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Jolly roger waving.gif
This article is about the animated pets which pirates can own. For the walking sheep and pigs found on islands, see Animal.
For the pig, piglet, and turtle furniture items, see Pig, Piglet, and Turtle.

Pets can be purchased from the Palace shoppe. They are available in a variety of custom colors and types, and will follow their owners around in non-congested areas.

All new pirates can get a free rat as a pet by completing the furnishing mission from the mission board ('Get loot for your home'). To be able to see the mission, pirates must set their home to a house they own or in which they are a roommate. On subscriber oceans, non-subscribers may only walk rats.

Owners can have one of their pets appear with them in a portrait.


By clicking on the pet from the Booty panel, the following options are given:

  • Name yer pet - Allows pirates to assign a name to their pet, which will be shown in white above the pet in scenes. Pets are named after their type before they have been assigned names; for instance a cat will be initially named "cat". A name can only be entered once, but pets can be renamed using rogue marks. The name may only consist of A-Z, hyphens, and spaces, and may be 2-18 characters in length. Offensive names may result in confiscation or banning. [1]
  • Walk - Only available for inactive pets. This option causes the pet to follow its owner in unrestricted areas, and will replace any other pet currently being walked.
  • Let yer Pet Roam - Allows a pet to wander independently within a pirate's home, or any area where the pirate holds the correct permissions. Normally, pets like to stay close to other pirates in the scene. Once a pet is roaming, it will be removed from the booty panel. It will acquire a radial menu when clicked on, similar to pirates, with the following options:
    • Pick up Pet - Places the pet back into the booty panel.
    • Let pet roam - Forces the pet to move to a new location or chat circle within the same scene.
    • Stay - Forces the pet to stay in the current position, in the current scene, regardless of its owner's movement.
    • Read Pet's Tags - Shows a chat message that reads '<Pirate> be the owner of <pet>.'
    • Return to owner - Only available when a pet is not owned by the pirate viewing the menu, but is roaming in a location where the viewing pirate has permissions to allow pets to roam. This option returns the pet to the owner's booty panel.
  • Trash - Permanently deletes the pet.
When a pet is being walked, the item menu will contain Remove, Name yer Pet, and Trash. Name yer Pet disappears after a name has been chosen for the pet. Trash will only work if the pet is not being walked.
The item menu for pets not being walked will have Walk, Name yer Pet, Let yer Pet Roam, and Trash. Name yer Pet disappears after a name has been chosen for the pet.
Pet radial menu (clockwise): Pick up pet, Let roam, Stay, Read pet's tags

Following and roaming

Pets will follow their owners in a scene if the "walk" option is selected. They can also roam independently of their owner.


Pets can follow pirates anywhere except into inns or outside areas on any island. Additionally, pets can not follow pirates in a scene if that location has disallowed pets. There is no known limit to the number of pets which follow individual pirates in a scene.

Pets which are following can not be "picked up" in the same way that roaming pets can, and will not appear in the list of a pirate's Placed Pets.


Permissions to let pets roam are identical to coffers permissions, such that a pirate can let their pet roam if and only if they also have full access to that location's coffers. The exception is an island governor, who may set pets to roam despite the island not having coffers. Note that although some locations may be set to disallow pets, this does not prevent pirates with the above privileges from setting pets to roam in the location.

A maximum of 5 pets may roam in any scene (including the outside of an island), with an exception of houses in which 25 pets per scene may be set to roam. When a scene's roaming pet limit is exceeded, a message stating "No more pets may be placed here." is displayed. Note that pets which are following owners may still be displayed in these scenes, even if a scene has reached its roaming pet limit.

As of an unknown update, the crow's nest of a ship has a roaming pet limit of 0, meaning it is no longer possible to set pets to roam there. However, the option to "Let pet roam" is still visible. Additionally, pets may still follow pirates into the crow's nest.

Roaming pets can be retrieved, or picked up by the owner, via their radial menu. Other pirates with roam privileges in the same scene can also return the pet to its owner via the radial menu (but can not pick the pet up themselves). An additional way to retrieve the pet is to view the list of Placed Pets, found at "Ye->Pirate name->Items". Here a pirate may review all his or her roaming pets and return any of them instantly to the booty panel.

Disallowing pets

Disallowing pets on ships.

Building and ship owners have an option to forbid pets from following pirates into their building/ship. Aboard ships, the control appears next to the set Lock button on the navigation table for deed-holders. In buildings, it is a button on the House/Shoppe panel. Inn owners do not have this control, as all inns are no-pet zones by default. Note: if a pet is already following a pirate in the scene, it will not remove the pet from the scene. Rather, it will take effect when the pet leaves its current scene. The control also has no effect on roaming pets.

The disallow pets button prevents thralls from appearing on vessels exploring the Cursed Isles, although it is not clear if this is intentional behaviour.


When a pirate allows a pet to roam, it leaves the pirate's inventory. From that point, it is tracked on the pirate's info page under the Placed Pets tab. The pirate continues to own the pet even if ownership of the building or ship changes. Pets can be reclaimed from any location by pressing the Reclaim button on the Placed Pets tab. The new owner can remove pets belonging to another pirate, but the pet returns to the original pirate's inventory. If the original owner has been deleted, the pet is deleted as well.

When a house is returned, a stall closes, or a ship is sunk, any placed pets return to the inventory of the pirate who allowed it to roam. Any pet that belongs to a deleted pirate will be lost.

Trading and loss

All of the purchasable pets can be traded to one another or wrapped in presents. Since the rat is free it cannot be traded between players or wrapped. Pets can not die. Pets which are roaming on a vessel that sinks will swim to shore and return to their owners.


When entering or leaving a chat circle, each type of pet will randomly let themselves be known with a short bit of text. Each sound will be given inside normal /speak quotes, for example: MyCatsName says, "Meow!". Each sound may not appear the same to each pirate within the circle or scene. While one pirate may hear MyCatsName says, "Meow!" another may hear MyCatsName says, "Purrr." or possibly nothing at all.

All known pets

Appearance Sounds Obtained From Colors
Big cat
Pets-Big cat.png
  • "Purrrrr."
  • "Meeeeoww."
  • "Snort."

Palace Shoppe:

  • Standard color options:
    • Species: lion, panther, tiger, white
    • Collar: aqua, blue, brown, green, grey, lime, maroon, navy, orange, pink, purple, red, tan, violet, white, yellow

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Banana cream tiger, Black jaguar, Blood tiger, Candy-striped tiger, Chocolate jaguar, Combat cat, Cougar, Crimson panther, Emerald tiger, Exotic tiger, Golden jaguar, Golden tiger, Ice leopard, Ice tiger, Jack o' tiger, Leopard, Plum panther, Plum tiger, Red-velvet leopard, Sea tiger, Shadow panther, Shadow tiger, Snow leopard, Watermelon tiger, White tiger, Wine tiger

  • "Purrr."
  • "Meow!"
  • "Meoooww."

Palace Shoppe:

  • Standard color options:
    • Highlights: almond, beige, blue-grey, brown, charcoal, grey, off white, tabby, tan, white, yellow
    • Main fur: almond, beige, blue-grey, brown, charcoal, chestnut, grey, tabby, white, yellow

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Be Mine Feline, Black cat, Chocolate cat, Crimson cat, Ghost cat, Gold cat, Lavender cat, Mala cat, Persimmon cat, Plum cat, Shadow cat, Spectral cat, Wine cat

  • "Yip!"
  • "Woof."
  • "Bark!"
  • "Grrr."

Palace Shoppe:

  • Standard color options:
    • Fur: almond, brown, charcoal, chestnut, grey, silver, umber, white
    • Skin: beige, grey, off white, tan, white

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Banana dog, Be Mine Canine, Black dog, Chocolate dog, Gold dog, Plum pooch, Spectral hound, Stout hound, Wine dog

  • "Toot."
  • "Tooooot!"
  • "Oh, I remember!"

Palace Shoppe:

  • Standard color options:
    • Skin color: bronze, grey, silver, steel
    • Cloth primary: aqua, blue, brown, green, grey, lime, maroon, navy, orange, pink, purple, red, tan, violet, white, yellow
    • Cloth secondary: aqua, blue, brown, green, grey, lime, maroon, navy, orange, pink, purple, red, tan, violet, white, yellow

Color tables: bronze, grey, silver, steel

Limited Edition Variations:
Banana elephant, Black elephant, Booched elephant, Gold elephant, Ice blue elephant, Pink elephant, Spring green elephant, White elephant, Wine elephant

  • Fox wonders if one tail is ever really enough.
  • Fox outwits Isengrim again.
  • Fox sneaks.
  • Fox licks its chops.
  • Fox smirks.
  • Fox pants.
  • Fox plans a clever trick.
  • Fox winks.
  • Fox stifles a leer.
  • Fox raises its ears to hear the scuttlebutt.

Fox boxes, gold boxes.

  • Not customizable.
  • Standard color options: None

Color Tables: Non-Patchy, Patchy

Limited Edition Variations:
Chocolate fox, Gold fox, Patchy fox, Red fox, Sea fox, Shadow fox, Verde vulpine, Violet vulpine, White fox, Wine fox

  • Gator hisses.
  • Gator smiles.
  • Gator snorts.
  • Gator yawns.
  • Gator snaps.
  • Gator roars.
  • "See you later"

Cursed chests.

  • Not customizable.
  • Known colors:
    • Primary: brick, brown, dark brown, dark green, green, light green, lime, pale green, swamp, tan, white
    • Secondary: black, brown, green, white

Color table

  • Hedgehog sniffs the air.
  • Hedgehog yawns.
  • Hedgehog bristles.
  • Hedgehog sneezes.
  • "Squeek squeek!"
  • Hedgehog digs.
  • Hedgehog purrs contentedly.

Palace Shoppe:

  • Standard color options:
    • Primary: almond, brown, chestnut, grey, umber
    • Secondary: beige, grey, off-white, tan

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Blue hedgehog, Chocolate hedgehog, Ghost hedgehog, Gold hedgehog, Ice hedgehog, Plum hedgehog, White hedgehog, Wine hedgehog

  • Karkinos clicks.
  • Karkinos clacks.
  • Karkinos pinches.

Atlantean chests.

  • Not customizable.
  • Known colors:
    • Torso: aqua, atlantean, black, blue, navy, white
    • Highlights: gold, silver, bronze

Color table

  • Panda is "feelin' loafy".
  • Panda is ready for a second lunch.
  • Panda is round, fuzzy and proud.
  • Panda thinks a nap would be lovely.
  • Panda thinks about bamboo...a LOT.
  • Panda yawns.

Booch boxes (2016).

  • Not customizable.
  • Standard color options: None

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Banana panda, Bandana panda, Black panda, Brown panda, Chocolate panda, Crimson bandana panda, Golden panda, Mint panda, Passion panda, Persimmon panda, Plum panda, Polar panda

  • Pelican preens.
  • Pelican gargles.
  • Pelican is proud of its pouch.
  • Pelican is ready for some fish.
  • Pelican waterproofs its plumage.
  • Pelican makes an odd squawking noise.
  • Pelican can swim like nobody's business.
  • Pelican wonders how things are going back at the colony.
  • Pelican knows it can fly circles around any gull, any day, any time!
  • Pelican thinks a mackerel and sardine sandwich with extra anchovies would really hit the spot.
  • Pelican thinks waddling is the most elegant form of terrestrial locomotion.

Greedy brigands.

  • Not customizable.
  • Standard color options: Unknown

Color table

  • Penguin blushes.
  • Penguin peeps.
  • Penguin slides.
  • Penguin squeaks.
  • Penguin waddles.
  • Penguin has happy feet.
  • Penguin tap dances.
  • Penguin is socially awkward.

Palace Shoppe:

  • Standard color options:
    • Beak and feet: black, orange, tan, white, yellow
    • Body primary: black, grey, tan
    • Body secondary: grey, sandy, white

Color tables: black, orange, tan, white, yellow

Limited Edition Variations:
Ice blue penguin, Blue penguin, Passion penguin, Swashbuckling penguin, Winter waddler

Pet rock
Pets-Pet rock.png

Gold boxes (April 2018)

  • Not customizable.
  • Known colors:
    • Primary: dark granite(?), granite, marble, mudbrick(?), rock

Color table

  • "Oink."

Palace Shoppe:

  • Standard color options:
    • Skin: beige, pink, rose

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Black pig, Chocolate pig, Duroc pig, Ice pig, Wine pig
  • "Whinny."
  • "Neigh."
  • "Snort."

Palace Shoppe:

Note: Only available during Christmas, 2010.

  • Standard color options:
    • Coat: brown, chestnut, dark chestnut, dun, grey, off-white
    • Mane: brown, chestnut, dark chestnut, grey, off-white
    • Tack: aqua, blue, brown, green, grey, lavender, lemon, light blue, light green, lime, magenta, maroon, mint, navy, orange, peach, persimmon, pink, purple, red, rose, tan, violet, white, yellow

Color tables: brown, chestnut, dark chestnut, dun, grey, off-white

Limited Edition Variations:
Banana pony, Black pony, Booched pony, Chocolate pony, Festive foal, Golden pony, Ice blue pony, Night mare, Plum pony, Plum-coat pony, Spring green pony, Wine pony

  • Rabbit hops.
  • Rabbit sniffs.
  • Rabbit thumps.

Palace Shoppe:

Note: Only available during Easter in 2009 and 2010.

  • Standard color options:
    • Highlights: almond, beige, blue-grey, brown, charcoal, grey, off-white, tabby, tan, white, yellow
    • Main fur: almond, beige, blue-grey, brown, charcoal, chestnut, grey, tabby, white, yellow

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Black rabbit, Blue bunny, Gold bunny, Lavender bunny, Pink bunny, Spectral rabbit, Wine rabbit

  • "Squeak."
  • "Peep."


  • "Get loot for your home."
  • Not customizable.
  • Known colors:
    • Primary: white, grey, black, brown, almond, charcoal, tawny, beige, chestnut, yellow

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Crimson rat, Ghost rat, Gold rat, Mala-rat, Persimmon rat, Shadow rat, Water rat

Sea otter
Pets-Sea otter.png
  • Sea Otter coos softly.
  • Sea Otter floats through life.
  • Sea Otter grooms incessantly.
  • Sea Otter grunts loudly.
  • Sea Otter heard ye have a clam in yer pocket.
  • Sea Otter is looking for a nice, wet hug.
  • Sea Otter is very excited to discuss the conservation laws of hydrodynamics with ye.
  • Sea Otter likes to meet up with friends and play "raft".
  • Sea Otter likes to play with rocks. And seaweed. And prickly, prickly sea urchins.
  • Sea Otter reminisces about all its favourite dives.
  • Sea Otter rolls over and plays boat.
  • Sea Otter wants a pup.
  • Sea Otter whistles an old sea shanty.

November 2017 wine box promotion.

  • Not customizable.
  • Standard color options: none

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Brown sea otter, Chocolate sea otter, Gold sea otter, Ice blue sea otter, Orange otter, Plum sea otter, Wine sea otter

Sea turtle
Pets-Sea turtle.png
  • Sea turtle paddles.
  • Sea turtle hides.
  • Sea turtle roars.
  • Sea turtle hopes not to get stepped on.
  • Sea turtle chews slowly.
  • Sea turtle snaps.
  • Sea turtle is slow and steady.

Gold boxes.

  • Not customizable.
  • Standard color options:
    • Skin: Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Green, Dark Green, Blue Green, Blue, Navy Blue, Light Brown, Brown, Dark Brown, Red Brown, Light Grey, Blue Grey
    • Shell: Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Green, Dark Green, Blue Green, Blue, Navy Blue, Light Brown, Brown, Dark Brown, Red Brown, Light Grey, Blue Grey

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Banana sea turtle, Black sea turtle, Gemstone sea turtle, Golden sea turtle, Plum sea turtle

  • "Arr arr arr..."
  • Seal lolls about.
  • Seal makes doe eyes.
  • Seal smells of fish.
  • Seal sunbathes.
  • Seal wants a ball.

Palace Shoppe:

  • Standard color options:
    • Skin: blue, blue-grey, brown, grey, navy, tan, white

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Banana seal, Black seal, Gold seal, Ice blue seal, Light blue seal, Plum seal

  • "Bah."
  • "Bah humbug."
  • "Bah, bah."
  • "Meh."

Palace Shoppe:

  • Standard color options:
    • Wool: beige, black, grey, tan, white
    • Skin: black, grey, tan, white

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Chocolate sheep, Dream sheep, Golden sheep, Shadow sheep, Spectral sheep, Spring green sheep

Small dog
Pets-Small dog.png
  • "Yip!"
  • "Woof."
  • "Bark!"
  • "Grrr."

Palace Shoppe:

Black boxes.

  • Standard color options:
    • Fur: almond, brown, charcoal, chestnut, grey, silver, umber, white
    • Skin: beige, grey, off white, tan, white

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Autumn pup, Banana Beagle, Blue Hound, Chocopup, Ghost puppy, Plum small dog, Pumpkin pooch, Small black dog

  • "Neigh."
  • "Snort."
  • "Whinny."
  • "I don't believe ye exist either."
  • "Art thou pure of heart?"
  • "Chaaarlie..."
  • "Fancy a game of leapfrog?"

Black boxes.
Gold boxes.

  • Not customizable.
  • Known colors:
    • Fur: black, coral, dark gold, gold, icy, pale gold, pale silver, shadow, silver, white
    • Mane: black, coral, dark gold, gold, icy, pale gold, pale silver, shadow, silver, white
    • Collar: standard palette (possibly palette subsets that varied by season or month)

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Black unicorn, Booched unicorn, Chocolate unicorn, Emerald unicorn, Hot pink unicorn, Shadow unicorn, Storm unicorn

  • Wolverine ain't afraid o' nothin'.
  • Wolverine eats brigands for lunch
  • Wolverine grunts.
  • Wolverine grunts loudly.
  • Wolverine has a hankerin' for venison.
  • Wolverine has a heart of gold deep down.
  • Wolverine looks real surly.
  • Wolverine says, "Grrr."
  • Wolverine says, "Grumble, grumble, grumble."
  • Wolverine says, "I could use a good backscratchin'. Ye mind?"
  • Wolverine says, "What're ye lookin' at, bub?"
  • Wolverine scratches at the floor.
  • Wolverine thinks all the other pets are wimps.
  • Wolverine thinks more things should be made of meat.
  • Wolverine wallows in a sort of general boreal grumpiness.
  • Wolverine wonders whether ye really need all of those yummy, yummy looking limbs ye have.

Trading posts

  • Not customizable.
  • Known colors:
    • Primary: grey, ocher, tawny, umber, crimson, shadow

Color table


Yeti boxes.

  • Not customizable.
  • Known colors:
    • Skin: blue, cream, grey, light blue, pale silver, peach, pink, rose, silver, white
    • Fur: cream, grey, light blue, pale silver, silver, white

Color table

Limited Edition Variations:
Banana cream sasquatch, Blue yeti, Booched festive yeti, Chocolate sasquatch, Dark wine sasquatch, Festive yeti, Ice blue yeti, Love yeti, Plum yeti, Sasquatch, Strawberry sasquatch, Wine festive yeti

See also

Historical notes