Talk:Tyr's Own

From YPPedia
Wikicities Migration
This page migrated from Wikicities (now Wikia) in July, 2005. The following contributors agreed to relicense their material here:
  • Barrister
  • CursedBurger
  • Greasy
  • Mercano


I've fleshed out some of Tyr's Own's history regarding the Jorvik blockades. Nevertheless, I was on the receiving end, and I'm concerned that my recollection may be biased. Others should review this with an appropriately skeptical eye. --Barrister 00:17, 25 October 2005 (PDT)

There are a bunch of blockades still missing, for those of you who like to edit this kind of stuff.

Aye, the blockades-at-a-glance are sparsely-implemented while the template is still going through the wringer. Thanks, tho! --AtteSmythe 19:19, 11 July 2006 (PDT)

Just a quick formatting note, we like to have our full list of blockades showing on the page rather than as a drop-down box (or at least as full as we've gotten around to keeping it so far....). Thanks! ~ Sweetiepiepi

The reason for the show/hide box is because your list of blockades is ginormous. There's no official YPPedia policy on blockade lists on flag articles, but typically the policy is that lists of longer than twelve should be hidden. Why exactly do you want it un-hidden? --Belthazar451 22:55, 22 December 2010 (UTC)