-Tenacity- at a Glance | |
Emerald Ocean | |
Last Monarch | Jobte of Tenacious |
Member crew(s) | Frozen Inferno, Giddy Geishas, Here-and-Now, Hiltos Abroad, Insomniacs, Tenacious, Unfortunate Demise, Voluntary Combustion |
Founded | 26 June, 2010 |
Dormant as of 25 October, 2016 | |
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-Tenacity- is a dormant flag on the Emerald Ocean.
It was founded on June 26, 2010 by Gneiss and Squishat. In less than a month, -Tenacity- rose to one of the top flags on Hunter. Gneiss rounded up many crews to help raise her flag. Chocolate, Snow White's Poison Bite, Naughty and Gneiss, and -Frozen- were of the crews that joined the flag at the start.
Public statement
Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity. -- Louis Pasteur
Extended public statement
Tenacity Has It!
Vision: Become a force to be reckoned with while having lots of fun as a united flag. >>>-EDIT- #1 Flag Fame as of August 22, 2010<<< How will we reach our vision? That depends on the input of every crew and flaggie because at Tenacity, everyone is important to us. We value all contributions from everyone who works toward the goal of being the best, most active, and most fun flag.
If you are expecting Royal/Titled positions just for joining, keep searching! ^_^ Royal/Titled will be given to people that contribute to the well-being of the flag and participate in flag roles. Talk to any Royal if you need help getting started.
Tenacity=The state of being Tenacious.
Changes To come
- July 10th 2010, the flag launched "Tenacity's Debut", which involved 2 dual WB SMH runs to the same map. Though the first run was only partially successful, the second one saw much success and entertainment.
- July 17th 2010, the second part of "Tenacity's Debut" involved a Pirate+Box Auction to raise funds for future plans.
- August 28th, 2010, -Tenacity- held Box + Forums Auctions.
- October 8th to October 30th, 2010, -Tenacity- hosted "Halloween with Tenacity", the two forum events:
- A Jack-o-Lantern and an Artpad Doodling competition.
- A large in game Costume Party held at Tenacity's Flag Hall.
- Followed by a BK cade at Anegada with skellie and zombie frays at the end of it all.
- Christmas 2010, A Secret Santa event was hosted for any flag member that wanted to participate. The happy pirates were given there surprise gifts on Christmas. To this day no one knows who gave them their gift and they will never find out.
- January 14th, 2011, Squishat ran -Tenacity- presents: A Lunar New Year Writing Event.
- February 11th, 2011, was -Tenacity-'s Ocean-Wide Plankathon.
- February 20th, 2011, Squishat retired.
- August 12th, 2011, Gneiss retired.
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