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Arrrmageddon 2006
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Familiars Owned

Crew Title
Monster Hunter
Navy Rank

Cyclist was a pirate who inhabited the Emerald Ocean. His pirate on meridian was called Moomintroll.

On 11th February '25, he charted his final course and set sail, departing the Havens for oceans anew.

He was a fleet officer in the crew The Royal United Navy, and a member of the fine flag The Last Navy. He could be found sailing the fierce waves far out to sea, clobbering various unsuspecting brigands on the noggin and relieving them of their vast riches; or perhaps in an inn, drinking deep into the night, rattling off yarns to eager listeners, in his chair by the fire. He was a keen Spades player, and might often have been heard announcing a game by yelling "Spades!" into the immediate environs with varying numbers of exclamation marks.

Previous incarnations

  • On Meridian, Moomintroll was previously known as Youngking before the 16th February 2014. Prior to the ocean merge, he could be found on the Viridian Ocean.
  • On Emerald, Cyclist was previously known as Youngkingtwo before the 28th July 2019.

Meridian history

Youngking was washed ashore on Fintan Island on the Viridian Ocean on 17th March '06. He later relocated to the Jade Archipelago for access to the more populated islands.

His first proper crew was Colombia Fighter. Here he began to learn the ways of pirate life under the fine tutelage of Yuduys and his captain, Simno, who has since made a return to the ocean.

Wanting to see what life in the larger crews would be like, he joined Hellas as an officer and worked his way up to senior officer. He was also made lord of the flag Spartans.

After a short break from the game, Youngking became a prince of Greek Spartans. He subsequently left for Chaos's Destiny, in which he also became a prince. Youngking took up the captainship of Hellas from its former captain, Crx, on the 10th of March 2009. At some time during his tenure he accidentally sailed a standard sloop pillage through an active blockade, but was able to support by sinking flagsitters and still port the pillage at the end.

Youngking became a one-eyed lunatic on the morning of the 20th of June 2011, having swum ashore during the glorious attempted defence of Garden Cradle against Puzzleholics Anonymous.

Youngking joined the fine crew Vengeance of Poseidon, under the captaincy of Virani, sometime during April 2012. He later took up the captaincy himself in May 2012, and became a royal of the flag Coherent Insanity the following month. However in August he stepped down, both as captain and as royal, to focus on real life matters.

He lost the use of his left hand at around 7pm in the Crimson Island blockade on the evening of the 27th May 2012. This did not inconvenience Youngking too much, however, given that all pirates are right-handed so far as swordfighting and rumble are concerned.

In 2013 Youngking joined many crews, notably Exodus and Shaken not Stirred. Additionally, he joined forces with GOGL and captain Golfboy for the summer of 2013. He settled down as proud member of The Rum Rats in autumn 2013.

Youngking lost his right leg on the 15th February 2014, during the attempted takeover of Cochineal Island by the mighty Rum Soaked Devils. Initially it was thought that Minishark had eaten it, but no blame can be attached because Minishark was definitely offline at the time.

Youngking changed his name to Moomintroll on the 16th February 2014 to reflect his fondness for the novels by Tove Jansson.

In late 2015 he took up a position as senior officer in Ocean Blue captained by Justc.

Emerald history

Moomintroll made the hop to the Emerald Ocean sometime in 2017-18, where he was to be found dabbling in occasional spades wizardry and PvP shenanigans as his alter-ego Youngkingtwo. He was cornered by Indahl of The Royal Pearl in April 2018 and joined the Knights.

He joined Whiteshaddow and the good folks of The Forgotten (with Paradice Empire) in their quest for treasure, fame, and piratey riches in spring 2019.

In summer 2019 he joined forces with the (not so) rag-tag bunch of scoundrels going by the name of League of Shadows, who happened to be the largest crew at the time. He spent his time doing his best to drive the crew members crazy, and gunned for the occasional blockade.

He changed his pirate name to Cyclist on the 28th July 2019 to reflect his interest in cycling (and because he can't claim to be young anymore!)

In October 2019 he hopped briefly into Bring Back YPP, also a member of League of Shadows, before joining Sassperilla and the other Privateers under the banner of Black Flag.

In 2023 joined forces with The Royal United Navy which flies the flag of The Last Navy. He occasionally forgets which one is the crew and which is the flag.


He strives to collect as many historically-themed renamed vessels as possible. One acquisition he is most proud of is a war brig named for the legendary Vengeur du Peuple. Another is a fanchuan, the SS Great Britain, named for the first iron steamship to make the Atlantic crossing.

He is ridiculously fond of the gunnery puzzle and has occasionally been seen gunning in blockades, as well as on small vessels for crew pillages. He enjoys friendly competition with fellow gunners but is not the greatest fan of gun-sitting, training the gunnery stat with the navy, or exiting part way through a board; he believes that the best gunner is one able to load quickly and efficiently across a variety of boards in the heat of battle.

When he is not at sea, he can often be found parked at a Spades table (please don't give him a ticket).

As a keen PvPer, he has long wanted to be able to run searches for crew ships in more interesting ways. For instance, he has been asked many times by crewmates where the nearest ship of a particular kind to a particular island is, only to have to reply that he does not know. To this end he released Where's That Ship, a third-party tool which lets pirates do just that.

Cyclist, during a cycling break, briefly contributed to the maintenance and development of Jonykiller's Cadesim project (now reborn as the Global Cadesim).

He has recently started playing hearts - which he views as the most savage non contact sport the piratey world has ever seen!


Some commonly asked questions about the pirate.

Why Youngking?

Having gladly ran/escaped from a previous MMORPG, I decided to carry on using the same user handle.

Why Youngkingtwo?

On arrival to Emerald, there was already a Youngking on that ocean.

Why Moomintroll?

The endless puns related to all things cow, steak, and mint-icecream.

Why Cyclist?

Four Wheels Good, Two Wheels Better.

Who's Therobotdude?

A shadowy character. Some pirates say he once was a pirate who did not hear the cannon shots that night and became a machine; others argue he is a robot which has picked up a degree of sentience throughout the years. He lurks in the shadows, ever watching our Hero and documenting his adventures, weapon of choice the ink and quill. He never sleeps, never deviates from WP:NPOV, and will never stop until he has added all of our Hero's escapades to the wiki.

Why do you have this FAQ?

In 100 years my ego might feed itself. It hasn't really evolved that far yet, though.

Favourite puzzle

Hunting down player ships - but that's not really a puzzle. Gunnery!

When will you post that gunnery video that you promised?

Sorry Biwegas!

What is your favorite color?


My pirates tend to wear pink/aqua, apparently these are Moomintroll colors. Kudos to Astonishing (...Pirate Hunter extraordinare, Revealer of Identities, Uncoverer of Secrets, Grand High Assessor of Pirate Fashion Trends, Master of Turn-based Team Trick-Taking card games, Purveyor of the very Finest Blue Bear Hats, etc...) who was able to identify me based on my outfit colors, despite the passage of several years, a new ocean and a new name!

How many pirate years be upon ye?

I first scuttled out of the seas around the Ides of March, 2006.

Do you buy doubloons?

Only once - I'd forgotten to buy birthday gift for Curlypearly!