From YPPedia
Sweetcheek has been playing on Viridian since December 30, 2006. She has always been helpful to her crew, and jobbing, taking part in various event blockades, Brigand King hunts, flotillas, and even the new sea monster at Atlantis. Recently, Sweetcheek has gained an injury due to blockades, giving her a hook for a hand. Her alt, Marasweetche, has been rumored to be jobbing for any crew, helping fight any of the previous events mentioned. She's also participated in previous Drawing Contests whose artwork is listed under Marasweetche for view. Sweetcheek's hearties are very important to her. They are usually her 2nd priority. Recently as of February 2020, she has been spotted on Emerald Ocean under the same name since her extended voyage.
Contributions and awards
- Admiral in the Dragon's Nest Island Navy in the Jade Archipelago
- Senior officer and explorer of the crew Echoes of War
Owns a manor
- Became a greeter in August 2007.
- Member of HuBoV Hunters of Brigand Kings on Viridian
- Member of SHAVe Skellie Hunters Across Viridian
- Participated in Ye Dread Dead [1]
- Hosted various tournaments among Viridian & Emerald oceans.
Crew history
- Former officer and fleet officer of Midnight Moon
- 12-30-06 to 1-20-07-Midnight Moon of the flag Imperial Coalition
- 1-20-07 to 12-5-07-Echoes Of War of the flag Fading Myths
- 12-5-07 to Present-Echoes Of War of the flag Seastrike Legacy
- 2-6-2020 to 3-1-2020-senior officer of Guns N" Roses of the flag Deep Purple on Emerald Ocean
- 3-1-2020 to 4-15-2020-MOB of the flag Black Flag on Emerald Ocean
- 4-15-2020 to 6-15-2020-Natural Selection of the flag THC on Emerald Ocean
- 6-15-2020 to 8-27-2020-Dos Crusadoes of the flag Black Flag on Emerald Ocean
- 8-27-2020 to present- SO & royalty of Taco Tuesday of the flag Beefy Crunch Movement on Emerald Ocean
- 4-26-07 to 12-5-07 -member of the flag Fading Myths
- 8-23-07 -Joined Fading Myths Forum site
- 12-5-07 to Present-lady of the flag Seastrike Legacy
- 12-16-07 -joined Seatrike Legacy Flag forum[2]
- 8-27-2020 to Present-princess of the flag Beefy Crunch Movement on Emerald
owns and manages Sweetcheek's Ironworking Stall on Lima Island
manages Remake's Ironworking Stall on Lima Island
owns and manages Sweetcheek's Weaving stall on Sakejima Island
owns and manages Lolapo's Tailoring Stall on Admiral Island
manages Vilder's Ironworking Stall on Caravanserai Island
On defense
Preferred swords
Preferred bludgeon
Collected bludgeons
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