Rogue OM Squad XIII: Gorilla Villas (Vanilla!)
From YPPedia
[hide]- 1 Color Key
- 2 Players
- 3 Game Over - Rogues Win
- 3.1 Round 9: bethieboo lynched, randomact banned
- 3.2 Round 8: No Lynch, Elliptic banned!
- 3.3 Round 7: Prosperity lynched, Hazarath banned!
- 3.4 Round 6: Cnuofesd Lynched, Luvessy Banned!
- 3.5 Round 5: Riku743 Lynched, Furare Banned!
- 3.6 Round 4: master2482 Lynched, Snipercam Banned!
- 3.7 Round 3: Rissarissa13 Lynched, Talisker Banned!
- 3.8 Round 2: Quitex Lynched, AhoyLindsay Banned!
- 3.9 Round 1: No Lynch, Poppopmimi Banned!
- 4 Proxy Record
- 5 Voting Record
- 6 Alternative Voting Record
- 7 Actives
- 8 Lynched Players
- 9 Banned Players
- 10 Replaced Players
- 11 Game History, Post by Post
- 12 Links
Color Key
- Names in purple were lynched but innocent
- Names in orange were banned by Rogue OMs
- Names in green are confirmed Rogue OMs
- Names in blue left, for any other reason, and were replaced by other players
- Names in brown left, for whatever reason, without replacement
- Names in red were neutral players
Gorilla Mommy (Moderator)
- Aethera21
Living Gorillas (8):
- Daldal, Ezmerelda_M, ghadhean, Jolyma, Lotsofgoats, marinated, taelac, wrecker15
Lynched Gorillas (7):
- Quitex, rissarissa13, master2482, riku743, Cnuofesd, Prosperity, bethieboo
Banned Gorillas (9):
- Poppopmimi, AhoyLindsay, Talisker, Snipercam, Furare, Luvessy, Hazarath, Elliptic, randomact
Replaced Gorillas (4):
- Arghhpirate (replaced by Furare), Tanabear (wrecker15), Katebarloww (Daldal), Rohane (randomact), satin11 (Elliptic)
Gorillas waiting for a reservation at the Villas (0):
- Dylan is no longer available as a replacement.
Game Over - Rogues Win
Round 9: bethieboo lynched, randomact banned
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
bethieboo | wrecker15, randomact, Lotsofgoats(Proxy by randomact), Jolyma, taelac, marinated | 6 | |
Lotsofgoats | Ezmerelda_M, Daldal | 2 | |
Daldal | ghadhean | 1 | randomact, Lotsofgoats |
wrecker15 | 0 | marinated | |
ghadhean | bethieboo | 1 | Jolyma, taelac |
Ezmerelda_M | 0 | Lotsofgoats, wrecker15 | |
randomact | 0 | Daldal | |
Votes | Lotsofgoats, randomact, Ezmerelda_M, marinated, taelac, Daldal, Lotsofgoats, Daldal, wrecker15, ghadhean, bethieboo, Jolyma, wrecker15, randomact, Lotsofgoats(Proxy by randomact), Jolyma, taelac, marinated | 10 | |
(No Vote) | 0 |
Round 8: No Lynch, Elliptic banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Jolyma | Ghadhean, Wrecker, Lotsofgoats | 3 | |
Lotsofgoats | Ezmerelda_M, Daldal, Marinated | 3 | |
Wrecker15 | Taelac | 1 | |
Daldal | Randomact | 1 | |
Ghadhean | Jolyma | 1 | |
Ezmerelda_M | 0 | Lotsofgoats | |
Votes | Lotsofgoats, ghadhean, taelac, randomact, Ezmerelda_M, DalDal, wrecker15, Jolyma, marinated, Lotsofgoats | 9 | |
(No Vote) | bethieboo, Elliptic | 2 |
Round 7: Prosperity lynched, Hazarath banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Prosperity | wrecker15, taelac, Ezmerelda_M | 3 | |
wrecker15 | Prosperity, Hazarath | 2 | |
Lotsofgoats | marinated | 1 | |
bethieboo | randomact | 1 | |
DalDal | Lotsofgoats | 1 | |
ghadhean | Jolyma | 1 | |
Jolyma | ghadhean | 1 | |
Votes | marinated, wrecker15, randomact, Prosperity, Lotsofgoats, taelac, Jolyma, ghadhean, Hazarath, Ezmerelda_M | 10 | |
(No Vote) | bethieboo, DalDal, Elliptic | 3 |
Round 6: Cnuofesd Lynched, Luvessy Banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Cnuofesd | Luvessy, Jolyma, taelac, marinated, Lotsofgoats, Ezmerelda_M, bethieboo, Prosperity | 8 | |
Jolyma | ghadhean, wrecker15 | 2 | |
Lotsofgoats | DalDal | 1 | marinated |
Luvessy | Cnuofesd | 1 | |
wrecker15 | Hazarath | 1 | |
bethieboo | randomact | 1 | |
ghadhean | 0 | Jolyma | |
Votes | Hazarath, Jolyma, Luvessy, marinated, Cnuofesd, Jolyma, taelac, ghadhean, marinated, DalDal, Lotsofgoats, randomact, Ezmerelda_M, bethieboo, Prosperity | 13 | |
(No Vote) | satin11 | 1 |
Round 5: Riku743 Lynched, Furare Banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Riku743 | Prosperity, randomact, Jolyma, wrecker15, Hazarath (proxy vote by wrecker15), ghadhean, Luvessy | 7 | |
Cnuofesd | Ezmerelda_M, bethieboo, marinated | 3 | ghadhean, Luvessy |
Prosperity | Furare | 1 | |
randomact | Daldal | 1 | |
Lotsofgoats | 0 | marinated | |
Jolyma | 0 | ghadhean | |
Abstain | Taelac (failed vote change to Riku743 due to never unvoting[1]) | 1 | |
Votes | Prosperity, Ezmerelda_M, randomact, marinated, ghadhean, Taelac, Jolyma, wrecker15, bethieboo, Furare, ghadhean, Luvessy, marinated, Hazarath(proxy vote by wrecker15), ghadhean, Daldal, Luvessy | 13 | |
(No Vote) | Cnuofesd, Lotsofgoats, Riku743, satin11 | 4 |
Round 4: master2482 Lynched, Snipercam Banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
master2482 | marinated, Ezmerelda_M, Snipercam, taelac, Riku743, Hazarath, Rohane(proxy by Hazarath) | 7 | Lotsofgoats |
Riku743 | satin11, Luvessy, bethieboo(proxy by Luvessy), wrecker15, Lotsofgoats(proxy by wrecker15) | 5 | |
Snipercam | Jolyma, master2482 | 2 | |
Taelac | Prosperity, ghadhean | 2 | |
Abstain | Daldal | 1 | |
satin11 | 0 | Hazarath | |
Jolyma | 0 | cnuofesd | |
marinated | 0 | master2482 | |
Votes | marinated, master2482, Ezmerelda_M, Daldal, Snipercam, Jolyma, Prosperity, satin11, taelac, ghadhean, Luvessy, bethieboo(proxy by Luvessy), wrecker15, Riku743, Lotsofgoats(proxy by wrecker15), Hazarath, Rohane(proxy by Hazarath) | 17 | |
(No Vote) | Furare, cnuofesd | 2 |
Round 3: Rissarissa13 Lynched, Talisker Banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
rissarissa13 | bethieboo, master2482, Prosperity, Hazarath, ghadhean, Lotsofgoats | 6 | Lotsofgoats, cnuofesd |
Riku743 | wrecker15, Talisker, Luvessy, rissarissa13 | 4 | |
Rohane | Riku743, Ezmerelda_M, taelac, cnuofesd | 4 | Jolyma, cnuofesd |
Master2482 | marinated | 1 | Lotsofgoats |
cnuofesd | satin11 | 1 | |
satin11 | Furare | 1 | |
taelac | Jolyma | 1 | |
Lotsofgoats | 0 | master2482 | |
Abstain | 0 | Rohane | |
Votes | marinated, master2482, Lotsofgoats, Jolyma, Rohane, Riku743, wrecker15, satin11, bethieboo, Furare, Ezmerelda_M, Lotsofgoats, master2482, Prosperity, taelac, Jolyma, Talisker, Hazarath, Luvessy, rissarissa13, cnuofesd, cnuofesd, cnuofesd, ghadhean, Lotsofgoats | 18 | |
(No Vote) | Katebarloww, Snipercam, Rohane | 3 |
Round 2: Quitex Lynched, AhoyLindsay Banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Quitex | Master2482, Lotsofgoats, ghadhean, Hazarath, Talisker, rissarissa13, Luvessy, Riku743 | 8 | |
master2482 | Rohane, Snipercam, marinated, Quitex, Ezmerelda_M, Cnuofesd, bethieboo | 7 | |
Rohane | taelac, Jolyma, AhoyLindsay | 3 | Hazarath, riku743 |
Cnuofesd | satin11, Prosperity | 2 | |
Lotsofgoats | rissarissa13 | ||
rissarissa13 | AhoyLindsay | ||
Votes | taelac, Riku743, master2482, Lotsofgaots, rissarissa13, Rohane, Snipercam, Jolyma, marinated, satin11, Quitex, AhoyLindsay, Prosperity, ghadhean, Hazarath, Hazarath, Talisker, rissrissa13, Ezmerelda_M, Cnuofesd, bethieboo, Luvessy, AhoyLindsay, Riku743 | ||
(No vote) | Furare, Katebarloww, Tanabear | 3 |
Round 1: No Lynch, Poppopmimi Banned!
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Abstain | Tanabear, Ezmeralda_M, bethieboo, taelac, Ahoylindsay, Prosperity, Lotsofgoats, Master2482 | 8 | Ahoylindsay, Master2482, rissarissa13 |
Master2482 | satin11, marinated, Hazarath, rissarissa13 | 4 | |
Snipercam | Quitex | 1 | |
Rohane | Joylma | 1 | |
Quitex | Talisker | 1 | Jolyma |
satin11 | 0 | Ahoylindsay | |
marinated | 0 | Master2482 | |
bethieboo | 0 | Snipercam | |
Votes | Ahoylindsay, bethieboo, Ezmerelda_M, Hazarath, Jolyma, Lotsofgoats, marinated, master2482, Prosperity, Quitex, Rissarissa13, satin11, taelac, Talisker, Tanabear | 15 | |
(No vote) | Arghhpriate, cnuofesd, ghadhean, Katebarloww, Luvessy, poppopmimi, riku743, Rohane, Snipercam | 9 |
Proxy Record
Player Name | Proxy Holder | Status | Valid through | Notes | Reclaimed |
Rohane | Taelac | Declined | End of Day 2 | May not vote for Rohane or Taelac. May not use to abstain. | N/A |
Quitex | Marinated, Cnuofesd, Hazarath | Claimed | End of Day 2 | May not vote for Quitex. Use to ensure a lynch. | Lynched |
Lotsofgoats | Hazarath, Luvessy | Claimed | End of Day 2 | To be used to vote off Quitex or Rohane if necessary. | End of Day 2, July 10 |
Hazarath | Prosperity, Lotsofgoats, Talisker | Claimed | End of Day 3 | Only move vote to prevent a mislynch | End of Day 3, July 13 |
Rissarissa13 | Luvessy, Jolyma, Talisker | Unclaimed | End of Day 3 | May not vote against Rissarissa | Lynched |
Rohane | Jolyma, Hazarath, Cnuofesd | Claimed | End of Day 4 | May be used to seal any lynch. May not be unvoted. | End of Day 4, July 15 |
bethieboo | Luvessy, Prosperity, marinated | Claimed | End of Day 4 | none | End of Day 4, July 15 |
Lotsofgoats | wrecker15 | Claimed | End of Day 4 | May be moved to Riku743 if necessary | End of Day 4, July 15 |
Daldal | Cnuofesd | Claimed | End of Day 5 | Use in order on either Rohane, Snipercam (banned after proxy issued), Lotsofgoats, or Taelac. Do not use it to vote on Cnuofesd. | MidDay 5, July 17 |
Hazarath | wrecker15, Lotsofgoats, Cnuofesd | Claimed | not specified but accepted through end of Day 5 [2] | Use best judgement | Beginning of Day 6, July 19 |
Taelac | Furare | Claimed | End of Day 5 | Use on Prosperity if it becomes a viable option, if not stay on Riku743 | End of Day 5, July 18 |
DalDal | satin11 | Accepted | End of Day 7 | Do not vote for yourself of Cnuofesd |
Voting Record
To view the voting record, please click show to expand
Alternative Voting Record
Through Day 4
To view the alternative voting record, please click show to expand
Game History, Post by Post
Day 1
- Game starts, Nemo is poisoned: [3]
- Day 1 ends, No lynch: [4]
- First ban posted by the Rogues, Poppopmimi is targeted. [5]
Day 2
- Day 2 starts, Poppopmimi is confirmed as banned. [6]
- Rohane assigns a proxy, offered it to Taelac. [7]
- Taelac refuses Rohane's proxy. [8]
- Quitex assigns a proxy, offered it to marinated, Cnuofesd, Hazarath, in that order. [9]
- marinated accepts Quitex's proxy.[10]
- Arghhpirate resigns, replaced by Furare.[11]
- Lotsofgoats assigns a proxy to Hazarath or Luvessy.[12]
- Hazarath accepts Lotsofgoats's proxy.[13]
- Quitex is lynched.[14]
- Revealed as innocent.[15]
- Second ban is posted by the Rogues, AhoyLindsay is targeted.[16]
Day 3
- Day 3 starts, AhoyLindsay is confirmed as banned.[17]
- Tanabear resigns, replaced by wrecker15.[18]
- Hazarath assigns a proxy to Prosperity, Lotsofgoats, or Talisker.[19]
- rissarissa13 assigns a proxy to Luvessy, Jolyma, or Taelac.[20]
- Prosperity accepts Hazarath's proxy.[21]
- rissarissa13 is lynched.[22]
- Revealed as innocent.[23]
- Rohane assigns a proxy to Jolyma, Hazarath, or Cnuofesd.[24]
- Jolyma declines Rohane's proxy.[25]
- Third ban is posted by the Rogues, Talisker is targeted.[26]
- Talisker is confirmed as banned. [27]
Day 4
- Day 4 starts.[28]
- Katebarloww resigns, replaced by Daldal.[29]
- Hazarath accepts Rohane's proxy.[30]
- bethieboo assigns a proxy to Luvessy, Prosperity, or marinated.[31]
- Luvessy accepts bethieboo's proxy.[32]
- Lotsofgoats assigns a proxy to wrecker15.[33]
- wrecker15 accepts Lotsofgoats's proxy.[34]
- master2482 is lynched.[35]
- Revealed as innocent.[36]
- Daldal assigns a proxy to Cnuofesd.[37]
- Cnuofesd accepts Daldal's proxy.[38]
- Fourth ban is posted by the Rogues, Snipercam is targeted.[39]
Day 5
- Day 5 starts, Snipercam is confirmed as banned.[40]
- Hazarath assigns a proxy to wrecker15, Lotsofgoats, or Cnuofesd.[41]
- Rohane resigns, replaced by randomact.[42]
- Daldal reclaims proxy.[43]
- wrecker15 accepts Hazarath's proxy[44]
- Taelac assigns a proxy to Furare[45]
- Furare accepts Taelac's proxy[46]
- Riku743 is lynched[47]
- Riku743 revealed as innocent.[48]
- Fifth ban is posted by the Rogues, Furare is targeted.[49]
Day 6
- Day 6 starts, Furare is confirmed as banned. [50]