth, beauty, freedom; but above all things, this flag is about love.

External Links

Blockades at a Glance

First blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Byrne I
Date: 29 April 2004
Stance: Attacking Uncolonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: none vs. Tyr's Own
Score: :7
Result: Successful colonization
Second blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Jorvik II
Date: 28 May 2004
Stance: Attacking Colonized
Sinking? no
Contenders: Looterati vs. Tyr's Own
Score: 6:0
Result: Unsuccessful attack
Third blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Byrne II
Date: 23 July 2004
Stance: Defending colonized
Sinking? no
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. DOOFIS
Score: 6:1
Result: Successful defense
Fourth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Jorvik III
Date: 23 July 2004
Stance: Attacking colonized
Sinking? no
Contenders: Looterati vs. Tyr's Own
Score: 6:0
Result: Unsuccessful attack
Fifth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Cranberry I
Date: 11 September 2004
Stance: Attacking uncolonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: none vs. Tyr's Own, Trans-Atlantic Empire
Score: 5:1:1
Result: Unsuccessful colonization
Sixth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Cranberry II
Date: 18 September 2004
Stance: Attacking uncolonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: none vs. Tyr's Own, Trans-Atlantic Empire
Score: 0:0:7
Result: Unsuccessful colonization
Seventh blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Byrne III
Date: 23 April 2005
Stance: Defending colonized
Sinking? no
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Midnight Armada
Score: 3:0
Result: Successful defense
Eighth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Guava VII
Date: 5 December 2005
Stance: Attacking colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Avalon vs. Tyr's Own
Score: 3:1
Result: Unsuccessful attack
Ninth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Meke V
Date: 19 March 2006
Stance: Event blockade
Sinking? no
Contenders: Notorious Fandango vs. Tyr's Own
Score: 3:1
Result: Unsuccessful attack
Tenth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Jorvik XII
Date: 25 March 2006
Stance: Attacking colonized
Sinking? no
Contenders: Death's Banner vs. Broadsiders, Tyr's Own
Score: 0:1:3
Result: Won island
Eleventh blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Eclipse II
Date: 3 June 2006
Stance: Event blockade
Sinking? no
Contenders: Vilya vs. Notorious Fandango, Tyr's Own
Score: 0:0:3
Result: Won island
Twelfth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Eclipse V
Date: 10 September 2006
Stance: Event blockade
Sinking? no
Contenders: Baker's Union vs. Avalon, Tyr's Own
Score: 0:0:3
Result: Won island
Thirteenth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Luthien III
Date: 9 December 2006
Stance: Attacking colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Carpe Noctem vs. Tyr's Own
Score: 3:1
Result: Unsuccessful attack
Fourteenth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Jorvik XIII
Date: 31 March 2007
Stance: Defending colonized
Sinking? no
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Broadsiders
Score: 0:3
Result: Lost island
Fifteenth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Jorvik XIV
Date: 22 April 2007
Stance: Attacking colonized
Sinking? became sinking at round 3
Contenders: Broadsiders vs. Tyr's Own
Score: 0:3
Result: Won island
Sixteenth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Jorvik XV
Date: 28 April 2007
Stance: Defending colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Broadsiders
Score: 0:3
Result: Lost island
Seventeenth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Jorvik XVI
Date: 6 May 2007
Stance: Attacking colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Broadsiders vs. Tyr's Own
Score: 2:3
Result: Won island
Eighteenth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Byrne IV
Date: 30 June 2007
Stance: Defending colonized
Sinking? no
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Avalon
Score: 3:1
Result: Successful defense
Nineteenth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Jorvik XVII
Date: 30 June 2007
Stance: Defending colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Fleet of his Imperial Scaled Highness
Score: 0:3
Result: Lost island
Twentieth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Winter X
Date: 22 July 2007
Stance: Attacking colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Chthonic Horde vs. Tyr's Own
Score: 3:1
Result: Unsuccessful attack
Twenty-first blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Spring VI
Date: 15 December 2007
Stance: Attacking colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Avalon vs. Tyr's Own
Score: 0:3
Result: Won island
Twenty-second blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Byrne V
Date: 15 December 2007
Stance: Defending colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Avalon
Score: 3:0
Result: Successful defense
Twenty-third blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Spring VII
Date: 5 January 2008
Stance: Defending colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Avalon
Score: 0:3
Result: Lost island
Twenty-fourth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Byrne VI
Date: 15 March 2008
Stance: Defending colonized
Sinking? no
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Spirit of the Game
Score: 3:0
Result: Successful defense
Twenty-fifth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Winter XIII
Date: 30 March 2008
Stance: Attacking colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Spirit of the Game vs. Tyr's Own
Score: 0:3
Result: Won island
Twenty-sixth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Byrne VII
Date: 3 August 2008
Stance: Defending colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Jinx
Score: 3:1
Result: Successful defense
Twenty-seventh blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Byrne VIII
Date: 13 September 2008
Stance: Defence colonized
Sinking? no
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Broadsiders
Score: 3:1
Result: Successful defense
Twenty-eighth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Byrne IX
Date: 5 October 2008
Stance: Defence colonized
Sinking? yes
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Fleet of his Imperial Scaled Highness
Score: 3:0
Result: Successful defense
Twenty-ninth blockade for Tyr's Own
Midnight Ocean
Blockade: Byrne X
Date: 25 October 2008
Stance: Defence colonized
Sinking? no
Contenders: Tyr's Own vs. Broadsiders
Score: 3:0
Result: Successful defense