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Silverfur of Sage is my first and main pirate. There is a Silverfur on each ocean and each of them is mine. Any Silverfur on any other ocean than Sage is an alt and at most does labor or sits around until needed.

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Pets-Dog colors.png
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"As long as this ring is on your finger, I will be your Ishida. Love, Ish"
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Colors-trinket-Gemstone ring.png

My Skellie Skulls

Click [show] to expand

Multiple Trinkets

Click [show] to expand

Alt Pirates on Sage

Katsenjammer - cabin person in Hardcore Sea Ravers.

"Team Cannon Ball Z, Champions, Fight Club 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Fight Club 2006.png
"Team Southern Stars, Sixth Place, Foot Brawl 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trinket colors Foot Brawl 2006.png
"Team Viejo Pascuero, Last Place, Santa Rampage 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Santa Rampage 2006.png

Snowfur - pirate in Seekers Veritas.

"Team Cannon Ball Z, Champions, Fight Club 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Fight Club 2006.png
"Team Southern Stars, Sixth Place, Foot Brawl 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trinket colors Foot Brawl 2006.png
"Team Viejo Pascuero, Last Place, Santa Rampage 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Santa Rampage 2006.png

Nautica - senior officer in Jack Aces.

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Pets-Cat colors.png
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Pets-Cat colors.png
"To Nautica who will always be our favorite SO. Love, all you children from Smoke and Fire."
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Colors-trinket-Greeting card.png
Defeated by "Nautica"
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Item box unequip.png
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Colors-trinket-Knobby coral.png
"Awarded to Nautica for Grand-Master Ranking in Sea Battle on March 30, 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trinket-Sea Battle ranking trophy (Grand-Master).png
"Team Sailor Showdown, Fifth Place, Fight Club 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Fight Club 2006.png
"Team Azure Tridents, Second Place, Foot Brawl 2006"
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Trinket colors Foot Brawl 2006.png
"Team Blight Flight, Fourth Place, Arrrmageddon 2006"
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Trinket colors Arrrmageddon 2006.png
"Team Badadimri, Fifth Place, Santa Rampage 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Santa Rampage 2006.png

Newbridge - officer in Ocean Explorers.

"Team Azure Tridents, Second Place, Foot Brawl 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trinket colors Foot Brawl 2006.png
Defeated by "Newbridge"
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"Team Sailor Showdown, Fifth Place, Fight Club 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Fight Club 2006.png
"Team Voodoo Crew, Sixth Place, Arrrmageddon 2006"
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Trinket colors Arrrmageddon 2006.png
"Team Badadimri, Fifth Place, Santa Rampage 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Santa Rampage 2006.png

Callee - cabin person in Hell's Revenge.

"Team Azure Tridents, Second Place, Foot Brawl 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trinket colors Foot Brawl 2006.png
"Team Nautical Kombat, Sixth Place, Fight Club 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Fight Club 2006.png
"Team Ded Moroz, Second Place, Santa Rampage 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Santa Rampage 2006.png

Rufrevlis - pirate in The Shadows of a Wolf.

"Team Dyado Koleda, Third Place, Santa Rampage 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Santa Rampage 2006.png
"Team Double Dragons, Third Place, Fight Club 2006"
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Trophies Fight Club 2006.png
"Team Four Shields, Last Place, Foot Brawl 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trinket colors Foot Brawl 2006.png

Lablanc - fleet officer in Your Worst Nightmare.

"Team Dyado Koleda, Third Place, Santa Rampage 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trophies Santa Rampage 2006.png
"Team Four Shields, Last Place, Foot Brawl 2006"
Item box unequip.png
Trinket colors Foot Brawl 2006.png

Doyce - captain of Seekers Veritas.

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Pets-Cat colors.png
Defeated by "Doyce"
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