Vargas the Mad

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Vargas the Mad
Vargas the Mad
Icon monarch.png
Trophy link.png
Portrait link.png
Vargas der Irre
Trophy link.png
Portrait link.png
Vargas el Loco
Trophy link.png
Portrait link.png

Vargas the Mad is one of the original five Brigand Kings introduced to the game in April 2006. So far it appears that he is the sole king to exclusively rumble, technically making him a Barbarian King. He is captain of the crew Circle of Madness and king of the flag The Enlightened on all English oceans. On the Opal Ocean he goes by the name Vargas der Irre and is captain of the crew Zirkel des Wahnsinns and king of the flag Die Erleuchteten. On the Jade Ocean, he is named Vargas el Loco, and is captain of the crew Círculo de la locura and king of the flag El Iluminado.

As part of 2008 Halloween events, Vargas made his first appearance in-game. Hints were given in a form of riddle on various nights which was related to him. Not only that, he left a statue of himself during the Masquerade Ball event, which then leads to the introduction of Cursed Isles.

He leads the cultists in the Cursed Isles and occasionally appears there for rumble fights.

Note: While there have been posts in the forum done under the guise of the Brigand Kings, these are unofficial postings made by players that are not Ocean Masters or any other Three Rings or Grey Havens staff and are not approved.

In battle

Vargas the Mad
All of Vargas's swabbies are bald, including the females.
Engagement chants:
  • Brace yourself! Vargas the Mad and his barbaric horde are looking for a rumble!
  • Vargas the Mad says, "Hehehe! Looking for a bit of a fight are we? Wonderful! We all just ran out of things to smash!"

Disengagement chant:
Player disengage:

  • Vargas the Mad says, "Run away! Hehehe, run away! Hide under the ocean, behind the sun or beneath the tiniest seashell! I will find you pirates!"

Vargas disengage:

  • Vargas the Mad says, "I can hear it, hehehe! Their song is in the air once more! Set a course for their enchanting song!"

Grappling chant:

  • Vargas the Mad says, "Time to break a few necks lads! Hehehe!"

Death chant:

  • Vargas the Mad says, "Things are getting a bit dark around here mates... seems the dream world is calling. Crack a few skulls for me!"

Defeat chants:

  • Vargas the Mad says, "No! No! No! We cannot lose! If we do they will come for us! They will comes for us all!"
  • Vargas the Mad says, "Very well, I shall give each of yer dedicated hands one <''Insert trinket name''> in ransom for my release."

Victory chant:

  • Vargas the Mad says, "Hehehe, another mighty good brawl we had! The icing on the trout is that we take all your shiny coins and the like!"
Vargus the Mad

Governed islands

Island News:

  • By decree of the owner of this island, Vargas the Mad, every inhabitant will perform a solemn duty corresponding to the day of the week:
    • Monday: Each citizen must harass all of the island's sleeping turtles.
    • Tuesday: Each citizen must wear a fez in one of three colors: maroon, brown or blue.
    • Wednesday: Each citizen must rumble at least three times with a fish.
    • Thursday: Each citizen must contemplate their madness till enlightened.
    • Friday: Each citizen must participate in a mock naval battle commemorating the victory of Vargas over Finius.
    • Saturday: Each citizen must juggle at least seven fruit simultaneously. Rambutan are not acceptable juggling fruit.
    • Sunday: Each citizen must toss a caber at least 10 yards.
    Those found in dereliction of these duties will be forced to spin until they come to their senses.

Palace News:

  • Welcome, swellcome, glitter me timbers! Here's a palace for Vargas if he ever remembers! Think ye on this though, afore leavin' me isle: gold fuels me madness so drop some on the pile!

Shop News:

  • Wiggle, wiggle little worms! Bumble-bee buzzers crawling like germs! Bang and clatter and hammer and make, slither and blather - making things for my sake!


A flotilla league point as seen from the targeting screen.
Flotilla icon Vargas the Mad.png

Vargas the Mad's flotilla icon as seen on Yer known world.

Trinkets and furniture

Grimoire page
Jigsaw puzzle piece
Reading pipe
Scientific tome
Siren's comb
Vargas the Mad doll
Grimoire page Jigsaw puzzle piece Reading pipe Scientific tome Siren's comb Vargas the Mad
Royal carpet (Vargas the Mad)
Vargas the Mad banner
Vargas the Mad egg
Royal carpet
(Vargas the Mad)
Vargas the Mad
Vargas the Mad

Current flotilla position

Cerulean Emerald Meridian Obsidian
League point Vargas the Mad2.png
Wensleydale (Emerald).png
League point Vargas the Mad2.png
League point Vargas the Mad2.png
This Brigand King does not currently have a flotilla on Cerulean. It might be busy blockading or in hiding. Currently 1 league point(s) southwest of Wensleydale. This Brigand King does not currently have a flotilla on Meridian. It might be busy blockading or in hiding. This Brigand King does not currently have a flotilla on Obsidian. It might be busy blockading or in hiding.
Edit flotilla locations

Icon Brigand King Crew Flag Trinkets and Eggs
Flotilla icon Admiral Finius.png Admiral Finius Cadre of His Ultimate Magnificence Fleet of his Imperial Scaled Highness
Flotilla icon Azarbad the Great.png Azarbad the Great Flame of Might The All-Consuming Flame
Flotilla icon Barnabas the Pale.png Barnabas the Pale Eldritch Abyss Chthonic Horde
Flotilla icon Brynhild Skullsplitter.png Brynhild Skullsplitter Thanes of the Frost-daughter Ice Wyrm's Brood
Flotilla icon Gretchen Goldfang.png Gretchen Goldfang Evil Eye Jinx
Flotilla icon Madam Yu Jian.png Madam Yu Jian Warriors of the Jade Sword The Jade Empire
Flotilla icon Vargas the Mad.png Vargas the Mad Circle of Madness The Enlightened
Flotilla icon The Widow Queen.png The Widow Queen Silken Sirens Black Veil