Rogue OM Squad/ROMSIII Dead Thread
The following is the transcription of the Dead Thread for Rogue OM Squad III (ROMSIII).
The ROMSIII DT was originally in the format of a Google Document. Players used makeshift delimiters to approximate posts and prefaced 'posts' with their names to indicate who was speaking. To enhace readability, the thread is presented in a table with clearer delimiters and attribution.
The original thread can be found here. It was hosted by Lyaka. This was the second Dead Thread and the last to be hosted as a Google Document. Read about its origins here.
The roots of the Voting Record table can be seen in this document, as well as the plans for a postcount table.
Lyaka, BehindCurtain, Taelac, Hohumdiddly, Flutie (Celiatr), Eguee, Samtheboy, Sashamorning, Mum (CandyK), Crazee (Crazeecolin), Abi (Abiona), QoT (QueenOfTarts), raNa (RaNazUra), Ghadhean, Swordmaster (SM_Forums), Argemone, MeegerMary, Shaimus
Original Document Header
Below we shall madly pick apart the Rogue strategy.
Format is the same as in the ROMS2 Dead Thread, namely:
[My Name]: ......(discussion goes here)
The use of separator bars between 'posts' is also encouraged :)
Remember Da Rules:
1.) No admitting you're a Rogue until after the fifth round guessing game; then, still no outing of Rogues until after the tenth round guessing game; then, as you please. (People already outed to the town as Rogues are not restrained by this rule.)
2.) No revealing anything that goes on here to the live ones!
Beyond that, anything goes!
The transcription of the ROMSIII Dead Thread has been broken into several pages due to length.