Rogue OM Squad 8.75
From YPPedia
[hide]- 1 Color Key
- 2 Players
- 3 Current Deadline: Game Over - Rogues Win
- 3.1 Votes in Round 11: Daleenmarine lynched
- 3.2 Votes in Round 10: Fungus06 lynched, AhoyLindsay banned
- 3.3 Votes in Round 9: No lynch, Sundancer banned
- 3.4 Votes in Round 8: Aahsjpw lynched, Taelac banned
- 3.5 Votes in Round 7: No lynch, no ban
- 3.6 Votes in Round 6: Estam lynched, no ban
- 3.7 Votes in Round 5: No lynch, Searmin banned
- 3.8 Votes in Round 4: Lanndser lynched, No ban
- 3.9 Votes in Round 3: Massiah lynched, No ban
- 3.10 Votes in Round 2: No Lynch, No ban
- 3.11 Votes in Round 1: No lynch, No ban
- 4 Proxy Record
- 5 Voting Record
- 6 Posting Record
- 7 Game Links
Color Key
- Names in purple were lynched but innocent
- Names in orange were banned by Rogue OMs
- Names in green are confirmed Rogue OMs
- Names in blue left, for any other reason, and were replaced by other players
- Names in brown left, for whatever reason, without replacement
- Names in red were neutral players
Remaining Players (5): Aethera21, Cabbit, Godssniper, Jolyma, Maialiana
Lynched Players (6): Massiah, Lanndser, Estam, Aahsjpw, Fungus06, Daleenmarine
Banned Players (6): Searmin, Taelac, Sundancer, AhoyLindsay
Removed Players (7): Rascal84 (replaced by Lotsofgoats), Abiona (replaced by Estam), fatfriar (replaced by AhoyLindsay), Quitex (status revealed by mod, no replacement), Limeysmum (replaced by Aahsjpw), Ebonrain (status revealed by mod, no replacement), Lotsofgoats (status revealed by mod, no replacement)
Current Deadline: Game Over - Rogues Win
Votes in Round 11: Daleenmarine lynched
Current to post 824
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Daleenmarine | Aethera21, Maialiana, Godssniper | 3 | |
Aethera21 | Daleenmarine | 1 | |
Godssniper | Cabbit | 1 | |
Total Votes | Daleenmarine, Cabbit, Aethera21, Maialiana, Godssniper | 5 | |
(No vote) | Jolyma | 1 |
Votes in Round 10: Fungus06 lynched, AhoyLindsay banned
Current to post 797
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Fungus06 | Cabbit, Jolyma, AhoyLindsay, Daleenmarine, Maialiana | 5 | |
Cabbit | Aethera21, Fungus06 | 2 | |
Total Votes | Cabbit, Aethera21, Jolyma, AhoyLindsay, Fungus06, Daleenmarine, Maialiana | 7 | |
(No vote) | Godssniper, Lotsofgoats | 2 |
Votes in Round 9: No lynch, Sundancer banned
Current to post 758
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Fungus06 | Jolyma, Lotsofgoats (proxy by Jolyma), AhoyLindsay | 3 | |
Maialiana | Aethera21, Fungus06 | 2 | |
Total Votes | Aethera21, Jolyma, Lotsofgoats (proxy by Jolyma), Fungus06, AhoyLindsay | 5 | |
(No vote) | Cabbit, Daleenmarine, Godssniper, Maialiana, Sundancer | 5 |
Votes in Round 8: Aahsjpw lynched, Taelac banned
Current to post 717
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Aahsjpw | Aethera21, Taelac, Jolyma, Lotsofgoats, Godssniper, AhoyLindsay, Maialiana, fungus06, daleenmarine, Sundancer, Cabbit, Aahsjpw | 12 | |
Taelac | 0 | Aahsjpw | |
Total Votes | Aahsjpw, Aethera21, Taelac, Jolyma, Lotsofgoats, Godsniper, AhoyLindsay, Maialana, fungus06, daleenmarine, Sundancer, Cabbit, Aahsjpw | 12 | |
(No vote) | 0 |
Votes in Round 7: No lynch, no ban
Current to post 660
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Aahsjpw | Lotsofgoats, Jolyma, Sundancer, Godssniper, Aethera21 | 5 | |
Taelac | aahsjpw, Maialiana, daleenmarine, AhoyLindsay | 4 | |
Maialiana | Taelac | 1 | |
Total Votes | Aahsjpw, Maialiana, Lotsofgoats, Jolyma, Taelac, Sundancer, Daleenmarine, Godssniper, AhoyLindsay, Aethera21 | 10 | |
(No vote) | Cabbit, EbonRain, Fungus06 | 3 |
Votes in Round 6: Estam lynched, no ban
Current to post 629
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Estam | Fungus06, Taelac, Jolyma, Sundancer, Cabbit | 5 | |
Cabbit | Aethera21, AhoyLindsay | 2 | |
Aethera21 | Daleenmarine | 1 | |
Taelac | Lotsofgoats | 1 | |
Maialiana | 0 | Sundancer | |
Total Votes | Fungus06, Taelac, Daleenmarine, Aethera21, Sundancer, AhoyLindsay, Jolyma, Sundancer, Lotsofgoats, Cabbit | 9 | |
(No vote) | aahsjpw, EbonRain, Estam, Godssniper, Maialiana | 5 |
Votes in Round 5: No lynch, Searmin banned
Current to post 523
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Limeysmum | Aethera21, Searmin | 2 | |
Abstain | Maialiana, Limeysmum | 2 | |
Quitex | Jolyma | 1 | Lotsofgoats |
Estam | Quitex | 1 | |
Fungus06 | Taelac | 1 | |
Taelac | AhoyLindsay | 1 | |
Total Votes | Maialiana, Jolyma, Quitex, Lotsofgoats, Lotsofgoats, Aethera21, Limeysmum, Taelac, AhoyLindsay, Searmin | 8 | Lotsofgoats |
(No vote) | Cabbit, Daleenmarine, EbonRain, Estam, Fungus06, Godssniper, Lotsofgoats, Sundancer | 8 |
Votes in Round 4: Lanndser lynched, No ban
Current to post 426
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Lanndser | Taelac, Limeysmum (proxy by Taelac), Aethera21, Godssniper (proxy by Aethera21) | 4 | |
Fatfriar | Jolyma | 1 | |
Quitex | Lotsofgoats | 1 | |
Abstain | Cabbit, Sundancer | 2 | |
Total Votes | Jolyma, Taelac, Limeysmum (proxy by Taelac), Cabbit, Aethera21, Lotsofgoats, Sundancer, Godssniper (proxy by Aethera21) | 8 | |
(No vote) | Abiona, Daleenmarine, EbonRain, Fatfriar, Fungus06, Lanndser, Maialiana, Quitex, Searmin | 9 |
Votes in Round 3: Massiah lynched, No ban
Current to post post 356
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Massiah | Lotsofgoats, Limeysmum, Searmin, Fungus06, Cabbit, Lanndser, Maialiana, Jolyma, Aethera21, Taelac, Sundancer, Godssniper, Daleenmarine | 13 | |
Taelac | Massiah | 1 | |
Abiona | Quitex | 1 | |
Total Votes | Lotsofgoats, Limeysmum, Searmin, Fungus06, Massiah, Cabbit, Lanndser, Maialiana, Jolyma, Aethera21, Taelac, Sundancer, Quitex, Godssniper, Daleenmarine | 15 | |
(No vote) | Abiona, EbonRain, Fatfriar | 3 |
Votes in Round 2: No Lynch, No ban
Current to post 245
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Massiah | Cabbit, Abiona, Godssniper, Fatfriar, Ebonrain | 5 | |
Lanndser | Taelac, Aethera21, Daleenmarine, Massiah | 4 | |
Abstain | Jolyma, Sundancer, Maialiana | 3 | |
Abiona | Quitex | 1 | |
Godssniper | Searmin | 1 | |
Taelac | 0 | Massiah | |
Total Votes | Cabbit, Abiona, Godssniper, Quitex, Fatfriar, Jolyma, Taelac, Aethera21, Massiah, Searmin, Daleenmarine, Massiah, Ebonrain, Sundancer, Maialiana | 14 | |
(No vote) | Fungus06, Lanndser, Limeysmum, Lotsofgoats | 4 |
Votes in Round 1: No lynch, No ban
Current to post 118
Name | Votes | # of votes | (Unvotes) |
Abstain | Lotsofgoats, Abiona, Sundancer, Aethera21, Godssniper, Searmin, Cabbit | 7 | |
Massiah | Taelac | 1 | Quitex |
Searmin | Daleenmarine | 1 | |
Total Votes | Quitex, Quitex, Lotsofgoats, Taelac, Daleenmarine, Abiona, Sundancer, Aethera21, Godssniper, Searmin, Cabbit | 9 | Quitex |
(No vote) | Ebonrain, Fatfriar, Fungus06, Jolyma, Lanndser, Limeysmum, Maialiana, Massiah, Quitex | 9 |
Proxy Record
Player Name | Proxy Holder | Status | Valid through |
Lotsofgoats | Aethera21 , Daleenmarine | Reclaimed | April 20 5pm |
Voting Record
To view the voting record, please click show to expand
Posting Record
To view the posting record, please click show to expand
Game Links