They Might Be Pirates

From YPPedia
They Might Be Pirates at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Captain Ridestowe
Senior Officer(s) Jlbshecky
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Tyr's Own
Founded 27 October, 2003
Dormant as of 31 January, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info

They Might Be Pirates was founded on October 27, 2003 by Crutchy and Dalidor.

Public Statement

We're a small close group of pirates. We have interests in Pillaging, Trading, and Shopkeeping. Whatever you're interested in, this is the crew for you.

Advancement goes as follows:

Cabin person - I don't believe it in, if ye've paid for the game yer a pirate

Pirate - anyone who joins and has paid for the game

Officer - solid in 2 of the main duitys; sailing, carp, or bilge, can demonstrate a proficiency in navigation. Has shown dedication to the crew and earned the trust of it's leadership. We are always willing to give officer training to my crew members who need it. Trainee's shall be givin Title of Midshipmen until training is complete

Fleet Officer- For those who are well on their way to SO but need a little more training.

Senior Officer - an officer who shows promise, these are the pirates who return from pillaging runs with plenty of booty in the hold fer the crew, and the leadership skills to keep a boat load of pirates happy and motivated

Captain - yer name is Crutchy and you started this crew

We be recruiting and we're always willing to take greenies and give em the training they need, providing they don't plan to scurry off to another crew once we've made into lean mean pirating machines. Send a tell to any Officer, Senior Officer, or The Captain to join up.

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