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(Rogue OM Squad VII: Neapolitan)
(Rogue OM Squad VI)
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|Could resurrect one player from the dead; did not know, however, that the resurrected player would come back to life as a rogue.
|Could resurrect one player from the dead; did not know, however, that the resurrected player would come back to life as a rogue.
|Power was added in as part of a late-game rebalancing.
|Power was added in as part of a late-game rebalancing.  WingsOWisdom was banned before the role had been officially distributed, so the role was re-assigned to Sweetbreeze_.
<b>Notes:</b> For example, "First game in which X occurred", or things of that nature.
<b>Notes:</b> For example, "First game in which X occurred", or things of that nature.

Revision as of 09:17, 10 September 2010

To be worked on. Information for understanding how to play ROMS should go on the Rogue OM Squad/New Player Help page. Information that is just for fun or that catalogs past games goes here.

For now I'm sticking information pertinent to this page here in an unorganized fashion as I streamline the NPH.


Attack of the Rogue OM Squad

Winner: Rogues

Players: 35 Rogues: 4

Moderator: Aenor

Roles: None.

Notes: First ROMS game. The madness begins...

Return of the Rogue OM Squad

Winner: Town

Players: 35 Rogues: 5

Moderator: Aenor


Name Holder Alignment Description Other
Password Stealer Argemone Innocent Can request the alignment of one player per night. Banned R8.
Clueholder Drakes, anonletter, Synful Innocent Each had a "clue" from the moderator to help catch the rogues. One of the clues was false.
Super Sekrit Power Rogue team Rogue Can choose to ban one of their own in order to convert an innocent. Banned Kinocha in R4 to convert Synful.

Notes: First use of the Super Sekrit Power (SSP), which returned in ROMS VI.

Rogue OM Squad III

Winner: Town

Players: 32 Rogues: 5

Moderator: Shaimus

Roles: None.


Rogue OM Squad IV Coconut

Winner: Town

Players: 24 Rogues: 3

Moderator: Shaimus

Roles: None.

Notes: First split game.

Rogue OM Squad IV Lime

Winner: Town

Players: 24 Rogues: 3

Moderator: Shaimus

Roles: None.

Notes: First split game.

Rogue OM Squad V Vanilla

Winner: Rogues

Players: 28 Rogues: 5

Moderator: Shaimus

Roles: None.


Rogue OM Squad V Wild Mango

Winner: Town

Players: 35 Rogues: 4

Moderator: Shaimus


Name Holder Alignment Description Other

Notes: For example, "First game in which X occurred", or things of that nature.

Rogue OM Squad V.V

Winner: Rogues

Players: 39 Rogues: 6

Moderator: Sashamorning


Name Holder Alignment Description Other

Notes: For example, "First game in which X occurred", or things of that nature.

Rogue OM Squad VI

Winner: Town

Players: 32 Rogues: 4 + 1 terrorist + 1 convert

Moderators: Hazarath and Lyaka


Name Holder Alignment Description Other
Betrayer mitmit Rogue A rogue who shows up as an innocent when checked by the PWS and when lynched. Lynched in round 7.
Doctor thefirstdude Innocent Protects one player from banning each night. Protected the PWS all nights except the first and the night she was banned.
Password Stealer taelac Innocent Learns the status of one player each night. PWSed the doctor during night one; built up an anonymous circle of innocents until her death on night 7.
SSP Rogue team Rogue By banning one of their own, the rogue team gained the power to convert an innocent player. Satin11 was banned in round 3 to convert mari_.
Terrorist dkzk Rogue Solo rogue who could blow up himself and one other player at will. Contacted the rogues via their account; later discovered after approaching an innocent. Blew up himself and 7hranduil on day 2.
OMG Role WingsOWisdom, then Sweetbreeze_ Innocent Could resurrect one player from the dead; did not know, however, that the resurrected player would come back to life as a rogue. Power was added in as part of a late-game rebalancing. WingsOWisdom was banned before the role had been officially distributed, so the role was re-assigned to Sweetbreeze_.

Notes: For example, "First game in which X occurred", or things of that nature.

ROMS 6.5 Wild Humor

Winner: ???

Players: 40 Rogues: 1 with multiple lives + 1 convert

Moderator: BehindCurtai, with Narrator Jolyma


Name Holder Alignment Description Other

Notes: This was the only game to date in which every player had a role.

Rogue OM Squad 6.875: Pussycat

Winner: Rogues

Players: 38 Rogues: 6

Moderator: The_Joker_


Name Holder Alignment Description Other
Divination General player base Neither innocent nor rogue Each round, if 75% of the players voted to divine a given person, that person's status would be revealed. If the person was a rogue, nothing would happen, but if they were innocent, the rogues would get two bans for that night. This power was never used.

Notes: The game was vanilla except for divination.

Rogue OM Squad VII: Neapolitan

Winner: Rogues

Players: 41 Rogues: 7 + 1 convert

Moderators: Hazarath and Piplicus_BNO


Name Holder Alignment Description Other
Ailing Hacker tonko123, then Sweetbreeze_ Innocent PWS variant that started with 8 'lives', and used up one each time they learned a player's alignment. If they ever received as many votes as they had lives remaining, they were automatically lynched. Rogue Abiona lynched Sweetbreeze_ this way. Role initially given to tonko123, then reassigned to Sweetbreeze_ when tonko123 went inactive early in the game.
Bookkeeper Ironguts Neutral Won with rogues if alive, or with town if dead. Discovered after using an alt account to dispute rogue WingsOWisdom's role-claim; later lynched.
Thump Rogue Team Rogue Each time a rogue slipped the phrase "I am not a rogue" into a post, they *thump*ed from the rogue account, until each rogue had done so. Following this, they posted a *thump**thump*, after which the next player who posted was converted to the rogue team. Jolyma became a rogue.
Betrayer Jolyma Innocent Showed as a rogue when hacked or lynched. Tasked with protecting the Vote Shy player for 5 rounds. If successful, becomes ban proof.
Vote Shy Daleenmarine/Ahoy_Lindsay Innocent Could not vote or assign proxies for the first 5 rounds. The rogues had a challenge to guess which player was hiding a secret, and what that secret was (Daleenmarine, could not vote). If they were correct, the Vote Shy player would commit suicide and leave the game. If they were not correct, the player would become an Ailing Hacker. Rogues suspected, but did not submit in time, the correct answer. This was later confirmed by Jolyma when she posted her role PM. The first night the Ailing Hacker power was available, Daleenmarine was replaced by Ahoy_Lindsay. The rogues banned Ahoy_Lindsay the same evening to prevent her from receiving/using the power.
Latecomer Sweetbreeze_ Innocent Given the master list of players and masquerade aliases, but could not participate until Round 3. Originally planned to be a vanilla townie upon arrival, but was given the Ailing Hacker role after the original Ailing Hacker went inactive.

Notes: The first part of the game was played in costume, with players using alt accounts to impersonate fictional or historical figures.

Rogue OM Squad VIII

Winner: Rogues

Players: 47 Rogues: 10

Moderator: Jolyma


Name Holder Alignment Description Other

Notes: For example, "First game in which X occurred", or things of that nature.

Rogue OM Squad 8.25

Winner: Rogues

Players: 32 Rogues: 8

Moderator: daleenmarine


Name Holder Alignment Description Other
Password Stealer Aethera21 Town Learns the status of one player each night. Discovered AhoyLindsay was a rogue, roleclaimed to get a lynch in Round 5 and was promptly banned.
Password Stealer CandyK Town Learns the status of one player each night. Banned night 2 after rogues began to suspect that she was a PWS.
Password Stealer batistas8/Luvessy Town Learns the status of one player each night. Luvessy came in as a replacement before being banned on unrelated concerns. Her role wasn't known outside of the Dead Thread until the game ended. She had checked Scm621 and learned he was rogue on the same night she was banned.
Password Stealer SeastarX Town Learns the status of one player each night. Roleclaimed to get Scm621 lynched in Round 9 and was banned directly afterwards. Also checked and played a role in the lynches of rogues kristy102 and jenny.

Notes: For example, "First game in which X occurred", or things of that nature.

Rogue OM Squad 8.75

Winner: Rogues

Players: 20 Rogues: 4

Moderator: starrarose


Name Holder Alignment Description Other

Notes: The rogues did not know each others' identities at the start of the game. They used OM names encoded in their posts to identify each other.

Rogue OM Squad IX

Winner: Rogues

Players: 35 Rogues: 7

Moderator: AhoyLindsay


Name Holder Alignment Description Other
Doctor wrecker15 Innocent Can protect one player per night from banning. Lynched R7.
Bookkeeper lcawte Neutral No power; wins with the rogues if alive or with the town if dead. Lynched R1.

Notes: For example, "First game in which X occurred", or things of that nature.

Rogue OM Squad 9.25: Mob Madness

Winner: Rogues

Players: 32 Rogues: 5 + 1 loose cannon + 1 convert

Moderators: Furare and wrecker15


Name Holder Alignment Description Other
PWS starrarose Innocent Can learn alignment of one player per night. Divined Talisker (rogue) in R1, didn't reveal; banned R4.
Medium Justinmickey Innocent Can ask one yes/no question of a dead player every night. Banned R1; impersonated by both Luvessy (rogue) and DementedDuck (innocent) in later rounds.
Doctor Indeed Innocent Can protect one player per night from being banned. Successfully protected taelac in R7; banned R10.
Nexus Ezmerelda_M Innocent Deflects night actions onto a randomly determined player. Lynched R6
Amnesiac Inventor satin11/Argemone Innocent Had four "boxes" containing one-use powers. Released a bomb into the town in R2; caught Talisker with a one-use divining power in R6.
Weather Mage taelac Innocent Could "fog" another player, preventing them from using their role. Successfully blocked Luvessy in R6; banned R9.
Pyromaniac WingsOWisdom Innocent Would kill the hammer voter on lynch and had the chance to kill a rogue on ban. Lynched R12, killing SeastarX (rogue).
Drunk/Retired Hitman Nintendo_07 Innocent Roleless until activated, then a one-shot daytime vigilante role. Activated R4, killed Xaribdis (innocent) in R8.
Betrayer Lizzie Rogue Appears innocent to the PWS.
Loose Cannon Talisker Rogue Lone rogue who could kill other players at the expense of releasing clues to their identity. Killed Kotetsu534 in R3; joined up in R4.
Corrupt Locksmith Elliptic Rogue Had 6 lockpicks that could be used to "steal" clues as to another player's role. 50% success rate on each pick.
Turncoat AhoyLindsay Innocent/Rogue If banned, could choose either to join the rogues or die as an innocent. Converted R8.

Notes: For example, "First game in which X occurred", or things of that nature.

Rogue OM Squad X: Vanilla Vacation

Winner: Rogues

Players: 28 Rogues: 5

Moderator: Aethera21

Roles: None.

Notes: For example, "First game in which X occurred", or things of that nature.

Rogue OM Squad X-2 Mojito

Winner: Rogues

Players: 14 Rogues: 2

Moderator: Searmin

Roles: None

Notes: Vanilla game.

Rogue OM Squad X-2: Mai Tai

Winner: Rogues

Players: 13 Rogues: 2

Moderator: Furare


Name Holder Alignment Description Other
Password Stealer Aethera21 Innocent Can learn one person's alignment each night. Roleblocked R1; banned R2 before the role was of use.
Doctor TheRack Innocent Can protect one player each night from banning.
Rogue Developer wrecker15 Rogue Can roleblock one person each night. Roleblocked the PWS in Round 1.

Notes: First example of an "F11" format game in ROMS.

Rogue OM Squad 10.5: Bansticks in the Big Top

Winner: Evil Clowns (Rogues)

Players: 22 Rogues: 6 (2 teams of 3)

Moderator: ROMSCircus (Talisker and Furare)


Name Holder Alignment Description Other
Human Cannonball Jolyma Circus (Innocent) Kills anyone who attempts to kill them, or the hammer voter if lynched. Banned R2 by Sideshow, killing Velariel.
Wardrobe Assistant smileo Circus (Innocent) Can "search another player's wardrobe" every night to find clues to their role. Banned R4 by Evil Clowns.
Dancing Bear lanndser Circus (Innocent) Immune to all night actions except the Knife Thrower.
Knife Thrower wrecker15 Circus (Innocent) Has two night-kills. Killed Quitex in R3, unfortunately doubling up with the Clowns' ban. Tried to kill Aethera21 in R4.
Trapeze Artist Lizzie Circus (Innocent) Can follow another player every night to see who they visit. Lynched R4.
Funambulist (High Wire Walker) Bdmidnight Circus (Innocent) Can watch another player's room every night to see if anyone visits them. Went inactive.
Popcorn Vendor Kotetsu534 Circus (Innocent) Can protect one player per night from all night actions. Lynched R5 to end game.
Lion Tamer Justinmickey Circus (Innocent) Starts with a roleblocking prop; can "ward off" one player per night, preventing them from targeting the Lion Tamer. Resigned.
Mime SeastarX Evil Clowns (Rogue) Cannot be followed by the Trapeze Artist.
Fat Clown Aethera21 Evil Clowns (Rogue) Immune to Knife Thrower kills. Targeted by wrecker15 in R4.
Bearded Lady Velariel Sideshow (Rogue) Cannot be recognised by Funambulist. Blown up by Jolyma in R2.
Svengali Hazarath Sideshow (Rogue) Can divine the nature and/or location of Props. Banned by Evil Clowns in R2.

Notes: First ROMS game with two rogue teams. Also notable for the "Props" or moveable powers.


The Dead Thread

The Dead Thread was first created during Return of the Rogue OM Squad (ROMSII) by Lyaka immediately following her ban. Frustrated by her inability to keep playing she suggested creating a place for dead players to talk. Several dead players posted expressing interest, including suggestions for implementation. Thus, the Dead Thread was born, hosted by Lyaka as a Google Document.

The Dead Thread was enough of a success during ROMSII to be revived in ROMSIII. Lyaka set it up once again immediately following her ban in Round II. Slow at first due to the lack of eligible players, it took off by the game's midpoint. The ROMSIII DT was still hosted as a Google Document, but it became apparent partway through the game that that was no longer functional. The number of participants and posts had grown too large for the Google Documents system to handle.

Flutie (Celiatr) offered her forum expertise to help setting up a more permanent home for the Dead Thread. In partnership, Flutie and Lyaka set up the Dead Thread subforums, which have hosted the Dead Threads for every game since.

The Island o' Limes

The Dead Thread came to be called by this alternate name because limes were a recurring theme in Return of the Rogue OM Squad. Starting with Drakes, who depicted dead players sitting on an island eating limes, players worked references to limes into nearly every ban scene written for ROMSII, often in the form of lime-flavored drinks being the Rogues' poison of choice. This post, compiled by MeegerMary, contains links to nearly every death scene written during ROMSII. The links are in order and showcase the lime theme progressing throughout the game.

Players on the Island o' Limes frequently consume imaginary alcohol, often tinted with lime, which can no longer hurt them.

ROMSIV, the first game to run as two parallel groups, called its two games ROMSIV Lime and ROMSIV Coconut. This is a direct reference to the lime theme (which has persisted through modern games, although less ubiquitously) and Argemone's death scene from ROMSII, specifically the lines

   "Hey Arge!" Said Drake, "they put the lime in the coconut, ey?"
   "And I drank them both up," Argemone muttered.

The Dead Thread Transcriptions

The old Dead Threads from the Google Documents days are being transcribed to the wiki for easier reading and preservation.

Return of the Rogue OM Squad Dead Thread

ROMS III Dead Thread


From Rogue OM Squad/New Player Help: "Occasionally, people get confused, and for a brief moment, think that the Rogue OM Squad is a fun game to take moderately seriously, rather than AN UTMOST IMPERATIVE MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH."

As many ROMS players know, adopting such a whimsical view of the game can make the discussion take unexpected turns, diverting attention from the heated, but important argument about which wood burns with the most intoxicating fumes, to the trivial matter of catching rogues. Quite why anyone thinks catching rogues is the point of ROMS, nobody knows. Some scholars argue that this tradition started in ROMS III, when it was discovered that beech was the best wood to use at the time. Others argue that it took four games for the town to realize that their death was a bad thing. Either way, a certain pirate by the name of Piplicus took it upon himself to rectify the diversion when necessary.

If the conversation was straying away from trolling, he would post images of the moderator killing kittens, to incense the community. This strategy worked until the start of ROMS V, when he was sent an angry letter by an OceanMaster (who is to remain unnamed), telling him that he had gotten everything the round way round. After a bribe of 690,000 PoE, the OceanMaster kindly agreed to remove all past 'intermissions', so Piplicus could start afresh.

Now, when the conversation is becoming too hostile, or if he's feeling particularly artsy and bored, he will post an Intermission to lighten the atmosphere. Such intermissions receive mixed reviews, ranging from masochistic dispassion, to infatuation with desire to share gametes.

ROMS V - Wild Mango

Intermission #1 - OOTB - Let me entertain you

Intermission #2 - OOTB - Sex Bomb (Spawned the FOIAGTHY)

OOTB: An acronym for Out of the Blue, an a capella group from Oxford University.


Intermission #1 - The Monty Hall Paradox, ROMS Version

Intermission #2 - A Day in the Life

Intermission #3 - Piano Sonic the Hedgehog

Intermission #4 - Family of Rogues

Intermission #5 & #5.5 - "Survival" Scenes

ROMS 6.5 - Wild Humour Edition

Intermission #1 - Stop Press

Intermission #2 - Can you call yourself an American?

Intermission #3 - What you should have seen coming

The Wiki

The New Player Guide to ROMS page is a cooperative work. Many of the tips presented were adapted from a post made by Jolyma in ROMS VI, with bits added in from a post of Talisker's. Many of the charts were originally compiled by Lyaka, and the page was separated into new player help and ROMS history by AhoyLindsay. However, many other players have also improved the page.


That Damn Ban Scene: A ban scene used first in ROMS II (written by Hazarath and Freddunkins) but reused waaaaaaaaaaaay too frequently: "'Twas a dark and stormy night, all the pirates that had any sense were either cozy in their house, or having a few drinks in the inn. Little did they know that that night would be the start of a Reign of Terror.

Elsewhere, Captain Cleaver was standing beside the surging waves on the docks chatting with fellow pirates about familiars. "There's been too many tan familiars lately," one pirate remarked, "we need more forum events to balance out the influx of automatic tan events. Tan Familiars are ruining the game." No one noticed the dark figure creeping up behind the famed CEO, until he silently sank to the ground, blood pooling around him.

Later that day, a meeting of all the OMs was called. As they gathered, they found a note stuck on the door of their estate: Be wary.

Thus, the Revolution of the Rogue OMs began anew. All remembered the horror of the first uprising, and hoped to quell it as soon as possible. Thus, 35 Pirates were selected to find, and ban, those who call themselves the Rogue OMs.

Run now, while you still can."

Full Name Nickname Games Used Explanation
Password Stealer/Detective PWS, Type I Diviner (ROMSV Wild Mango) ROMSII, ROMSV Wild Mango, ROMSVI A player with the special ability to detect Innocent or Rogue status. As played in ROMS, it's usuable once per round. Some special roles may block the PWS power. see also Betrayer, see also Overlord
Clueholder ROMSII, ROMSV Wild Mango A player who has been given a clue from the Moderator. As played in ROMS, the clueholder is always Innocent. In ROMSV Wild Mango, the clue was always true. However, in ROMSII, one of the three clues was false, and the fact of its falsehood was one of the three clues.
RogueOMKilla ROMSII, ROMSV Vanilla (under a different name) A dummy account, used to reincarnate a dead player after the first round. The first of the lynched or banned players to contact the mod won the rights to continue playing under this alternate account, theoretically anonymous.
Lost Treasure ROMSV Wild Mango The bearer of Lost Treasure used to have a clue... but then they lost it! Only if they are lynched can the treasure (a clue) be returned to the town. This role conforms to the Clueholder standard of the holder being a guaranteed Innocent.
Designated Officer DO ROMSV Wild Mango The Designated Officers formed a chain of Innocents who each knew one other person down the line. Pirate A knows Pirate B is Innocent, while Pirate B knows Pirate C is Innocent, et cetera. Pirate B has no way of knowing about Pirate A other than accepting their word at face value. The chain did not 'wrap' in Wild Mango.
Role Diviner ROMSV Wild Mango (as type II Diviner) A player who is able to detect the role of another player, but not their status as Innocent or Rogue. As played in ROMS, it's usable once per round.
Blind Drunk ROMSV Wild Mango The Blind Drunk has a special role, but they don't know what it is. Sometimes the Blind Drunk has to complete a quest to recieve their role. In ROMSV Wild Mango, the Blind Drunk's power was to become the Restless Dead if lynched. see Restless Dead.
Restless Dead ROMSV Wild Mango The Restless Dead is a zombie who may post in the forums as if they are still alive, but is not permitted to cast a vote and does not count towards the round's vote total. Once per round, during the banning period, they could name a living pirate (via PM to the mods) who would then be mod-banned with status revealed. In order to remove the Restless Dead from the game, they must be the victim of a straight lynch (a lynch with more than 50% of the town voting for the Restless Dead). see straight lynch.
Vehemently Innocent ROMSV Wild Mango The person with this role is Innocent- vehemently so. They must use the word Innocent twice in every single post and refuse to explain why other than repeatedly proclaiming their innocence. If they succeed, they get a small bonus. If they fail, they are mod-banned.
Powder Keg ROMSV Wild Mango The Powder Keg is explosive. If lynched, the explosion kills the person who cast the final vote. If banned, the explosion kills a random Rogue. see Terrorist. see Governor's Son.
Doctor "Doc" ROMSVI The Doctor can protect one player from banning every night. As played in ROMS, this power must be delcared every round to the Mods. The Doctor may protect themself.
Red Shirt Ensign Ricky ROMSV Wild Mango The Red Shirt can throw themselves in front of Captain Kirk any player to protect them from banning for the space of one round. As played in ROMSV Wild Mango, the power could only survive three 'rescues'. (A rescue occured when the Rogues' target matched the protectee of the Red Shirt.) After the first rescue, a reference to red shirts must be included in the survival scene as written by the surviving player. After the second rescue, the holder of the role must write a survival scene. After the third rescue, the Red Shirt is banned in the place of their protectee. Additionally, the player cannot protect themself.
Aztec Gold Goldholders ROMSV Wild Mango The Aztec Gold were eight pieces of eight given to eight random players at the start of ROMSV Wild Mango. They could be passed from player to player with a simple mod PM and did not have to be passed to original goldholders. Legend had it that if all eight were collected on a single player, a mysterious power would be revealed. This power was to be the ability to revive as a one-time action after a lynch or a ban. see *THUMP*.
*THUMP*/*thump* ROMSV Wild Mango *thump* was posted in the thread by the moderator after each time all of the posessors of the Aztec Gold have posted. *THUMP* was posted if it directly followed a post by a holder of Aztec Gold.
Fated Pair Two-For-One Special ROMSVI Wild Mango A role held by two players, one of whom is Innocent, and the other of whom is a Rogue. The Pair only win if they are the only two remaining alive, regardless of their teams. If one of the two is killed, regardless of method, the other one is also killed.
Medium ROMSVI Wild Mango The Medium had the power to speak with the dead. Once per round, they could pose a question to a dead player. The dead player's answer did not have to be factual.
Vote Crazy ROMSVI Wild Mango The player must cast a vote in every post they make. They are not permitted to explain why, other than saying "Because they're my top FOS", or they will be mod-banned. At the end of round five, and every fifth round thereafter, if the conditions have been complied with, they could ask one yes/no question of the mod that would be truthfully answered.
Governor's Son ROMSV Wild Mango Once per game, the Governor's Son could call in the marines to kill a player of their choice. This kill counted as a lynch, revealing the player's status.
Overlord ROMSV Wild Mango A Rogue with the special power to read as Innocent if divined by the PWS/Type I Diviner. The role is visible to the Roles Diviner/Type II Diviner and the player reads as a Rogue if lynched. The Overlord must taunt the crew once per round to maintain their smokescreen. see Betrayer.
Betrayer ROMSVI A Rogue with the special power to read as Innocent if lynched or divined by the PWS. see Overlord.
Terrorist ROMSVI By announcing their identity in the thread, the Terrorist may trigger an explosive device killing them and any one player they choose. The status of the dead player is not revealed (as with bans). The Terrorist is Rogue, so a successful explosion confirms the role and the status for the Terrorist. Because the Terrorist is a Rogue, they are immune from banning. However, the Terrorist operates solo; they do not start the game with the knowledge of the identity of the other Rogues, and the other Rogues do not know the identity of the Terrorist. see Powder Keg. see Governor's Son.
Pyromaniac ROMS9.25 A player with the special ability that is triggered when banned or lynched. If lynched, you set the last person to vote for you on fire. If banned, you attempt to take one of your attackers with you, using kerosine you keep by your bed.
Super Sekrit P4wer (SSP) ROMSII Given to the Rogues in ROMSII. The power allowed them to subvert an Innocent to their side if they first banned one of their own.

Also referred to as the "Don't look at me, no Rogues here" or the "I must be innocent because I don't know something the Rogues do know" tell, but these were determined to be too long and clunky in ROMS VI. Later in the thread GreatBob provided an associated captioned image. see Common Rogue Tells First use

The term originates from ROMSVI, courtesy of Ghadhean, in reference to ROMSV Wild Mango. see also Betrayer, Wolf, Bunny First use; Ghadhean's correction

|Bunny |ROMSV Wild Mango (Circle of Rainbows and Bunnies and Trust and Absolutely-For-Sure Innocents) |A Bunny is a Confirmed Innocent (CI), usually a member of a group of such CIs (or "bunny group"). Their status is usually the result of detection by a PWS-esque role, or having proven to hold a clue. The term dates from ROMSV Wild Mango, in which a plethora of roles led to the group of Bunnies being larger than ever seen before or to date, and the identities of most of the bunnies becoming known to the main thread. In the heated discussion that followed over whether or not the CI group had a traitor in their midst (see special roles), they were referred to as the Circle of Rainbows and Bunnies and Trust and Absolutely-For-Sure Innocents. Shortly thereafter avatars to that effect began to be used by members of the Bunny group and the term stuck. see also hassenfeffer. see also bunny avatar (image)].

Rogue OMs The Rogue OM Squad Pirates
Moderator Game Forum thread YPPedia page
Aenor Attack of the Rogue OM Squad
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Aenor Return of the Rogue OM Squad
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Shaimus Rogue OM Squad III
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Shaimus Rogue OM Squad IV Coconut
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Rogue OM Squad IV Lime
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Shaimus Rogue OM Squad V Vanilla
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Rogue OM Squad V Wild Mango
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Sashamorning Rogue OM Squad V.V
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Hazarath, Lyaka Rogue OM Squad VI
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BehindCurtain, Jolyma Rogue OM Squad 6.5: Wild Humor
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The_Joker_ Rogue OM Squad 6.875: Pussycat
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Hazarath, Piplicus_BNO Rogue OM Squad VII: Neapolitan
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Jolyma Rogue OM Squad VIII
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daleenmarine Rogue OM Squad 8.25
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starrarose Rogue OM Squad 8.75
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AhoyLindsay Rogue OM Squad IX
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Furare, wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 9.25: Mob Madness
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Aethera21 Rogue OM Squad X: Vanilla Vacation
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Searmin, Furare Rogue OM Squad X.2 Mojito
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Rogue OM Squad X.2 Mai Tai
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Furare, Talisker Rogue OM Squad 10.5: Bansticks in the Big Top
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Lizzie Rogue OM Squad XI: Electric Lemonade
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taelac Rogue OM Squad 11.5: Snowball Fight
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Furare, wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 11.75: Fantasy Fever
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Vantastic, Greenslope Rogue OM Squad 12: Ogres gone Roguer!
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Aethera21 Rogue OM Squad XIII: Gorilla Villas (Vanilla!)
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Talisker, Furare Rogue OM Squad 13.33: ROMS of Cthulhu
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wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 13.77: Drawn by Fate
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Furare, DementedDuck Rogue OM Squad XIV: Prison Break-High Security
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Rogue OM Squad XIV: Prison Break-Low Security
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Quitex, Justinmickey Rogue OM Squad XV: DC
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Taelac Rogue OM Squad XVI: The Finest of the Flavors
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Furare, Aethera Rogue OM Squad 16.66: A Clue Before Dying
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Jolyma Rogue OM Squad XVII: Vanilla Filler
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Furare, wrecker15 Rogue OM Squad 17.5: Words & Weapons: A ROMS Revolution
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Ongoing Rogue OM Squad Live!
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