Raven's Roost (Cerulean)

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Revision as of 18:30, 31 March 2013 by Aethera21 (talk | contribs)
Raven's Roost
Favicon.png Raven's Roost on the Cerulean Ocean
Outpost island in the Onyx Archipelago
Raven's Roost (Cerulean).png

Click on the map for a larger version.
Controlled by   OCEAN PLAGUE  
Governed by   Gromster
Navy color   Orange
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Outpost Medium Large
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Raven's Roost is an outpost island located in the Onyx Archipelago. There are four known routes from the island: Garden Cradle, Kuhio Island, Whistler Island, and Sapling Island.

Natural Resources

This island spawns sugar cane, thorianite, and wood.


Chambord D'or
Dusted building
Gone, But Not Forgotten (shipyard)


Governors of Raven's Roost


Raven's Roost was originally located on the Cobalt Ocean. A tree to the southwest edge of the wood grove reads, "This island were fashioned by Belgarion."

Raven I, 2006-07-22 - Hydrophobia takes the island in a three round sinking blockade against a handful of defenders. A large number of ships were sunk in this blockade.

2006-11-07 - Caution Road Humps transfered the island to Indestructible Fury.

2007-02-25 - Indestructible Fury transferred the island to Enosichthon.

Raven II, 2007-03-11 - Enosichthon successfully defends the island in a three round non-sinking blockade against Oceanus Expeditus.

Raven III, 2007-03-31 - Dark Asylum successfully attacks and wins the blockade against Enosichthon, Red Ribbon Army and Oceanus Expeditus.

Raven IV, 2007-06-30 - Dark Asylum successfully defended on a three round blockade the attack of the Brigand King Azarbad the Great Flag, The All-Consuming Flame

Dark Asylum transferred the island to Grabthar's Hammer for winning the Sea Monster LONGing for Love event.

Raven V, 2008-06-08 - Dark Asylum successfully attacks and wins against Static Before the Storm

2008-08-21 - Dark Asylum transferred the island to Scarlet Masquerade for winning the Last Dhow Standing event.

Raven VI, 2009-07-12 - Scarlet Masquerade successfully defended the island in a three round sinking blockade against blackstar.

Raven VII, 2009-09-16 - Scarlet Masquerade successfully defended the island in a sinking blockade against Got Milk. The OMs cancelled the blockade after the first round, after Got Milk failed to make an appearance in their second blockade of the day.

Raven VIII, 2009-11-07 - Scarlet Masquerade did not defend; Faded Legend took possession of the island and Crip became the new governor.

Raven IX, 2010-04-25 - Flaming Rosebud successfully attacked and wins against Faded Legend, Estonian became the new governor.

Raven X, ????-??-?? Art of War successfully attacked and wins, Sassythang became the new governor.

Raven XI, 2010-10-23 - Art of War successfully defended against Flaming Rosebud

Raven XII, 2011-02-11 -Art of War successfully defended against Forever Untamed

Raven XVII, 2011-09-17 - Maniacal Menagerie successfully attacks and wins in 4 rounds against Barnabus and his Chthonic Horde, Aethera became the new governor.