Rogue OM Squad 12: Ogres Gone Roguer!
[hide]- 1 Color Key
- 2 Players
- 3 Current Deadline: Game Over - Rogues Win
- 3.1 Votes in Round 12: rissarissa13 lynched
- 3.2 Votes in Round 11: master2482 lynched, no ban
- 3.3 Votes in Round 10: Ghadhean lynched, Ahoylindsay banned
- 3.4 Votes in Round 9: Justinmickey lynched, Lotsofgoats banned
- 3.5 Votes in Round 8: Bdmidnight lynched, no ban
- 3.6 Votes in Round 7: poppopmimi lynched, no ban
- 3.7 Votes in Round 6: Luvessy lynched, Marinated banned
- 3.8 Votes in Round 5: Hazarath lynched, no ban
- 3.9 Votes in Round 4: Cnuofesd lynched, no ban
- 3.10 Votes in Round 3: Smileo lynched, anchovygirl banned
- 3.11 Votes in Round 2: Dylplomat lynched, no ban
- 3.12 Votes in Round 1: No lynch, no ban
- 4 Game Links
Color Key
- Names in purple were lynched but innocent
- Names in orange were banned by Rogue OMs
- Names in green are confirmed Rogue OMs
- Names in blue left, for any other reason, and were replaced by other players
- Names in brown left, for whatever reason, without replacement
- Names in red were neutral players
Remaining Players (3): Quitex, Talisker, riku743
Lynched Players (11): Dylplomat, smileo, Cnuofesd, Hazarath, Luvessy, poppopmimi, Bdmidnight, JustinMickey, ghadhean, master2482, rissarissa13
Banned Players (4): anchovygirl, marinated, Lotsofgoats, AhoyLindsay
Removed Players (2): lcawte (resigned, replaced by JustinMickey), Tanabear (resigned, replaced by marinated)
(Colours added later as alignments were not revealed during the game.)
Current Deadline: Game Over - Rogues Win
Votes in Round 12: rissarissa13 lynched
Deadline: Friday, 10 June, 2011 22:00PM
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
rissarissa13 | Quitex, riku743 | 2 | |
riku743 | 0 | rissarissa13 | |
Abstain | Talisker | 1 | rissarissa13, riku743 |
Investigate: Lotsofgoats | 0 | rissarissa13 | |
Investigate: AhoyLindsay | rissarissa13 | 1 | |
(No Vote) | 0 |
Votes in Round 11: master2482 lynched, no ban
Deadline: Tuesday, 7 June, 2011 22:00PM
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
master2482 | riku743, Quitex | 2 | rissarissa13 |
Quitex | master2482 | 1 | |
Talisker | 0 | master2482 | |
Investigate: master2482 | Talisker, rissarissa13 | 2 | |
(No Vote) | 0 |
Votes in Round 10: Ghadhean lynched, Ahoylindsay banned
Deadline: Saturday, 4 June, 2011 22:00PM
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Ghadhean | AhoyLindsay, Quitex, riku743 | 3 | rissarissa13 |
Talisker | ghadhean | 1 | riku743, Quitex, rissarissa13 |
rissarissa13 | Talisker | 1 | ghadhean, master2482, riku743 |
Investigate: ghadhean | master2482, rissarissa13 | 2 | rissarissa13 |
(No Vote) | 0 |
Votes in Round 9: Justinmickey lynched, Lotsofgoats banned
Deadline: Wednesday, 1 June, 2011 22:00PM
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
JustinMickey | Quitex, AhoyLindsay, riku743, Talisker | 4 | ghadhean, Lotsofgoats |
Talisker | 0 | JustinMickey, rissarissa13, master2482 | |
Abstain | JustinMickey | 1 | ghadhean, Talisker |
rissarissa13 | 0 | ghadhean | |
riku743 | 0 | Talisker | |
Investigate: JustinMickey | rissarissa13, ghadhean, master2482, Lotsofgoats | 4 | |
Investigate: Hazarath | 0 | rissarissa13 | |
(No Vote) | 0 |
Votes in Round 8: Bdmidnight lynched, no ban
Deadline: Sunday, 29 May, 2011 22:00PM
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Bdmidnight | AhoyLindsay, riku743, Bdmidnight, Quitex | 4 | Justinmickey, master2842, Lotsofgoats |
rissarissa13 | 0 | master2482, Quitex | |
Investigate: Hazarath | Justinmickey | 1 | ghadhean, rissarissa13 |
Investigate: Bdmidnight | ghadhean, master2842, Lotsofgoats, rissarissa13, Talisker | 5 | |
(No Vote) | 0 |
Votes in Round 7: poppopmimi lynched, no ban
Deadline: Thursday, 26 May, 2011 22:00PM
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
poppopmimi | AhoyLindsay, ghadhean, Talisker, riku743 | 4 | Lotsofgoats |
rissarissa13 | Quitex | 1 | master2482 |
Lotsofgoats | poppopmimi | 1 | |
Quitex | 0 | rissarissa13, JustinMickey | |
Investigate: poppopmimi | master2482, Bdmidnight, Lotsofgoats, rissarissa13, JustinMickey | 5 | |
Investigate: Hazarath | 0 | master2482, rissarissa13, ghadhean, Bdmidnight | |
Abstain | 0 | Quitex | |
(No Vote) | 0 |
Votes in Round 6: Luvessy lynched, Marinated banned
Deadline: Monday, 23 May, 2011 22:00PM
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Luvessy | Quitex, AhoyLindsay, riku743 | 3 | Lotsofgoats, master2482, poppopmimi |
Abstain | ghadhean, Luvessy | 2 | AhoyLindsay, JustinMickey, riku743 |
poppopmimi | 0 | marinated | |
Quitex | 0 | Luvessy | |
Investigate: Luvessy | rissarissa13, JustinMickey, Bdmidnight, master2482, poppopmimi, marinated | 6 | marinated, Lotsofgoats |
Investigate: Hazarath | Lotsofgoats | 1 | master2482, Lotsofgoats, rissarissa13, ghadhean |
Investigate: Anchovia | 0 | rissarissa13 | |
(No Vote) | Talisker | 1 |
Votes in Round 5: Hazarath lynched, no ban
Deadline: Friday, 20 May, 2011 22:00PM
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Hazarath | rissarissa13, Ghadhean, Lotsofgoats, JustinMickey, Tanabear, master2482 | 6 | |
rissarissa13 | Hazarath, Quitex, poppopmimi, riku743 | 4 | master2482 |
master2482 | Luvessy, Bdmidnight | 2 | |
poppopmimi | Talisker, AhoyLindsay | 2 | |
Investigate: Hazarath | 0 | Tanabear | |
(No Vote) | 0 |
Votes in Round 4: Cnuofesd lynched, no ban
Deadline: Tuesday, 17 May, 2011 22:00PM
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Cnuofesd | ghadhean, Tanabear, rissarissa13, poppopmimi | 4 | Lotsofgoats, master2482, Hazarath |
Bdmidnight | AhoyLindsay | 1 | ghadhean, riku743, Talisker |
JustinMickey | 0 | Hazarath, Quitex | |
Abstain | 0 | master2482 | |
Investigate: Cnuofesd | Quitex, riku743, Hazarath, Lotsofgoats | 4 | |
Investigate: Bdmidnight | JustinMickey | 1 | Tanabear, rissarissa13, Hazarath, Lotsofgoats, poppopmimi |
Investigate: anchovygirl | Cnuofesd | 1 | Bdmidnight |
Investigate: Dylplomat | master2482 | 1 | |
(No Vote) | Luvessy, Bdmidnight | 2 |
Votes in Round 3: Smileo lynched, anchovygirl banned
Deadline: Saturday, 14 May, 2011 22:00PM
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
smileo | Justinmickey, anchovygirl, riku743, Ghadhean, Cnuofesd, Hazarath, Talisker, poppopmimi | 8 | AhoyLindsay, Quitex |
Cnuofesd | Quitex | 1 | |
rissarissa13 | 0 | Ghadhean, Hazarath, Quitex | |
Investigate: rissarissa13 | LotsofGoats | 1 | master2482 |
Investigate: smileo | master2482, Tanabear, AhoyLindsay, Luvessy | 4 | |
Abstain | rissarissa13 | 1 | |
(No Vote) | Bdmidnight, Luvessy, smileo | 3 |
Votes in Round 2: Dylplomat lynched, no ban
Deadline: Wednesday, 11 May, 2011 22:00PM
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Dylplomat | LotsofGoats, poppopmimi, anchovygirl, master2482, Hazarath | 5 | anchovygirl, riku743, Quitex |
master2482 | AhoyLindsay, Dylplomat, Tanabear | 3 | |
lcawte | Luvessy | 1 | |
Hazarath | 0 | riku743, Quitex | |
riku743 | 0 | Tanabear | |
Quitex | 0 | Hazarath | |
Investigate: anchovygirl | rissarissa13, smileo, Talisker, Quitex | 4 | Dylplomat |
Investigate: Dylplomat | Ghadhean, riku743 | 2 | Talisker |
Abstain | 0 | Dylplomat | |
(No vote) | Bdmidnight, lcawte, Cnuofesd | 3 |
Votes in Round 1: No lynch, no ban
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Abstain | master2482, AhoyLindsay, Lotsofgoats, Quitex, rissarissa13, poppopmimi, Tanabear, Talisker | 8 | |
Tanabear | 0 | master2483 | |
Quitex | ghadhean, Hazarath | 2 | |
Investigate: Quitex | Dylplomat, smileo | 1,1 | Tanabear |
(No vote) | anchovygirl, Bdmidnight, Cnuofesd, Icawte, Luvessy, riku743 | 6 |
Game Links