
From YPPedia
(Redirected from Poemail)
The first PoEmail.

PoEmail was a newsletter periodically sent out for Three Rings by SubscriberMail. When signing up with an account to play Puzzle Pirates, players were automatically subscribed to PoEmail. As of June 2008, it has been "renamed" to The Spyglass,[1] which takes on a new format. Existing PoEmail subscribers were automatically added to the main Spyglass mailing list.

Previous PoEmails

The sixteenth edition of PoEmail was sent on February 9, 2008. The main feature was the release of Y!PP game cards. It also included a feature on new treasures appearing in Atlantis, Valentine's trinkets, Boxing and a gift of 1,000 PoE from Cleaver.

The seventeenth edition of PoEmail was sent March, 15, 2008. The main feature was the addition of the Xebec to the lineup of available ships. Also featured were mint, rose, & lavender cloth, the winners of the 2008 Easter egg design contest, and the opening of the new Y!PP store in partnership with PirateMod.com

The eighteenth edition of PoEmail was sent on June 4, 2008. The main feature was the opening of new ocean Malachite. Also featured were limited edition light green Mala-cats, Light green and Magenta cloth being added, a new portrait background being added and the winners of the A Sailor's Yarn contest.


The footer included at the bottom of all PoEmails.

All official editions of PoEmail carried the OOO footer. Emails were from PuzzlePirates@mail136.subscribermail.com. Links to free gifts such as PoE and items took readers to a website at http://www.puzzlepirates.com, which never asked for a password.

PoEmail Gallery


PoEmail Content Arrchive (2006)

PoEmail Image Arrchive (2006)

PoEmail Content Arrchive (2007)

PoEmail Image Arrchive (2007)


You can unsubscribe from PoEmail via the link at the bottom of the PoEmail. However, be warned that after you unsubscribe you may not be able to resubscribe due to how the company hired to handle PoEmails works.[7]

See Also

The Spyglass