Versus Terminus

From YPPedia
Coerced Coexistence at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Monarch Dalnoth of - Virtute et Armis -
Member crew(s) Ascalon, Blue Dream, Cats, Eye for an Eye, Forty Two, French Toast Mafia, Golden State Of Mind, Hawtness on Toast, I Get Wet, Natural Born Chillers, On the Rocks, The Postal Service, Pretty Pink Kitten Kiss, Restricted Access, Rick With A Silent P, Rootbeer Flotillas, Sex Pistols, Slaughter of Elysium, - Virtute et Armis -
Island controlled

Kakraphoon Island

Founded 21 August, 2007
Allies none
Wars None
Last updated on 2 June, 2017
Favicon.png Flag Info
Coerced Coexistence at a Glance
Obsidian Ocean
Monarch Dalnoth of Virtute et Armis
Member crew(s) Virtute et Armis
Faction Icon-faction-defiant armada.png Defiant Armada
Founded 30 June, 2017
Allies none
Wars None
Last updated on 27 July, 2017
Favicon.png Flag Info

Versus Terminus is a flag on the Emerald and Obsidian Oceans.

It was founded on the Hunter Ocean under the name Coerced Coexistence. The flag retired early in 2010, citing a lack of blockade challenges as part of the reason[1]. Sometime after the ocean merge, the flag came out of retirement with a new name, Major Key Alert. It was renamed again on the 31th of May, 2017.

Former extended public statement

We are Coerced Coexistence. A motivated and focused flag that consists of many active crews that enjoy the game. Some areas which we pride ourselves upon are teamwork and a cooperative effort to further our goals.

CC Follows the Fandango Convention For times of war. A full description of the convention can be found here

We are a blockade flag. If going to war, jobbing for allies, or constantly being tangled in blockades on the weekend is not your style, than this flag is probobly not what you are looking for.

Hunter history

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Hunter blockade history

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External links