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For intra-archipelago routes, the star will be the color of the archipelago. For inter-archipelago charts, the star will be the color of the originating archipelago; the secondary color will be that of the destination archipelago.

A chart is an item that describes a route between two adjacent islands. A map describes a route between an island and a Sea Monster lair or between an island and an expedition point.

Charts and maps can be held in the charts section of a pirate's inventory or on the navigation table of a ship. However, they can be placed or removed from the navigation table only by the deed holder or by someone ranked fleet officer or above in the deed holder's crew.

The different type of charts and maps

Charts (including inter-archipelago ones) can be wrapped; maps can not be wrapped.

The colors of league points described by charts or maps vary according to the type of chart or map, and whether or not the points have been memorized. For more information, see: league point.

Island charts

Island charts may be bought at shipyards or shipyard stalls from the current island to any neighbouring island in the same archipelago. The price of these charts is believed to be relative to the measurable distance of the route [1]. Charts between islands with no shipyards on both sides (so that no charts can be bought, uncolonized islands also count) or between archipelagos must be pillaged from brigands, or bought privately from other players.

Forum threads to list rare charts for purchase or sale in each of the oceans can be found here:

In order for a ship to sail, a course must first be charted. This course goes from the current island or league point to the final island destination. For the course to be valid, the league points used must either be on a chart on the table, in the pirate's inventory, or memorized by the pirate doing the charting.

Route difficulty

When maps are viewed in Yer known world or the navigation table, the route difficulty of the route is indicated by shading — the darker the league point, the more dangerous the waters.

Decay notes

Inter-archipelago island charts have a decay rate of 90 days. Intra-archipelago island charts (i.e.: charts for routes within the same archipelago) have a decay rate of 45 days. When island charts have expended around half their lifespan, the chart icon changes to a more tattered version; this can be used to judge how soon a chart will turn old.

Charts on a ship's navigation table will decay based on real (i.e. calendar) days. Charts in a pirate's inventory will decay based on log-in days.

Sea Monster Hunt maps

Examples of Sea Monster Hunt maps. In order: Atlantis, Cursed Isles, Haunted Seas

Sea Monster Hunt maps are (as of June 2014) the only way that a ship can gain access to one of the four Sea Monster Hunt voyage types: Atlantis, the Cursed Isles, the Haunted Seas, and the Kraken lair. These maps can be won in pillaging battles, from chart boxes, from black boxes (on rare occasion), and one person will always win one from a fray with skellies, zombies, or werewolves.

To use the map to chart its course, it must be placed on the chart table of a ship to which the map owner has access. Atlantis, the Cursed Isles, and the Haunted Seas put the ship at risk of sinking, so to travel to these destinations the ship's lock must be set to "battle ready" if the officer who is charting does not hold the deed. The officer may then chart a course to the location shown on the map. After a course has been charted in this way, the vessel can be configured for "Sea Monster Hunting". This causes any jobs posted to the notice board to reflect the intent of the voyage.

The map cannot be removed from the vessel while a ship is charted to a Sea Monster Hunt location, or while the ship is at the location itself. If a vessel is sunk during a Sea Monster Hunt, then the map is lost along with the ship.

Sea Monster Hunt maps often include unique league points that cannot be found on any ordinary island charts. These unique league points cannot be memorized.

Decay notes

Sea Monster Hunt maps have a decay rate of eight (8) days. Unlike most items, they decay in eight calendar days, not login days.

It should be noted that Sea Monster Hunt destinations exist for only a set period of time, which is why these maps always decay based on calendar days and can not be wrapped.

Dark Seas only Obsidian Ocean

Sea Monster Hunt maps spawn differently on the Dark Seas. Each week, starting on Saturday, a different Sea Monster Hunt map will be available from frays and sea battles. Only one type of map will drop each week. However, given the 8-day lifespan of the maps, each SMH type will actually be available for about two weeks at a time.

Map Calendar
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Mar 24 Mar 25 Mar 26 Mar 27 Mar 28 Mar 29 Mar 30
Kraken Atlantis
Mar 31 Apr 01 Apr 02 Apr 03 Apr 04 Apr 05 Apr 06
Atlantis Cursed Isles
Apr 07 Apr 08 Apr 09 Apr 10 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 13
Cursed Isles Haunted Seas
Apr 14 Apr 15 Apr 16 Apr 17 Apr 18 Apr 19 Apr 20
Haunted Seas Kraken

Expedition maps

An expedition map allows an officer to chart a course to an expedition.

All expedition maps decay in calendar days. Explorers' hall maps age according to how long they have been on display before being bought. This means that maps purchasable from halls may have fewer days remaining than if they were obtained by other means (e.g. black boxes).

Brigand King compasses

Main article: Brigand King compass

Brigand King compasses are a type of expedition map, and can be purchased from explorers' halls. The prices of these compasses vary, depending on the Brigand King in question. Placing a Brigand King compass on a vessel's charting table will trigger an expedition for the particular Brigand King. The compass will disappear after the Brigand King has been faced in battle, regardless of the result.

Compasses decay in up to three (3) calendar days.

Imperial outpost

Examples of Imperial outpost maps in the 'Buy Charts' screen of the Explorers' hall.

Imperial outpost maps are acquired from an explorers' hall, and are available in different types which correspond to difficulties and payout levels. Maps decay in three calendar days from the time they show up in the shop and reduce in price until they are purchased as they decay. They come with three different variables:

Sinking type:

  • Non-sinking
  • Sinking

Fortification level (i.e.: Difficulty level):

  • Fledgling
  • Established
  • Fortified

Outpost size (i.e.: Number of opponents):

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Huge

Imperial outpost maps decay in up to three (3) calendar days.

For more information on which maps are best for a given situation, see: Imperial outpost

Viking raid

Viking raid maps are acquired from an explorers' hall, and are available in different types which correspond to difficulties and payout levels. Maps decay in three calendar days from the time they show up in the shop and reduce in price until they are purchased as they decay. They come with three different variables:

Puzzle type:

  • Swordfight
  • Rumble

Fortification level (i.e.: Difficulty level):

  • Fledgling
  • Established
  • Fortified

Outpost size (i.e.: Number of opponents):

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Huge

Viking raid maps decay in up to three (3) calendar days.

For more information on which maps are best for a given situation, see: Viking raid

Vampire Reliquary

A Vampire reliquary is a compass that can be obtained from Vampirate frays or from black boxes. Placing a vampire reliquary on a vessel's charting table will trigger an expedition for Vampirate vessels. The compass will disappear after the Vampirates have been faced in battle, regardless of the result.

Wolf-skull Wayfinder

A Wolf-skull Wayfinder is a compass that can be obtained from Werewolf frays. Placing a wolf-skull wayfinder on a vessel's charting table will trigger an expedition for werewolf vessels. The compass will disappear after the werewolves have been faced in battle, regardless of the result.

Other expeditions

Pirates can acquire maps for buried treasure, shipwreck, and yeti sighting expeditions, as well.

Historical notes

External/other links