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Dragonsfire, who considers himself devilishly handsome and sexy, is currently prince of the flag Wicked Peace and captain of the crew Pheonix Rising.


Dragonsfire first appeared in October of 2008, and took over as captain of the crew Dragon's Wrath, of the flag Dragon's Blood run by Trilian. Well thats where he started.

Dragonsfire then went off to become a captain and a king of his new flag Imperial Dragon's which he gave away, and captain of Bolt from thor.

Dragonsfire merged that crew to The mystery fleet, and went off to join Band of the panthera as a senior officer and became prince of the flag Renaisance.

Dragonsfire then ran his own crew Call from Zeus and was prince of the flag Natural Disaster.

Contributions, Awards and Accomplishments

Memorized the whole of Hunter Ocean.

Blockades (81 - 26 - 4)

Dragonsfire has navigated in the following blockades:


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