Gold box
A gold box is an opportunity to get a random prize. They can be purchased from any Gold Safe furniture item for the sum of 12 doubloons, or 25,000 Pieces of Eight on subscription oceans. Gold safes can be reliably found inside the bank on any major island.
Gold boxes are available only for a limited time every other month; specifically, in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Gold safes will sell the boxes during a ten-day period, starting at 10am Pirate Time on the first Friday of these months, and ending at 3pm Pirate Time on the second following Monday.
Gold boxes are identical to presents in functionality (including usage as floor furniture), but they come with a random item inside of them. The prizes that can be found inside gold boxes are listed below, along with their probability of appearance. Box contents and odds may change in future versions.
An archive of previous releases is available.
Sample Prize List from August 2017 (For current gold box prize list, See: Official:Gold_Box)
- 0.2% - Sea Raven (blue raven)
- 0.25% - Sea Tiger (blue Tiger, collars: navy, brown, white (unconfirmed))
- 0.35% - Sea Fox (watery blue, not patchy)
- 0.35% - Water Rat (blue)
- 0.4% - Tan familiar: spider, octopus, monkey, parrot, raven
- 1% - Gold chroma
- 1% - Crystal ball furniture (colors rotate by month)
- 1% - Empty golden piggy bank furniture
- 1% - Golden conquistador armor
- 1% - Knight's helm
- 1% - Gold dread mask
- 2% - Gold pet: cat, rabbit, seal, hedgehog, golden tiger, fox
- 7.5% - Temporary hair dye (colors vary by month)
- 9% - Seasonal color chroma
- 9% - Golden piggy bank
- 15% - One of the following gold box furniture:
- Gilded bed
- Gilded bludgeon trunk (acts as a bludgeon trunk)
- Gilded bookcase
- Gilded candelabra
- Gilded chair
- Gilded display case (acts as large display case)
- Gilded drink rack (acts as a bar shelf)
- Gilded end table
- Gilded easel (acts as portrait easel)
- Gilded parlor gaming table
- Gilded sofa
- Gilded table
- Gilded wardrobe (acts as fancy wardrobe)
- Gold armor with spear
- Gold armor with sword
- Gold banner
- Gold crossed swords
- Gold tapestry
- Golden armor skelly
- Golden vase (peacock)
- Pot of gold (acts as a chest)
- 20% - Seasonal color gold box trinket
- 30% - Gold box trinket: One of 32 different types unique to the gold box
Gold box trinkets may be held in portraits.
(The numbers in parenthesis represent the first gold box series in which the specified trinket was found. They may also be found in all subsequent series.)
Coin o' courage (5)
Fan letter (1)
Fancy hook (2)
Fancy peg leg (4)
Gilded astrolabe (5)
Gilded cameo box (3)
Gilded goblet (2)
Gilded pin (2)
Gilded spyglass (1)
Gold nugget (4)
Golden hourglass (3)
Golden sextant (3)
Heart o' gold (1)
Key to the ocean (1)
Pirate code (1)
Furniture (standard)
Standard gold box furniture is available in the colors of the gold box furniture palette.
Furniture (other)
Gold boxes also give out clothing items. Pirates can win golden conquistador armor and knight's helms in both male and female.
Knight's helm (female)
Golden conquistador armor (female)
Seasonal color
The seasonal color applied to trinkets and chromas available from the Gold Box rotates by month:
- October - Chocolate
- December - Wine
- February - Ice Blue
- April - Spring Green
- June - Banana
- August - Plum
Temporary hair dye
These potions are miscellaneous items that can be used to temporarily give your pirate unnatural hair colors. The color change lasts until log-off. Color availability varies by month.
- October - Violet volumizer (purple)
- December - Scarlet shampoo (red)
- February - All!
- April - Pink pomade (pink)
- June - Bottled bluebeard (blue)
- August - Mossy mousse (green)
Crystal balls
Crystal balls are desktop furniture items that can be used to read your pirate's daily fortune. Color availability varies by month, and each color has a different face in view two. View one is the same for all colors. (Use either left/right arrow keys or a mouse scroll-wheel to change the item's view when placing it in a scene.)
- October - Black (skull)
- December - Blue (Barnabas face)
- February - Red (monkey face)
- April - Lime (male pirate face)
- June - Purple (Vargas face)
- August - Orange (female pirate face)
Piggy banks
Piggy banks can be either empty or filled with PoE. The ones filled with money are a type of miscellaneous item. Cracking one open destroys the piggy bank and grants a pirate the PoE contained inside. The golden piggy banks found in the gold box contain a minimum of 20,000 PoE, with chances of receiving even larger amounts. Empty golden piggy banks, on the other hand, are a tabletop furniture item.
Trading post items
Gold box trinkets can be traded into any trading post for a variety of unique rewards.
- Gold safe furniture - 5 trinkets, 25,000 PoE
- Dragon figurehead furniture design:
- Dragon figurehead (narrow) design - 5 trinkets, 75,000 PoE
- Dragon figurehead (medium) design - 8 trinkets, 100,000 PoE
- Dragon figurehead (broad) design - 10 trinkets, 150,000 PoE
- Gold class ship design:
- Gold class sloop design - 8 trinkets, 100,000 PoE
- Gold class war brig design - 10 trinkets, 150,000 PoE
- Gold class war frigate design - 15 trinkets, 250,000 PoE
- Golden sea turtle - One of each type of gold box trinket, 35,000 PoE
Historical notes
- Gold boxes were first available for purchase on 2012-04-06. They were available for two weeks, but after player requests, the availability period for later gold box runs was dropped to ten days.