The Mystery Fleet

From YPPedia
This article is about a crew renamed from Armada after a merge. For other uses of Armada, see Armada.
The Mystery Fleet at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Natacha (Dormant)
Senior Officer(s) Alondza, Ambrossi, Ascotte, Aston (Active), Atlantica (Active), Capscottk, Firedove, Fortunate-East, Icysnow, Lalaala, Lisenthen (Active), Nanea-East, Noir-East, Orenjury, Rebel-East, Reicarnat, Silvadan-East, Viuong, Wadl (ALL are dormant unless otherwise marked)
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Illusion
Founded 7 August, 2006
Last updated on 2 February, 2017
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The Mystery Fleet (also known as TMF) is a crew that sails the Emerald Ocean, flying the flag of Illusion. The crew can be considered as one of the older, still active crews of Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates, as it dates back from June '05. It has sailed both the retired Hunter and the retired Viridian Oceans.

Public statement

Cy tells ye, "they are calling for you!" Cy tells ye, "yuh someone said oh god"

Extended public statement


This crew was first raised by Atlantica and has been making the ocean dangerous from the first day they sailed a ship! It was founded on the Viridian Ocean around June 2005 for the first time. Many famous pirates started their pirate career in this crew and have a close connection to it. Time passed by and the crew became one of the best crews on the ocean, reaching the top rankings quickly.

The crew used to consist of three sisters, Natacha, Atlantica and Ascotte. She is currently led by Natacha, who has been playing since April '05.

Everyone can join our crew and have fun with us. We want everyone to have fun while playing this game. We believe that you‘ll have more fun, having a high rank and having some knowledge about this game. That’s why we try to train the new ones, and help them getting their ‘higher’ rank in our crew. However, this does not mean you'll get your rank easier. Many famous pirates have been trained through the history of this crew and that's what our crew is about; achieve fun through strength.

Read below for information about our crew.

Crew policies

We tend to achieve strength through unity, loyalty and discipline.

This is why the captain wishes that you treat all your fellow crew mates with all due respect, in every possible circumstance. Ranks in this crew are given out for a reason, which makes that you have to obey to your superiors. If you're not willing to have the needed discipline to this crew, put effort to our community and respect all your crew mates, this is not the crew you're looking for.

The superiors of this crew will make sure the needed demotions, expells and other sort of punishments will be executed, but they will also give out promotions, as well as rewards and bonuses.

Rules for jobbers

Welcome to our crew, and thanks for jobbing with us! I hope you will have a nice trip! Here are some rules we wish you should respect while pillaging with us, so the voyage is kept nice and politely.

  • Please ask PTB (permission to board) before entering a vessel you weren't asked to board.
  • Please do not break Terms of Service in our crew.
  • Please read what the OIC (officer in charge) says on the vessel, and respect his actions.
  • Please work and do not laze.

Ranks and promotions

Please read before taking any action. These requirements are the minimums we expect you to have in order to achieve a certain rank. Promotions will only be given if you have the expected requirements, but you also have to respect our crew policies. Bad behaviour and breaking of our crew rules, will result in you having to wait longer to achieve your rank.

We do not promote people because of their ranks in other crews. Keep in mind that ranks are a privilege, and not a right. Therefore, if you wish to achieve a certain rank in our crew, you will have to prove yourself loyal and trustworthy and you will have to put effort in our crew first.

You'll get your rank once we believe you're ready. If we think you do not meet the requirements yet, please respect our opinion. Constantly asking for a certain rank in the crew may do you more harm than good.

On the other hand, feel free to contact the Captain if you feel you do not have the right rank. If you wish to be more active and participate in setting crew policies, help running the crew and crew politics, feel free to give notice.

Other than all this, you are more than welcome to join 'The Mystery Fleet' and experience our lovely pillages. We hope you'll have a good time and enjoy being here! The captain will try to make sure this crew will be a warm and helpful home for ye!

  • Experience levels: Novice-Neophyte-Apprentice-Narrow-Broad-Solid-Weighty-Expert-Paragon-Illustrious-Sublime-Revered-Exalted-Transcendent
  • Skill levels: Able-Proficient-Distinguished-Respected-Master-Renowned-Grand-Master-Legendary-Ultimate

Cabin person

You simply have to send a tell to any of the officers, and he will crew you up.
There are no stat requirements for this rank, however you are expected to behave to the rules and policies of this crew. If you fail to adhere to the rules, you don't belong in our crew and will be expelled.
This rank is also given out to greenies and alts and is used as temporary punishment rank.


We require that you have some knowledge about how the game works and have a few decent stats; we also will ask you to read all of our statements, so you become familiar with our policies.
Just because you are a pirate does NOT mean you can gun on a pillage without permission. You will be planked if seen gunning without permission, several offenses will result in you getting expelled.


You must have broad/respected in most of the piracy skills, have to be active in our crew and show the Captain you're willing to put effort in the crew. We expect that you are able to run a pillage. (*)
As you're an officer, it is your duty to run pillages and be an example for others in the crew.

As with all of our decisions, we reserve the right to promote or demote outside of these standards on rare occasions. Crew loyalty and maturity will be a main factor for these exceptions.

Fleet officer

You must have solid/renowned in most of the piracy skills and you have to be able to succesfully run a voyage. Ye need the trust of the superiors of the crew.
Fleet Officers must also show a certain level of activity, loyalty and skill and interest in crew affairs.
Last but not least, we prefer that you are the owner of a ship.

Senior officer

In order to get this rank, ye must have passed all of the previous ranks and you have to be trusted by every superior. You must be able to succesfully run voyages, and know how to react in certain situations. You have to swear eternal loyalty to the crew and the Captain; and we also expect that your behaviour is an example for others as you belong to the superiors of the crew. This rank contains a lot of responsabilty, sacrifise and discipline, which you will need at all times. Senior Officers will most likely be given specific extra responsabilities and duties.

(*) If you aren't able to run a pillage, you will have to follow an 'Officer Training'. You will learn all about charting, restocking and how to navigate in a battle.
Contact any Senior Officer to arrange an appointment. You can find more information about this in the Public Statement.

Accomplishments and goals


  • Reached no. 1 on Hunter Ocean.
  • Reached no. 1 on Viridian Ocean.
  • Has been Illustrious and Imperials.
  • Has been the biggest crew on Hunter Ocean.
  • Has had an average of 120 battles a day, summer vacation '09
  • Has successfully owned Ilha da Aguia for 8 months.
  • Has had 2-3 SMHs a day, in the summer vacation of 2008
  • Has had many important roles in flags.
  • Has trained many pirates.


  • Sloop race: 100K to be won.


  • Hold no. 1 on Hunter Ocean for over a month.
  • To become the most adored crew on Hunter Ocean.
  • To become enormously active again.


Flag affiliation history

  1. Rebel Rousers (? - ~Aug 14, 2009)
  2. Blue Horizon (~Aug 14, 2009 - ~Dec 29, 2009)
  3. Illusion (~Dec 29, 2009 - ~May 1, 2010?)
  4. Natural Disaster (~May 1, 2010? - ~Dec 6, 2010)
  5. -Tenacity- (~Dec 6, 2010 - ~Feb 17, 2012)
  6. The Black Flag-East (~Feb 17, 2012 - ~Mar 2, 2012)
  7. No Apologies (~Mar 2, 2012 - ?)
  8. Illusion (? - present)


The information below contains a brief history of The Mystery Fleet in several oceans.
Please keep in mind that this is not complete at all and does not contain any details.

Viridian Ocean

  • The crew was first founded by Atlantica around June 2005 on the Viridian Ocean.
  • Natacha, the current captain of The Mystery Fleet, was there from the beginning to support her sister Atlantica. She was a fleet officer (later turning senior officer) in the crew.
  • Many famous pirates started their pirate careers in this crew and the crew became one of the best crews on the ocean. The crew also played an important role in several flags on the Viridian Ocean and was involved in multiple blockades.
  • When Hunter Ocean opened, April 2009, both Natacha and Atlantica moved. Atlantica recreated The Mystery Fleet on that ocean quite quickly.

Hunter Ocean

  • The Mystery Fleet was founded on this ocean around May 2006 by Atlantica.
  • Atlantica didn't only want to be a captain, but she also wanted to be involved in other and bigger aspects of the game, and eventually she founded the flag Shadows of Pirates on August 7, 2006, which was later led by her good friend Lildylking.
  • After a while, Shadows of Pirates fell apart and they left the flag. The crew became part of the flag The Black Pearl, where Atlantica was titled princess.
  • Time passed by and things changed; Atlantica got too busy with other things, and handed the fancy hat over to Shruikan, who also started his career in The Mystery Fleet. He successfully led the crew until Atlantica reclaimed the title of captain as she wanted to be in full command again.
  • While all this happened, the other sister of Atlantica and Natacha, more specifically Ascotte, started playing the game. Ascotte created her crew Armada, which grew very popular later on, on August 7, 2006.
  • Eventually, Atlantica decided that her time of being captain was over, and she merged The Mystery Fleet with Armada.

Hunter Ocean (current one)

  • Time passed by and a lot of things changed for the three sisters. In 2007, Natacha, Atlantica and some other old TMFers decided to recreate 'The Mystery Fleet' once more.
  • Atlantica was captain of The Mystery Fleet, but she passed the title to Natacha, which haven't been changed ever since.
  • This 'edition' of The Mystery Fleet flew under a few flags such as Dust, whose monarch was Killercon & Atlantica, and Requited Desires, which was ruled by Rebel and Natacha
  • There are not many details of what passed later, but the crew was certainly very active and held some high positions in the Hunter Ocean.
  • The crew was growing step by step and had a crucial event at March-April 2009: The 2nd ranked crew The-Creed merged with The Mystery Fleet, and this event had some major effects.
  • The Mystery Fleet had one of her golden months, and had an average amount of battles of 100 a day, which made it able for them to run some huge voyages.
  • One last step was taken to make the set complete; they theoretically merged into Armada, led by Ascotte to get everyone together again and to keep the historical date of that crew. Practically The Mystery Fleet was not the one merging, as Armada was immediately renamed to The Mystery Fleet after the merge.
  • At that time the crew was led by all three sisters, with Natacha as the captain.
  • As stated before, The Mystery Fleet was also highly involved in other aspects of the game.
  • Natacha decided to end Requited Desires after the recent quitting of Poorfarmer and fly the flag Rebel Rousers. They practically merged both flags, and The Mystery Fleet's island Ilha da Aguia was taken with them.
  • Under the affiliation of Rebel Rousers, The Mystery Fleet had her so-called golden period and was able to become the biggest crew on Hunter Ocean, ranked second in the rankings.
  • They stayed in Rebel Rousers for a while, but Ascotte founded Armada for the second time, and the sisters had other plans. They founded Blue Horizon on July 28, 2009; Ascotte was the flag's monarch and the royalty team consisted of Natacha, Poorfarmer and Scervy.
  • Because of in-flag disagreements, Natacha moved her crew to Illusion, where she tended to take it slow, as other things got more important.


Current information and interesting facts

  • The crew is currently led by Natacha.
  • The crew's headquarters are at the Aimuari Island, more specifically Natacha's estate.
  • At this moment, December 29, 20009, the crew contains 573 spent Shanghais and 55 available Shanghais.
  • The crew has got his own anthem, written by Tarlac.
  • It's only of the only crews that has practically held an island! Ilha da Aguia, which was taken wherever they went and which was governed by Atlantica.
  • The crew had an enormous fleet of more than 300 ships and its donation chest held over 1 million PoE once.
  • The crew contains far more than 500 dormant members because of her long history.


On the horizon a merchant ship in sight,
Crew makes ready to board and fight.

Captain Natacha shouts her command,
Colors are hoisted with a steady hand.

Ship swings around to the port side,
Cannons rumble and shoot broadside.

Their prey is crippled, grapple hooks are thrown,
Sound of death, as metal hits bone.

With swords drawn the pirates board,
They swarm the ship, like an angry hoard.

The battle is over as fast as it begun,
Bodies strewn on the deck, rotting in the sun.

Prisoners are stowed down in the hold,
Their new ship is loaded with silver and gold.

The pirates make port at their secret cove,
They revel in success of their new treasure trove.

They take their prisoners and sell them for slaves,
Then on to find their next prize, it's treasure they crave.

by Tarlac

Pirates in remembrance

These crew members have achieved great things and have showed themselves trustworthy to the captain.
They've put enormous effort into the crew and have done big favors for the crew and her captain.

As The Mystery Fleet tends to award those who are willing to work hard and put effort into the crew, the crew has its own wall of fame.

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The superiors

These pirates are the people that currently lead the crew and have a big influence in the crew. They are listed below:

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External links